
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

The Ex's

Light shone in Natasha's room, she chatting with her friend on her phone when suddenly she had a knock on her door moreover she was scared because it was midnight and she didn't have a roommate to open the door for, she was scared and covered herself with a duva but the door kept sounding and she determines to check the person Natasha get down from the bed and took a bottle as a weapon she walks to the door like a cat 

" Who is there," she asked while her voice was vibrating

" Please open the door," the voice said, Natasha was scared and she begged the person to leave but the stranger insisted, Natasha ran to take her phone and she tried to call her friend but it was not reachable

" It was me Liz's roommate... please I need your help" Lisa introduced herself that was when Natasha was at peace she opened the door while till with the bottle

" Please help me I need your help" Lisa was weeping and Natasha was determined to help her she allowed her in and gave her a towel to take her bath, Lisa did everything and changed into one of Natasha's pajamas

" Why are you here" Natasha asked while Lisa was sitting on the bed and she cried out 

" Am sorry... Jay and I have been dating since the USA he promised to be with me and I came to this school all because of him.....what will you do if you are the one he broke is heart because of a new girl" Lisa asked depth she knows Natasha was jay ex-girlfriend but just trying to know her reaction

" I won't take it easy because he also broke my dear heart because of that useless called herself Liz" Natasha fell for her traps

" I will also fight for my love, will make sure she doesn't have him and be like us," Natasha said 

" Be like us.....or she will lose forever and regret loving him" Lisa replied 

" We have to teach her a lesson....first of all I need to use the bathroom when I come back we plan our next move," Natasha said and she walked to the bathroom

Lisa took Natasha's phone and she unlocked it because she saw her using her password early and she opened her Whatsapp messages and chat jay saying she had a new boyfriend trying to bad mouth her luckily Jay fell for it and wished her good luck, she deleted the chat and drop the phone as she has never touched it 

" I will make sure Jay hates all of you and will only be mine, she thought I liked her but am just playing games with her because everyone loves her on this campus, and am not yet famous....but soon I will because Jay will be my guy," she said and lay down on the bed.

Light shone on Natasha using a towel to dry her skin in the bathroom and she began to confess why she accepted Lisa in her room because Jay didn't want her anymore and she was still close to him, it was her opportunity to get close to him, Natasha drop her towel and walk out after wearing her pajamas

Light fade

The next day 

Liz and her friend were in the lecture room, the students were waiting for the exam paper, some were busy doing their makeup while some were busy with their dresses some were reading some guys were with a ball, and some girls her watching a video after some hours the professor in charge of the course came in and informed them the exam their have was not from paper but they are going to perform it, he apologizes for not telling them in time and told them to keep his secret but promise to give each student a mark the students were happy and they held up to the theater room

" Each of you has to do the project before the end of this exam which is one month, the project is about each of you being attached to the company you work with which means you are not going to stay in school for the one month and if you do good the company may give you a job forever and if you behave badly that the end of you in favorite musical school, so meet me in my office after three hours for your letter, have a good day student," the professor said and he Walks out.

Light fade

After three hours the students went back to the professor for their letter, the students were posted to different companies for their exam bianca and some students were attached to one company while Liz and some students were attached to another company 

" Bianca I will miss you....how can I do without you," Liz said 

" Also me, I wish I should see someone like you there" They both came out of the professor's office and they met Herin who was about to enter 

" Herin" Liz was surprised to see him

" It has been a long day since I saw you, "Herin said 

" Where have you been," Liz asked and she hugged him 

" I missed you... I thought you left the school also I message you but you didn't give me a reply.... what's wrong" Liz asked after she let go of him

" I went to visit my mom because I missed her" Herin explained 

" And you can't reply to my call," Liz asked

" Sorry I lost my phone, I was attacked the day I went home so the thieves took everything even my car" Herin explained 

" Am sorry" Liz apologizes

" It okay not your fault," Herin said and he hugged her again suddenly a voice chuckled, Liz let him go when she had the familiar voice and she turned to the direction where the voice was coming from, it was Jay he was coming for his letter and saw them hugging each other, he was angry and walk to the office without a word, herin knows they were dating and he excuses himself and walk into the office, jay collects his letter and walks out of the office after some minutes herin collected his letter and walk out of the office her was shocked to see jay standing beside the door he tried to avoid him but jay blocked him.

" What did you want," Herin asked 

" You are asking me when am here when you also know am here to give you a warning," Jay said and Herin raised his hand 

" Am done with her...I know she belongs to someone so I can't force myself or else I saw an opportunity to be his man" Herin said while he smiled at him and petted his shoulder then walked away

" Opportunity....that means if he knows we are fighting, I will make sure he never gets close to her," Jay said and walked away when he reached home, he called her and apologized instantly Liz accepted his apologies because she still loved him.

" Can we meet today?" Jay asked and Liz replied 

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