
High school dxd God system

This story follows the story of Ren A young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of dxd , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong people and gets A LOT OF WAIFUS. Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction and it fun and also hard. Respect for the other who wrote a long story.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapitre 3

it has been one week that Rei arrived in the human world when he arrived with sebas who was carrying the figure in black.

They appeared in a six-story house with three large basements, it was the residence of his father in the human world, which is situated in kuoh town.

Rei after talking with sebas discovered that it was not as simple as it seems, he knows that his father had a lot of enemies and that his uncle had more power than his father but to stage a coup, I mean that even if his father was a little less powerful his uncle it was not by too much so where he got more power to dare to make a revolution.

After a week, he finally learned of the identity of the mysterious, and he was shocked to learn of it, as in one of the basement bed full of medical equipment he sees a beautiful foreign girl who appears to be in her late teens, she has long purple hair sleeping.

When he sees this woman, he was completely shocked as it was no other than ingvild leviathan, he immediately begin to think about about the situation of his parent, as if he remembered right ingvild was supposed to be at the leviathan clan until she wakes up after the beginning of the story.

He wanted asked sebas about this but sebas just told him that his person was a woman who his grandfather saved and that she was infected by the devil sleeping diseases, of course, it doesn't tell him that the trust but he know the truth, he also know that maybe it was because he was still weak to know some more serious information.

After all this revelation he decided that he was too weak and after thinking about the gift he received from the system he decided to use the species evolution as if he evolved to a more powerful devil species his power could grow and his potential too.

"Ciel, I want to use the species evolution, can I use it now? is my body able to handle it?" as he doesn't want to die just because he wanted power.

"Yes you can use it, but the host will die from pain and because the host body is not powerful enough." in a monotone voice.

Rael was immediately shocked and decided to wait before using it.

He continued to go review the skill he received and he was pretty happy as the two skill was pretty powerful.

The first one was the eigh divine gate it a skill that takes spiritual Qi from the nature and circulate spiritual Qi to strengthening the body and opens the 8 divine gate situated in the body, each divine gate open lead to the body become more powerul and it give the user incredible vitality and power it said that if someone reach the eight gate and is able to link them they can advance another level and be immortal with one punch with the strength of they body they can destroy a planet .The user also have the usage of spiritual Qi .

The second was the magic divine sense and it was a skill that train the soul it take the magic power of the body and and the environment to train the soul, it have 8 level it said that if someone train to the eight level they will be able to expand their sense beyond the earth and be able to exist with just their soul.

After reading again and again the skill he finally understand what he as to do , so he quickly begin to train.

The days and months went by very quickly, his routine was simple after all he was just a little kids so he could not train hard so he only used 'Magic divine sense' for training his soul power , he could also train with sebas to learn how to fight and gain experience and finally after month of training he finally start to become strong, and it was showing in his status.

Name: Rael beleth

Age: 5

Species: Pure blood devil

Level 5

MP: 950

Strength : D-

Defense : D-

Endurance : D-

Speed : D-

luck: A

Power: Demonic power, power of darkness

Skill granted by the system :

Eight divine gate : (Lvl 0 ) progression to level 1 (20%)

Magic divine sense :(lvl 0)progression to level 1 (15%)

With the passage of time, he continued to absorb the qi power of the surrounding in his body to strength his body and training his soul.

As he was training a woman walked up the stairs of the house and opened the door.

She opened it and looked at the child who was meditating and said to him "Wake up Rael-sama , you can't become late for your first day of school " At her words, the boy immediately wake up from his training.

Rael stand and after thanking his maid begin to go to take breakfeast.

The person who come to wake up him was his maid Amy, she was just a low class devil who was saved by my mother when she was little so she grew up while being extremely loyal to my family.

All the servant in his mansion was loyal to our family, and maybe half of them was low ranked devil , so I was confident that I will be able to grow up stronger faster .

Time passed like an arrow now Rael was seven years old, during all these years he tried in several ways to raise his status and gain new skills sometime its success, and sometimes it results in failures, but he was able to create some useful skill .

In the past year he continued to stay in the human world, at first it a little difficult to adapt to his new environment .

The first year he didn't receive much information from his parent in the underworld but after six months finally receive some new.

His parent was able to escape and has taken refuge with the gremory houses and they have begin to counter his uncle with the faction of his father .

When he received his new he was pretty happy to learn of his new and he also find out that maybe he will be able to return to the underworld, not to his territory of his family but will go rejoin his parent at the Gremory mansion.

So it mean that he will be able to see rias, he was also thinking about he saving koneko and kuroka.

As he wanted to form the most powerful peerage and become the king 👑 of the underworld ruling all the underworld.

While thinking about his plan he begin to laugh like a villain.

Hi is Author , I am sorry for the long pause i had as i was busy with test , but now it okay .

I hope that i can have some tip or review about my story , to grow as a author , so please feel free to say it .

Thank you for reading

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