
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

The new Intake

It was a beautiful sunny day in favorite musical high school the sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky, it was a bright and sunny day, and white fluffy clouds drifted across the clear blue sky, the intake drive into the school compound even some walk through the entrance gate with the lounges, they was a lively chatter also nice and new faces, a car park in front of school administration office and a bodyguard come out of the front seat, and open the door for his master

A lady come out of the car, she was very beautiful and also show she was bought up in a good home, she had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin, her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion, a pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes.

the lady walk into the admin office with her bodyguard, as she steps her foot at the visitor's waiting room a set of eyes set on her she was not nervous and knocked at the office door luckily a young handsome man open the door,

" Whatsup, how may I help you," the young man asked

" Am Liz by name, I hope you know more about me and also my arrival " the lady introduces herself

" O it was you the chairman's daughter," the young man asked, and Liz nod as yes

" You may come in" The young man stepped aside to let the maiden in, Liz collected her bags from her bodyguard and she enter the office.

( Scene one)

Favorites musical high school was a famous school that accepts students every two years, if students were given admission the person was lucky because the school was strict also discipline they didn't give admission to untalented students many people who were given admission were counted as lucky.

Liz was the only daughter of the chairman of music production who was popularly known as Tts, she had pride in being the only child of her father, she was talented also have a good voice, her father want her to be the next CEO of his company and he plan to send her to favorites musical school to have more knowledge of music, but Liz was not satisfy with that truly she love to sing but it was just her hobby her career was to be a medical doctor but her father was against her medical career, the school processing was done by her father she does not have choice to attend the school her father want her to go.

( At the administration office)

Light shine at the woman sitting behind the table looking at Liz who was standing in front of her

" You are welcome to our school, hope you love favorites musical high school," the woman asked

" Not really, it looks boring, no fun also am sure am the richest here " Liz reply proudly and the woman grunt

" Sorry, school is not for fun but to have more knowledge also every student here was was a good home " the woman reply to Liz's questions in the middle of their conversation one young lady brag in and call for the attention of the woman sitting in front of Liz

" Mrs. Michael, you have to come and see this" the lady explain Mrs. Michael asked her what is going on and the lady narrate the story, it was all about Liz's bodyguard, Liz tried to cover up for her bodyguard but Mrs. Michael was against it " you have no right to come with your bodyguard" Mrs. Michael explain but Liz grunt in frustration and yell at Mrs. Michael

" This is school, not your house" Mrs Michael explained

" O my gosh" Liz grunted in frustration and respond to her words "Did you call this a school, wonder shall never end, I hate everything about this school, music or whatsoever, I prefer going back home if my father won't against it" Liz was mad at mrs Michael but the woman can't stand her insult she was frustrated and yell at her " you are too full of yourself, miss Liz, how old are you," Mrs. Michael ask and Liz reply " am seventeen years "

" You are de same age as my daughter but she is not like you and am gonna call your dad if you keep doing this " She took her phone and dial Liz's dad's number and the call was picked up, Mrs Michael exchange greetings with Liz dad and she narrate everything to him, Liz dad asked mrs Michael to give her daughter the phone, Liz collect the phone and talk to her father she didn't utter a word and return the phone to Mrs Michael after a word with her father, Mrs Michael appreciate and end the call and drop her phone

" Now you are going to do as your father said, no bodyguard also the car you bought" Mrs. Liz explain and Liz bring out her hand, asking for her hostel key, Mrs Michael handover the key to her but Liz didn't wait to had mrs Michael advise and she walked out in frustration, she didn't know the way to her room and pass a wrong direction.

As soon she left a young guy one year older than her walked into the admin office, as soon he steps his foot at the waiting room eyes were set on him some of the visitors waiting to see mrs Michael bought out their phones and start taking a pic of him, the guy didn't mind and he knocked at the door and the door was open by the same young man as soon the young man set his eyes on him he didn't wait for him to introduce himself and shout his name " o my God I can't believe I can see you jay "

Jay was a popular upcoming musical, he hasn't won awards before but has his fans, he was handsome.

" Before you left please make sure we take a pic together," he ask for his favor, and Jay nodded as positively and he entered the office.

Light fade

Light shone at Liz she was lost doesn't know where the hostel was, because the school was too big for someone to get forfeited she was confused and sat on the bench under the tree with her lounges she bought her phone out to call her father and she had footsteps ended beside her she raises her head and sees this cute lady same age as her " hi am Bianca am a new student of this school" the girl introduce herself and she asked if she was lost, Liz nod also was tired of her question " am also going to the hostels I arrived this morning if you don't mind you can come with me...wait can I see your key" Bianca asked and Liz show her " wow we are neighbors am room 102 why you are 101 come let me take you to your room" Bianca was Jovian, she holds Liz lounges and drag it away, Liz stood up and run after her.

At room 101

" This is your room"

" You mean am going to stay here" Bianca knock on the door and a lady same age as them open the door "How may I help you" she gave them a smile

" Maybe we are lost again " Liz guest and the young lady sight at the key that Liz was holding

" I don't think so, you are my roommate am Lola by name " she replied, and Liz gasp she was confused and entered the room she was frustrated and screamed, seriously the room is big enough for two people to stay in but Liz was not satisfied because she has no one sharing room with back home and now she is going to stay with a roommate.

Light fade

Light shone at the admin office, Liz reported to the same woman she talk rudely too but mrs Michael was mad at her she know who she was, Liz was pretty rude mrs Michael didn't reply to her word and told her to get out of her office, Liz was angry and walk out.

It was 10 pm Liz was still at the school compound sitting on the bench under the tree, no one thought her a lesson and return to the hostels, when mosquitoes started biting her, she knocked at the door and Lola open the door and she enters without uttering words and jumped on Lola bed

" Excuse me that was my bed" Lola explain Liz stood up and walk to the bed far from Lola's bed and lay on it.