
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 «Kill»

After a few seconds, the ghoul that attacked Ken finally reached him.

"What the fuck !?" exclaimed the ghoul.

Hearing this curse from the ghoul, Ken opened his eyes slightly so that he could see what happened in front of him.

What he saw is the middle-aged ghoul who backed away from him, as if he had been pushed by something.

But the man clearly knows that no one pushed him. It was as if suddenly, as soon as he approached the boy in front of him, his body was pushed by something invisible.

That's when Ken remembered that he's currently turned into Accelerator and, the [Reflection] ability is always active even when he's in such situations.

He immediately removed the hands he had placed in front of his face to try to protect himself so that he could fully look at the situation.

The ghoul, seeing this, began to panic. He has never seen such a situation. Immediately thereafter, he staggered backwards and then fell onto his backside.

"You ... You are a ... Dove!" he yelled in the face of Ken, the middle-aged ghoul.

Dove is the term used by ghouls to refer to ghoul investigators. They are the ones who hunt down their race.

There are different ranks of investigators, but one thing in common is that they all use Quinque, weapons derived from the Kagune of the dead ghouls.

For this ghoul, being an investigator is the only explanation for this occurrence, even though he doesn't see a Quinque being used by the 'investigator' in front of him, he clearly knows it's the only possible answer.

Ken looked at him with a look as if one were looking at a person with mental problems.

This ghoul's imagination is pretty big, Ken thought, if only his boss had a shred of it.

Ken immediately shook his head, removing those stupid thoughts that had nothing to do with this situation.

Ken is currently in a strange position. He doesn't know what to do, his mind in a turmoil.

This ghoul has seen him and has seen the power of Accelerator; he cannot afford to reveal Accelerator's identity in this world, at least yet. But at the same time, he is undecided whether to kill him.

He has never done this. He has never killed anyone before. He does not even know why he came up with this idea, but ... he has to admit that it is not bad at all because it is the only solution that comes to mind right now.

Probably the only solution.

The ghoul, seeing that Ken did not react in the slightest to his attack and remained impassive, immediately became angry and forgot what happened just before, this is because he had never seen anyone treat him in this way before.

Immediately from behind the waist appeared a kind of tentacle filled with small scales of bright red colour.

This kind of tentacle immediately arrived in front of Ken's face just a few millimetres away.

Ken looked at this without batting an eye.

He understood that this ghoul has no power to hurt him in any way possible, not even with his Kagune, called Rinkaku.

This ghoul is really weak in general. The strongest ghouls who possess this type of Kagune have more than a single Rinkaku, while this ghoul has only one, a symbol of his strength, not to mention the size.

There are four types of Kagune. The Kagune demonstrated by the ghoul in front of him, possessors of this type can regenerate quickly; also, they have a great attack strength. The other types are respectively, Ukaku, Koukaku and finally Bikaku.

"Pathetic ..." Ken murmured.

Immediately after, however, he seems to have noticed what he said, for this reason, he put a hand in front of his mouth even though he has already said this.

This situation and those thoughts that came to him earlier gave him a strange idea.

Is it possible that through the memories of the hero, the personality is also influenced? Ken thought.

The scene in front of him left the ghoul speechless, his two red eyes widening even more than his first attack.

"Impossible!" the ghoul exclaimed again seeing that not even this time his attack worked.

"It is definitely impossible. Such a thing cannot happen ..."

The ghoul would never make such a mistake; he would never be wrong in recognizing whether one is a ghoul or a human. Ghoul's sense of smell is developed, and they can very well distinguish from each other.

And the guy in front of him is definitely a human in flesh and blood.

"Is your attack already over?" Ken said in a quiet tone of voice without any haste in the direction of the ghoul.

The ghoul seems to have become even more agitated by Ken's taunt. His Rinkaku that he had just used to attack has returned to the charge with even greater force.

But as before, this attack was blocked as soon as the Rinkaku arrived a few millimetres from Ken's body.

Repeatedly, the Kagune continued to attack, and in all this, Ken did not bat an eye.

The feeling he is getting right now made him confirm his previous idea.

The hero's memories slightly influence personality. This thing can be positive, but at the same time, it can be negative, in case he starts to underestimate the enemy the situation could really become dangerous.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!" the ghoul kept screaming as he continually attacked Ken without ever stopping.

"Why don't you die!"

"Just die already!"

Ken sighed, then raised his head slightly.

What the ghoul saw were two indifferent red eyes that looked at him as if they were looking at a dead man.

"The times of the games are over," Ken said in the direction of the ghoul, and then, after putting one foot back, he sprinted in the direction of the ghoul.

Just before sprinting, Ken placed the vector directly under his feet. What the ghoul saw was a shadow for a split of a second, and then he felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, just as if a train had come full load on him.

The ghoul flew up only to hit a wall of the alley where Ken and the ghoul were located. This attack caused the ghoul to collapse in on himself. He dropped to his knees and started vomiting blood from his mouth.

Not even seconds later, the ghoul began to hear a series of footsteps. This did nothing but make him tremble in fear.

"Please, please let me go ..." he said with extreme weakness throughout his body.

Ken seems not to have heard this plea at all; he continued walking in the direction of the ghoul.

Hearing the footstep stop right next to him, the ghoul bent more in on himself.

"I can't" Ken gave a concise reply in the direction of the ghoul under his feet. Then, Ken put a hand over the man's head.

The ghoul does not know what the boy was trying to do; for this reason, he tried to raise his head so that he could watch what Ken was trying to do. Still, not even a few inches that he immediately stopped moving and, as when a puppet's strings are cut, his head has also fallen towards the floor due to its weight.

The previously rigid body has now become completely limp.

"It's your fault for seeing me, you shouldn't have come here, sewer rat," Ken said, looking at the ghoul's corpse that was still alive seconds ago.

What Ken did is very simple, he eliminated the 'electrical' signal that affects the whole nervous system and the various organs within the body. This caused a total collapse within the ghoul.

He may be a Rinkaku type, but he can do nothing against an attack aimed at all the organs of his entire system, especially the heart and brain.

It was a snap.