
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

Love at first sight

Next morning at the hospital

Lola and Bianca visit Liz at the hospital every blessed day until she was discharged and returned home

" Lola Bianca...am sorry, especially you Bianca, I shouldn't talk to you that way...I don't know you care about me like this, you are such a nice person" she apologized and Bianca hug her

"It's okay, I have forgiven you," Bianca said and smile

" I also forgive you but I thought you don't want to be friends with us" Lola accepted her apology and ask her if she want to be friends with them and Liz nodded positively since then there has been good friend, they are always together also attended the class still one-day Binaca roommate returns home, Bianca tries to get along with her but she always snubs her and also ignores her

" Can we be friends Isabella ?" Bianca asked her roommate and her roommate hissed and reply to her request

" We can't be friends, am sure you know that we are not at desame level..try to find someone else" Isabella rejected her and leave the room, Bianca shook her head and also get out of the room.

The next day at class the professor enter the class and start teaching, suddenly he asked a question but no one answered except Jay, he raise his hand and answer the questions, Liz turn back to see the brilliant guy, luckily she can't take her eyes off him, Jay was so handsome, he has glowing skin and attractive eyes, he was tall and liz thought he was perfect for her she was lost in thought even didn't consecrate to want the professor was saying, suddenly the professor calls out her name but liz didn't know their was a set of her on her even Jay look at her that was when she noticed theirs was a eye's on her, she was timid and run out of the class.

" All of you should gather at the theatre for the practice," the professor said and take his palm top and the leave class also the students start leaving the class and they all went to the theatre room.

" Liz don't know we are here," Lola asked

" Yes... I hope she is okay" Bianca replied

" I don't know maybe I should go and check on her," she asked and Bianca nod as yes, then Lola leave the theatre room and went to the hostel she open the door and saw Liz laying down on her bed and she walk-in

" Hi Liz "

Liz sit and hold her teddy "Whatsup Lola" she asked

" We are having a lecture in the theatre room.." Lola explain

" Lola...I think am in love " Liz confesses

" What" Lola was surprised

" Then with who," she asked

" With that handsome guy who answer the question back in class" Liz explain

" You mean Jay" Lola asked and Liz nodded

" You just met him today will you tell me is love at first sight," Lola asked her and Liz walk to the window

" He was handsome from the depths of his eyes to the gentle expression of his voice" Liz keep admiring

" Then confess to him" Lola suggest

" Are you crazy did you mean I should tell him how I feel?" Liz asked

" Yes and stop all this nonsense " Lola replied

" What if he embarrassed me," Liz asked and Lola sighs

" I don't know about that" Lola replies and Bianca enters the room

" Hi guys"

" Am sorry to leave you at the theatre" Lola apologize,

" It's okay...but you won't like to miss this gist" Bianca explain and Liz jumped to her feet

" You mean Jay was performing," Liz asked and Bianca nodded but don't understand why Liz was excited because she know Liz was not a fan of Jay she thought the two we yelled at her but it turn out to be the opposite

" I have to go" Liz leave the room and her friend run after her

In the theatre room

The coursemate gather at the studio listening to Jay's song, Liz run into their mist, she saw Jay and start smiling after some minutes the song ended, and Jay walk out of the studio, some of his coursemates start asking him for a pic and he takes with some and also ignore some and leave the theatre room, Liz runs after him she can't catch up with him and determine to call his name suddenly jay hug a lady standing in front of him and liz stop to call him, she was confused because the lady's he hug looks familiar and she remembers that she had seen her two weeks ago when she was not in good relationship with her friends

" Oh that was Natasha" she realized and leave the scene and walk back to her friends

" Whatsup friend," Lola asked

" He has a girlfriend" Liz replied leaving Bianca in a confusion

" I.. don't..get..you .. guys," Bianca asked why she was stammering

" She is in love with the celebrity in our class" Lola replied

" You mean... Jay" Bianca asked and Lola nodded

" Did you forget he has a girlfriend who is Natasha "Bianca explained

Liz was frustrated and left the theatre room.

Some guys walked in and ask for the attention of the students

" Hello am the president of your department" he introduced himself

" We are having fresher night this weekend I will send the memo on the group chat" After his explanation he leaves the theatre room and also the students leave

Light fade

Light shine in Jay's room

He enters the room with his girlfriend and his roommate excuse them, Natasha sits on jay bed drops her handbag, also takes off her shoes why jay was taking off his shirt

" Did you see the girl that was running after you" Natasha ask

Jay turned to her and nodded" Nope I didn't see her"

" Maybe she is one of your fans," Natasha asked

Jay chuckles "You know everyone wants to be my friend" he replies and Natasha glares at him

" Why did you glare at me like that...am just kidding" Jay gave her a big smile and lay down beside her

" Come on babe," he said romantically and Natasha stood up and sit on his waist

" Everyone wants to be friends of yours but no one can replace me, especially in this" Natasha said and she leaned her chest gently on jay body and kisses him

Light fade

Light shine at the girl's hostel, Liz lay on her bed crying, Lola tries to pet her but she continues crying

" Maybe you should tell him" Lola brought out a suggestion

" He has a girlfriend " Liz cried out

"Try to get along with him, maybe you can confess from that" Lola advised her and Liz sit up and hug Lola

" Thank you" Liz clean her tears

" I will make sure he falls in love with me" Liz explain

" Then how am I going to be friends with him," Liz asked.

" Maybe you should give him a gift like something special to you" Lola kept advising her

" Am going to give him a necklace " Liz suggests

" Yes that will be okay" Lola replied

Light fade

Next day at school

Liz was the first person that in the class, she sat at the back waiting for Jay even though Liz's roommate was still at home preparing to come to class, not long her course mate join her at class, and after some minutes her roommate and Bianca enter the class also jay with his friends and his girlfriend comes and sit far away from her, Liz was laying her head at the table by the time she raises her head the first person she set her eyes on was jay gisting with his friends and Liz stood up she took the gift in her handbag and walk to them

" Hi Jay"

Jay raised his eyes and saw this cute lady standing in front of him

" How may I help you," he ask and Liz started stammering

" Am..am...Liz ...am a big fan of yours" She introduced herself and Natasha called her name

" Oh.. your name is Liz ...is that you, the girl who gets into a fight with does thugs," Natasha asked and Liz nodded

" And thank you for that day" Liz appreciate it and drop the gift on the table

" Jay I bought you this gift... I love your song" She smiled at him and Jay picked the gift

" Thank you...I appreciate" Jay appreciate it and keep the gift, Liz was excited and left there and walk back to her friends

Light fade