
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 4 «Tokyo Ghoul»

"Ugh ... an unknown ceiling? So now I'm ..."

Ken lost consciousness for a few moments as soon as he touched the flower and then immediately after, he found himself in this spot, lying on the bed facing this unknown ceiling.

Ken immediately realized that he is now in the world of Tokyo Ghoul, a world frequented by Ghouls, a race that needs to devour human flesh to survive.

But their physiology has made them clash with humans. Their instincts to eat human flesh are flatly rejected in a peaceful world; their race shouldn't exist.

A stupid yet complex motivation at the same time, a clash of ideologies.

Not to mention the fact that humans are afraid of the unknown and ghouls definitely are the unknown in the mind of simple humans.

There are some humans not afraid, but those are the minority.

Ken immediately got out of bed and started looking around. The room wasn't big, but it had everything he needed.

Shortly after, a message came to his mind, and upon hearing it, Ken immediately revealed a smile.

"It seems my employer isn't so mean to me. [Sora] got me a home and an identity to act in this world."

Currently, Ken has learned that he is located in district number 20, a calm district compared to others but at the same time, Ken knows very well that he should not underestimate this place that looks calm.

Ken knows the saying, the calm before the storm. Even though this district seems calm now, sooner or later it will be the site of a great 'battle' between investigators and ghouls.

Ken immediately went to the window and opening it wide he began to observe the splendid night view of this place.

"Is this the world of Tokyo Ghoul?" Ken murmured looking out.

Ken knows very well that he shouldn't underestimate it, he even thought about it a few seconds before but looking at that calm landscape, he can't help but sigh.

The scene is identical to his world; everything seems peaceful without any man-eating race. A simple world that, however, under this false appearance, hides secrets—people walking on the street laugh and joke with friends or family next to them without any worry.

Ken shook his head; he doesn't want to think any further about this topic. So, closing the window, he immediately got ready.

Tonight, Ken wants to go out to see if he can find something that can help him in his search for the petal or any trace about it, but at the same time try his new power.

And if Ken wants to use a hero, he only has one choice that excites him more than the other heroes that the extracted.

So without wasting time, Ken said, "Come to me, Hero's Proof!"

Immediately the emblem he had called into white space reappeared again this time but without that dazzling light.

Ken then, after taking a sigh, showed a serious expression.

After all, it's the first time he's trying to transform. He wants to see if there are any problems of any kind, this is because he doesn't want to find himself in a dangerous situation without having the power to transform for some strange reason.

"Accelerator, Hero Connection!"

Suddenly, a dazzling light enveloped Ken's body. This light appeared suddenly and disappeared in the second after as if it never existed.

Instead of Ken, there was now a boy of about 5,5 feet tall with white hair and two red eyes.

Ken immediately looked at his hands and, seeing that complexion so clear he realized that he succeeded, but in any case, Ken looked in a mirror to be sure.

Seeing himself in the mirror, Ken showed a smile, because this means that there are no problems with regards to transforming.

Just as he was looking at himself in the mirror, Ken felt more tired. Albeit little but still, he felt it clearly. Now that he is in the body of Accelerator, such a thing is clear as sunshine.

He immediately removed the smile from his mouth and put on a thoughtful expression instead.

What Ken just felt is that even if he stays as Accelerator without using abilities like [Reflection], he will continue to consume physical strength.

Luckily he found that he can stay in this form for at least 1 full day without using any skills thanks to Accelerator's brain computing capabilities.

This is very useful because in this way he can walk around with this shape without reverting suddenly risking being seen.

Ken has no desire to be seen by strangers; he has no desire at all to show his power to random strangers or to blurt out left and right.

As for [Reflection ]'s ability, Ken realized he doesn't have to test anything like he thought he had to do before transforming. This is because as soon as he transformed into Accelerator, his brain automatically started working autonomously, creating this field around him.

This process has basically become a bit like breathing for Accelerator instinct.

And now that Ken has checked that everything is working perfectly, taking a hooded jacket, he left the house but not before hiding his head with the hood.

White hair with red eyes is too revealing. He doesn't want to arouse too much suspicion.

But without Ken noticing, his mouth showed a slight grin ...


Walking through the night streets, Ken observed with curiosity the skyscrapers that surrounded him.

In his previous life, he has never been to Japan, so for him, it is the first time he is in this place, it is truly a fantastic experience.

Ken has thus started walking from street to street trying to see if he can find any trace that can lead in the direction of the missing petal.

Ken is sure of it. The petal is definitely located in the twentieth district; this is because it is the same district where almost the whole story takes place.

Without realizing it, however, he unconsciously walked down an alley which, due to the night above his head, made everything seem even bleaker.

Ken immediately stopped and began to observe the surroundings.

He'd be lying if he said he's not afraid, it's the first time he's been in such a dark alley. Not to mention the fact that it's a world where there are ghouls, beings who eat human flesh, all of which only worry him even more.

Just as he was about to turn and run towards the main road, he saw two red eyes coming from around a corner.

What he saw in front of him was a middle-aged man, his eyes gave off the vicissitudes of life, as if he has been through a lot of things. This man's mouth was dripping with something that Ken immediately associated with saliva.

That figure, which has two red eyes and saliva that falls from the mouth, is too recognizable. Those two signs revealed the identity of the person in front of him.

"A ghoul ..." Ken exclaimed with a surprised but low tone of voice.

"Shit!" the boy cursed, he never imagined meeting a ghoul the first day he ended up in this world—more than anything he would never have imagined ending up in this alley.

The middle-aged man sniffed the air and then, like an instinct, he turned his head in Ken's direction, revealing two bright red eyes.

"Eh, Eheh, finally meat!" exclaimed the ghoul without any care of the surroundings.

Ken has no idea how to deal with this situation.

He clearly knows in his mind that he can be more than okay with Accelerator's abilities, but this tension made him 'forget' about it.

The ghoul seems not to have seen Ken's expression. He continued to stagger closer, probably due to the hunger he was feeling at that moment.

"Boy, you shouldn't have walked into this alley, it was the worst choice you could ever make!"

Immediately after, the ghoul rushed in the direction of Ken who, seeing this, put his hands in front trying to cover his face.