
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 «Anteiku»

Ken, immediately after he killed the ghoul, began to feel the first symptoms of this action.


He began to feel a kind of dizziness followed later by hallucinating nausea. Ken immediately tried to keep his balance even though his body started to stagger and then immediately put a hand in front of his mouth trying to block what he felt was going up.

Only after a big minute, his state calmed down slightly.

Although the symptoms eased, his body was still shaking, perhaps from excitement or perhaps from fear of having committed this action.

Ken is a normal citizen; after all, he could never have imagined having to kill someone, let alone with an indescribable coldness.

Ken immediately understood what it is. Seeing a corpse die in front of him, not to mention the fact that he himself killed it, gave him an anxiety attack.

Taking some big breaths of air Ken tried not to look at the corpse on the ground, and yet, even with this mental effort he can not help but look at that motionless body slumped on the ground lifeless.

Turning into Accelerator may have changed his personality slightly, but that doesn't mean he changed who he is. He never killed, and Ken felt this first experience a lot.

After a few minutes in silence, with a heavy heart, he turned and headed straight for the house provided by [Sora]. He no longer feels like wandering around the city. Now Ken wants to go back and get a good sleep. His state of mind doesn't allow him to do anything else.

As he walked in the direction of the house, Ken's body continued to tremble slightly, which caused a few well-meaning passers-by to turn to ask him if everything was okay.

Ken replied to these people with a cheerful tone of voice trying to hide his concern, in this way, after almost an hour, Ken is finally back home.

Unconsciously, Ken arrived in the bedroom and, without any pause, immediately lay down on it but not before removing the Accelerator transformation.

Ken had strange nightmares that night.

Monsters with red eyes chasing him. Strange tentacles behind the backs of these beings writhing in every direction. Ken kept running and running without any respite, and if he had to stop for a few seconds, a tentacle would come and pierce him.

For Ken, that night was a nightmare. The worst nightmare he has ever had.

"Ahhhhh!" a mangled scream came from the bedroom.

This scream came from Ken who immediately woke up the next day and immediately started sweating profusely.

Without any hesitation, he headed to the bathroom to throw frozen water over his face.

He immediately saw himself in the mirror.

His face was slightly pale. His eyes were red as when one does not close the eye blinking for some time.

"Looks bad," Ken said in a derisive voice, obviously to himself.

Ken was silent for a few seconds and then turned around.

"I better keep looking," Ken said as he dressed. That morning he decided to look for the Anteiku cafe, after all, that's where it all started.

If he sees that Kaneki is not working there yet, then Ken clearly knows that the original story has not yet started. Still, if Ken finds that Kaneki is working there, then the story has only recently started.

Ken knows this because as soon as a month after Kaneki started working at the Anteiku, he was kidnapped and taken to the Aogiri base where he was tortured by 'Jason.'

Based on this information, Ken could learn how far the original story unfolded.

Not to mention that Ken can't wait to meet his favourite Tokyo Ghoul characters and among them is Rize Kamishiro.

In case Ken meets her, he doesn't know how to behave in front of her. Rize's life story is tragic, and that's precisely why Ken has always liked Rize's character.

Precisely for this reason, if he can do something, he would not hesitate to do it.

"I look like a hypocrite, hehe" Ken murmured as he was closing the front door.

The day before he killed his first ghoul and the next day he wants to help someone he doesn't even know, not to mention a ghoul who devours human flesh just for pleasure.

Isn't it that arriving in this world of fiction, my mind has also turned into one like that of the protagonists where they start running around desperately trying to save the female counterpart for no reason behind it? Ken thought.


"So this is the Anteiku?" Ken said, looking at the cafe in front of him.

From the outside, it looks innocent, simple and pleasant, but Ken knows very well that behind this simplicity, there is a gathering of ghouls.

Fortunately, these ghouls do not hunt humans but only feed on already dead humans killed by themselves or by natural causes.

So without hesitation, Ken walked into the cafe.

"Ding ~ Ding ~."


As soon as he entered a cheerful voice greeted him. Turning his head, Ken observed the person in question.

A slender and attractive girl with neck-length purple hair, forming a long fringe that reaches her chin covering the right side of her face but leaving the blue eye on the left side uncovered.

Looking at that face so familiar but so 'different' Ken understood who she is, Touka Kirishima.

"Thank you" Ken replied with a smile in the direction of Touka who, looking at the smile, nodded and then turned around.

"This way please" Touka then took him to a small table near the window where it was possible to see the street where he had been up until a minute before.

"What would you like to order?" asked Touka.

Ken showed a thoughtful and tangled air, "I don't know, what does the place recommend?"

"I recommend you try Blue Mountain. It is a coffee with a silky, velvety and balanced taste, a classic and refined sweet taste with a slightly sweet, vibrant flavour. The taste is complex and often with hints of chocolate."

Ken, hearing this was quite shocked. His mouth was twitching; he wouldn't have expected such a professional response.

Immediately to hide this gaffe, he coughed a little and then said, "I'll order this then."

Touka showed a smile at that 'stupid' look of the customer, but despite this, she turned and went with the order.

Ken after Touka left with his order started looking at the place. As he said earlier, it is a really welcoming place that feels like home.

Maybe that's why almost everyone keeps coming to this place to drink coffee? Ken thought.

After a few minutes, he heard a voice next to him, then turning his gaze from the window in the direction of the voice he observed Touka with a saucer with a cup of coffee on it.

"Your coffee sir," Touka said after seeing Ken turned away from the window. She then immediately put down the saucer elegantly and turned away, leaving Ken with his coffee.

Ken moved his eyes from Touka to the coffee on the table. The aroma that it emanates is something he has never felt before in any coffee ever drunk.

Now he understands why this place is so renamed for coffee, not only among ghouls but also by humans.

Without a second thought, he took the cup and brought it to his mouth, tasting it.

"Ding ~ Ding ~."

As Ken was tasting his coffee, he heard the cafe door open. Usually, he doesn't care who enters, but this time, by pure chance, he turned his gaze in that direction.

What he saw left him speechless.