
High school dxd God system

This story follows the story of Ren A young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of dxd , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong people and gets A LOT OF WAIFUS. Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction and it fun and also hard. Respect for the other who wrote a long story.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 4

In a classroom there were around twenty students who were sitting at on desks while some were chatting with their classmates of the front, some starred at him and processed to speak with their friend, and there were some that were quiet and just wanting for the Teacher .

Suddenly the door opened and In front of everyone a Forty-five-year-old man, entered he immediately begin to write down on the blackboard, after finishing he started explaining to some basic knowledge about Japanese history although it was only the basic , for someone who was loved japan culture in this past life it was very interesting because it was the first days he started with an interesting topic so that the children can stay focused .

Rael after finished creating a Skill called Parallel Operation, begins to stop listening to class .

This two year was really hard , especially for a kid , he trained most of the time so he was withoud friends and just entoured by adult so sebas decided that that for maybe a little more time he will stay there and experience the human life as a break before reurning to the underworld .

That why is was not atteding schools with the other human being , as a normal human .

This statut also changed a lot from two year ago .

Name: Rael beleth

Age: 7

Species: Devil God

Level 35

MP: 6700 (5 Million sealed )

Strength : B+

Defense : B+

Endurance : B+

Speed : B+

luck: SS

Power: Demonic godly aura

Skill granted by the system :

Eight divine gate : (Lvl 2 ) progression to level 3 (79%)

The user have a body as powerful as a middle class devil , invinvible among the middle class devil with his demonic power and body even able to battle for a small period of time a high class devil .

Magic divine sense :(lvl 2)progression to level 3 (80%)

The user is able to resist attack on the soul from being at the same level , capable of sensing the surrending like he was there , manipulating mind , erasing mind , manipulating memory and telekinesis .

Skill acquired from the evolution :

The user acquired the ability to have huge amount of demonic godly aura , it a type of energie on a higher level than demonic energie , allow the user to have a higher resistance to holy power and devil slaying power and be able to erase his presence even from higher level devil .The user is also able to use demonic flame , a flame capable of freezing anything to below zero or to burn anything withoud stopping until it become ash . The user also become the only Devil God in dxd verse like ophis and great red .

When he was too focused on reading his statut, the teacher suddenly stopped his sentence and begin to come in his direction with an unhappy face.

" Do you think that history is boring, that you are unfocused just after a couple of minutes?" the teacher asked with an angry voice.

'Well I was listening, I even created a skill just for that' through Rael.

"No Teacher, I was listening from the start, it very interesting," Rael said with a smile, The teacher Seeing this smile, softened a little and just reprimand him a little for not being attentive to class on the first days.

After the class passed silently, so between classes some people wanted to talk to him but the young girl was too shy and the boy, well he doesn't know why but the boy excluded him, after listening to them with his sharp sense he feels exasperated it always the same thing just because they were jealous of him, and the girl in the class was just don't pay attention to them they decided to punish him.

When it finally over and time to go home he swiftly escaped the girl who wanted to go home together and get into the car, just as he was putting on his security belt his maid started laughing.

"You are very popular with the girl , so do you make friend" asked his Amy with a grin.

Rael was so embarrassed that his face becomes red and just seat in his seat facing the window , after arriving at home he rapidly entered his room and begin to advance his Magic divine sense .

When he opened his eyes he could see that it was night , Maybe a little over ten o'clock, he put some black cloth to better blend in the darkness of the night and, went out the window, jumping from home to home it was really refreshing to do.

Rael was enjoying his stroll when his 'Magic divine sense ' sensed some Fallen Angel quickly before they see him , he dives into an alley and wanted for them to pass , When he discovered that that the 3 fallen Angel was just two low Rank fallen Angel and one at middle rank, also his Magic power was low and the other two was weak but he thoughts he can handle it so he decided to chase after them because it a long time since he fights and he wanted to test some of his skill.

1 Low rank Fallen Angel " Don't you think strange that his area of the city have fever of devil or Fallen Angel"

Middle rank fallen angel "it okay we just passing, we have to quickly monitor and report about the Mission that the Lord assigned us"

2 low rank fallen angel " I ear from some friend that a powerful exorcist was staying in his area"

Middle rank fallen angel " Yes I also hear his, but so what are you afraid ?, we are 3 and his persons are alone what can alone person do something to us".

1 low rank fallen " yes whenever come…." he was suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence as the Two low rank fallen become frozen in solid ice in a second before they could react and begin to crumble in Ice shard , the Middle Rank fallen angel him was able to evade just in time.

His back was immediately filled with chill , if he didn't avoid he was probably dead now .

Middle rank fallen angel " who did that ? show yourself !! " cried angrily the fallen Angel .

Allen finished to prepare a Magic Barrier and before the middle rank fallen angel could react, he appeared in front of him in a flash of Dark Gray punching him in the face with a fist covered with Dark grey magic , he was so fast that the fallen angel could not even see the face of his opponent .

The fallen angel dizzy by this punch judged that this opponent was powerful but not to his level yet, because he felt this punch was not powerful to have a heavenly injury to his body, bit felt humiliation for having someone weaker than him punched him and killing his subordinate.

You can hear a strong blow when both fists collided with each other, the two could not help but retreat due to force , they were still evenly matched , but the fallen angel was more experienced so the fight soon becomes an advantage for the fallen angel .

Of course for Rael it was just to accumulate experience in fighting different enemy like angel or fallen angel , so of course he will not like to end his enemy to early .

Rael thought that the fight was taking to much time and that the barrier could not last long , he resolved himself when he sees the fallen angel was heading towards him, so he also launched himself, they both began to hit each other, if Rael gives hit, the fallen angel would dodge two and one .

After a serie of barrage of punch between the two Rael finally decided to end his and with a swift punch to punch to the guts and a demonic fireball he burned his enemy to ash .

After killing, he immediately begins to search the fallen angel when he finds nothing special he quickly deactivated the barrier he creates and escaped home while beginning extra careful about leaving a trace of battle.