
High school dxd God system

This story follows the story of Ren A young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of dxd , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong people and gets A LOT OF WAIFUS. Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction and it fun and also hard. Respect for the other who wrote a long story.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 5

Early morning of the next days, you can see, a bunch of students in the class, they were doing a Test for Mathematics between two classmates.

Each of them was immersed in this task so much that none of the students lift their heads.

Rael he already finished actually and was thinking about what happened yesterday, Yesterday battle was easy so he was thinking about battling with someone stronger .

He could also sense that he was approaching the level of a high class devil booth in physically and demonic magic .

When he thinking about training, he also started to think about another thing the future of everything about the DXD world, He wanted to prepare himself, at this moment he is 7 years old and, if he does not remember, everything starts when Issei reaches 17 years old, so he 10 year to become more powerful.

Now that was another problem to solve and it that even if it was in the same school as Irina and issei but he could not find them even after searching the school so he was a little depressed.

The school bell ring and all people begin hand their Test to the teacher and to go home.

Today his servant could not come pick him up home, so he was going to search around the era to see if he can find Irina and issei.

Rael quickly left the classroom and went to the Park, he wanted to start by the nearby park, some who were in the middle in the front mostly the girl started to blush when they look at him, the boy them was glaring at him coldly.

'It difficult to be handsome' thoughts Rael even after staying some at school and be popular with girl and teacher of the school soon he reaches the park and seat on a bench, takes his headphone, and plays some of his past life music and begins to eat the bento his mother prepared.

It was the life of a lone child without friend and also a problem for the family because all family in the area knows that he was his parent was rich but they never come see him in two year, so the the jealousy of the parent influenced the decision of their children so now even if he goes to the park with his servant the other family avoid them and speak mean word behind his back.

After eating his bento quietly, he stood and resume his search quickly the day begin to pass and it the time to go home, when suddenly caught the figure of four silhouettes from afar, he immediately recognized one of the people as Issei, the little girl with them should be Irina Shidou it was rather strange because he could ear some loud voice.

Rael paused and begin to focus on the voice, he can Irina being angry and shouting at other children, and issei who was behind Irina, they seem on verge of fighting, just when one of a boy suddenly raised his head and was about to send a slap to Irina, I suddenly raised my voice and shouted

" Stop, what are you doing you ?, Why are two bullying a weak girl? " The bully 1 was so surprised that he stopped his hand and turned to face me with a surprised face.

" Who is bullying a weak girl, this pervert doesn't stop talking at the girl who I like, she becomes so disgusting that she told me that if I teach a lesson to his pervert, I can start walking with her after school ". replied the bully 1

" No I just was looking at her I am not a pervert, I just look at her some time because she is in front of my seat," said issei whit a bit embarrassed.

"yes I know issei is not a pervert, he just at the back sit of this girl he don't even know her name " exclaimed Irina with an angry face.

"Okay, I understand the situation issei and ? " said Rael while looking at issei and Irina.

Irina seeing Rael looking at her become a little shy after a second she returned to normal and when she recalled that he was waiting for to introduce herself.

She cheerfully introduces herself " Hello My name is Irina Shidou nice me meet you, and his person who is behind me is Issei Hyoudou is my classmate and friend a just make " while pointing at issei who was behind her.

After introducing herself she looked at Rael like she was waiting for him to Introduce himself when the bully shouted Angrily.

" Hey don't act like am not there" while pointing his finger at us, when he looked at me he suddenly seems to recall something and begin to laugh loud.

" Haha, if I recall you are Rael, you always alone whenever you are out, and no one wants to befriend you, my mother even told me too it was you have no parent or that you were abandoned and that I should not befriend you because you are a bad influence "

Rael who was was made fun acted calmly and after listening to all the bully had said just stared at the bully without becoming angry, just when he was preparing himself for responded you can hear the Angry voice of Irina.

" Stop making fun of him, what if he is abandoned he is a good person for trying to help us, being alone don't mean you are a bad influence, the god treat all of us equal, besides what is a problem to eat alone, also who said that no one wants to be his friend," said Irina with an angry expression and issei nodding to her word.

Rael who has listened to all of what Irina said was very surprised and happy that Irina comes to his defense and for issei even if just nodded.

The bully who was speaking stopped and begin to stare at Irina with an angry face.

Rael seing the situation deteriorate said " Thank you, Irina, issei " with a smile, his smile was really beautiful and sincere, Irina who sees this smile begins to blush, and issei just nodded.

Allen after thanked the two, faced the bully and said " I know that you don't like me, but I prefer that you don't show your face in front of me ever again and also never bother again Irina or issei "

The bully who wanted to respond suddenly felt a huge pressure and he find himself being stared at by Rael who was starring at him with his black eye, he felt like he entered a cold pond, he begins to sweat a lot and shiver he felt like the one starring at him was not Rael but a devil .

Withoud waiting for his friend he suddenly turned around and begin to run while screaming " a monster, I see a monster, he is a monster " his friend confused begin to chase after him while leaving Irina and issei who was also confused.

Rael seeing the two bully run, turned his face to Irina and issei and " well now I can introduce myself properly, My Name is Rael beleth nice too meet you Irina and issei " with a smile.