
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

You are mine


Light shone in Jay's room, Liz was on the bed chatting with her friend while Jay was busy with his laptop when Liz was done with her phone she dropped it and walked to the bathroom, jay took her phone and searched herin contacts he found it and blocked it also set a location to monitor her movement and he returns the phone before Liz come out not long Liz walk out and she wear one of jay pajamas then she lay down on the bed 

" Did you want to sleep?" Jay asked 

" Yes babe" Liz replied softly 

" Have a good night" Jay replied and continued with his laptop, his phone rang and he picked up

" Hello...how are you doing, hope you have a good day" Jay was making a call and Liz opened her eyes also listened to the call after some minutes Jay hung up and dropped his phone

" Who is that" Liz asked 

" O...I thought you were sleeping," Jay said 

" So you thought I was sleeping, and you are talking to a lady when am here" Liz raised her voice

" I don't get it...why is it every time you come here we always have misunderstanding" Jay was angry 

" Like am wrong for asking who you are talking to," Liz asked 

" And you said am talking to a girl," Jay said 

" Because it shows how you are talking to that girl," Liz said and she sat up

" You are disgusting," Jay said with frustration, Liz was shocked to hear that from him and she began to raise her voice at him

" Am disgusting right and you call me here am so disappointed in you is it because of that girl you are talking to, is it Natasha or Lisa every girl on this campus wants to be your friend and you are satisfied with that because you are shameless also useless" Liz was mad at him

" Me shameless" he dropped his laptop and stood up 

" And you when you are with me you are busy running after that ugly guy" Jay yelled at her

" Who is ugly, I know you are talking about Herin, he is not ugly but handsome also he was not shameless like you and he was honest," Liz said 

" What...you mean you like him," Jay asked 

" I don't know...." Liz said and she sat on the bed 

" I don't understand, you like that guy herin is it because his father was that rich also he has more money than me, he was an actor he acts and sings but I am only a musician that's why you like to be with him," jay asked 

" I don't know ask yourself," Liz said and she lay down on the bed not long Jay's phone rang again it was the same number Liz rushed to take the phone before Jay and she picked it

" Hello who are you....stop calling this number or I will cut off your eyes" Liz yelled and hung up the call immediately, she was about to delete the number when Jay collected his phone 

" Did you know who just called me?" Jay asked

" I don't care" Liz raised her voice 

" You need to care because you just spoke with my stepmom," Jay said and Liz was speechless 

" You talk to my stepmom without realizing who you are talking to," Jay said 

" Your stepmom and you are asking nicely like she is your girlfriend," Liz said 

" Because it was her assistant that called me in behave of her...and you was jealous, thought am talking to a girl" Jay explained

" I don't know she is your mom I thought it was your ex and I don't want you to repeat the mistake you made four days ago..." She stood up and walked to him " am sorry...but you don't have to use a word of disgusting because you are angry at me" she held his hand 

"It's okay and am also sorry for calling you that.....you know I love you and I will always do, you are my angel and I will always obey my guardians of an angel, and am sorry for shouting at you, and I know you are a jealous type because you love me, you can't do without me" jay make jokes of her after apologize 

" Me jealous am not, you are the jealous ty...." Jay didn't allow her to end her words before he kissed her when the kiss had gotten to a stage where they can't control themselves, Jay lift her dress and begin to use his finger to move up to her breast also unbutton her shirt he carries her on the bed and takes off the shirt then he kissed her neck down to her nerves, Liz tone change, jay took off her bra he sucked her breast and took off her pants, Liz was naked she doesn't even care anymore all what she cares for was him to ding in his manhood in her Virginia, she needs him countlessly jay ding in his one finger and Liz begin to mourn when he noticed she was wet and he also took of his pants and off the light, the next thing that happened was Liz tone also the bed was moving

Light fade

The light on 

Jay stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom while Liz covered herself with duva on the bed and took her phone she called her friend's contact to get her but it was not reachable she dropped her phone and walked to take a towel after taking it she open the bathroom and join jay under the shower, jay stare at her and he smiles even though Liz saw him and she asked him why he was smiling she was embarrassed and determine to go out but jay hug her from the back 

" I smiled because you are mine...I don't need to play along anymore because I have found someone to be with forever" Jay said and Liz smiled she held his arm 

" Are you sure, you are not playing me?" Liz asked

" Yes because I truly love you and am ready to have you as my woman forever," Jay said and Liz faced him, she hugged him 

" I also love you," she said, jay raised her head and gave her a kiss 

" Thanks for today," Jay said and Liz raised her leg and kissed him, jay pushed her gently to the wall and continued kissing her under the shower after some minutes Liz pushed him away and said

"It's okay, you know we have something to do today about our project, let go and sleep before the sun rises" Liz explained

" I don't mind if I have zero in my project all I want is to have a moment with you and you know am going to miss you after we go to the company we are attached to or are you not going to miss me, especially the moment we share," jay asked 

" Mr lover....you also know am nothing with You," she said and Jay kissed her without allowing her to say anything, Liz also responded to the kiss and began to touch his body, jay hold touch the wall and started kissing her neck down to her chest Liz pushed him but jay didn't let her go even he was not able to control himself, Liz stop him severally but he did let her she was frustrated and pushed him away 

"What's wrong Jay....am tired I think it's enough, I need to rest," she said and walked out of the bathroom room with a towel, jay was not satisfied and lay his back on the wall for him to breathe after some minutes he was able to control his hunger and he took his bath and walked out he saw Liz sleep on the bed after she dresses up he also took his pajamas and wear it when he was done he lay beside her and slept off.

Light fade.

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