
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs


Door knock!!!

Lola stood up and open the door, to her surprised Larry was standing in front of their hostel door

" Hi Larry," Lola said and ask him why he was there and he gave her a big smile

" Did you forget we have group work to do" Larry reply with a smile out of the side of his face

" Did you also forget you are in the girl's hostel?" Lola asked Larry shook his head and enter without uttering a word, Lola glanced at both sides of the hostel and shut the door by then Bianca was also in the room, Larry sat on Lola's bed

" Hi guys, let's hurry up and name our group a name" Larry explains and Bianca brings a suggestion

" We can give our group 4f, what did you think," Bianca asked

" We are not friends, how can you give our group 4f "Liz's voice was hard and Lola try to explain

" It means four friends"

" We are not friends and I can't be friends with you guys because am different from you" Liz yells at them.

" What did you mean," Lola asked why her softness faded from her face and the hardness returned

" Yes we can never be friends" Liz reply

"It's okay, I understand what she is saying "Bianca raise her voice and lowered her eye "Am poor, my parent was poor...I try to keep this secret but it was obvious...am sorry I have to go" Bianca stood up and walk out.

(Bianca scene)

Bianca lost her father when she was seven years and her mother struggle to take care of her by working as a waiter in a restaurant, she try to live like other children but no one support her education except her single mother, every year she keep on applying for f.m.s but she was not accepted still yet she continues applying for favorite musical school until she was given admission and her mother support her.

When Bianca got admission to favorite musical high school she doesn't have any hope to attend the school because the money was too much for her mother to afford until her mother gave her a sum of money she also works at a Maine so she can pay for the school fees.

Light shine at the hostel Lola was mad at Liz

" You are too full of yourself, who the hell did you think you are, maybe you think you are the richest here but no....am sure we can never be friends " Lola stoop up and walk to the door " Also you can leave our group " her voice was hard and she walks out and runs after Bianca, Liz grunted and was about to talk but Larry didn't allow her to say anything

" The first time I saw you, I thought you are different from other girls, but that was my mistake, you are the worsted girl I ever met in this campus" Larry stood up and walk out, Liz was hurt by Larry's words she was frustrated and lay down on her bed

Light shine at Bianca seating on the bench side of the hostel she lowered her face and starts crying, Lola moves closer to her and sits beside her

"It's okay...let okay let forgive Liz, that was how she knows how to behave" Lola try to claim Bianca but she was hurt by Liz's words she also tries to hide her feeling but Lola know she was pretending

" I don't even know your family was poor until you narrate everything back in the room, I thought your father was also a big man...am sorry about that Bianca" Lola explained and Bianca raise her head

" You are the first person to treat me as human" Bianca cried out

" Yes my father was a politician, but that doesn't mean those who don't have are not human, so I won't you to forgive Liz and move on " Lola explain and Bianca gave her a hug

" Thank you so much" Bianca appreciate her.

" Hmmm" Larry clears his throat from the stairs case and they both sit well, he walks toward them

" Bianca don't think about that rude girl, she doesn't have manners" Larry was mad at Liz

" Hey, it's okay don't bad mouth my roommate,e, and don't forget she is still my roommate " Lola jokes and they all laughed.

After the conversation between the three friends, they all went to their department

Light fade

The next morning Liz stood up from her bed and noticed Lola has left, she rushed to the washroom after some minutes she was done and walk out of the room.

Light shone in the lecture room Liz enter the class and saw Lola seating alone she walk towards her and was about to sit "You can't sit here" Lola was hard at her

" Someone was sitting here" Lola explain, not long Bianca enter the lecture room walk towards them, and seat beside Lola, Liz was frustrated, she turn back and sit somewhere else, after the class Lola and Bianca went to submit the group name to the professor.

Since then she has been regretting her action and also looking for a way to apologize but she doesn't know how to face Bianca and her roommate.

many days passed Lola was still mad at her roommate they do their thing separately but Liz was not satisfied with that because she want to be friends with her roommate, Liz sat alone under a tree at the school compound, she was bored, and she doesn't have friends to play or gist with and she remembers back home.

Whenever Liz was bored her father will do anything for her to be happy, sometimes he will give her an international passport to travel to any country, but the school won't allow her to go home or else they vacation, it now a month she hasn't seen her father also had issues with her roommate and now she realizes that everything is not about the money she needs a friend to mingle with.

Liz stood from the bench, on her way going back to the hostel, suddenly one of the two girls standing beside a car, packed by one of the professors throw a bottle at her, Liz was frustrated and yelled at them the two girls walk to her and one of the girls stand behind her using the bottle on her hand to hit her head, Liz turn to her and gave her a hot slap, the other one was angry she was about to return the slap and a lady walk there and stop them

" Who are you," the lady who was about to slap Liz asked the lady standing in front of her

" O am Natasha..am also a new student " the lady introduces herself

" O it was you Natasha...you are jay girlfriend ":the girl standing behind Liz asked and Natasha nodded

" Let go," the girl standing behind Liz said and they left, Natasha walk to her and use her handkerchief to clean the wound on her forehead and gave her the handkerchief

" Sorry... that's how they are in campus and I hope they won't bully you again " Natasha apologize to her

" You can call me Natasha " she introduced herself and left with her two friends, Liz was just staring at her and she was completely lost in thought because Natasha was like an angel she was beautiful, she had a slender eyebrow a glossy skin, her eyes lashes were velvety with a molten- red hair.

Liz walk back to her room with the handkerchief and lay down on the bed.

The next morning Lola left the hostel early without checking on Liz, she was surprised to see Liz in the position she left her this morning and walk to check on her, that was when she noticed Liz was sick she run out to call on her friend Bianca when the two arrived in the room they rushed her to the hospital.

Light fade

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