
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 «Tsukiyama Estate»

Shuu Tsukiyama showed a surprised expression, after all this question that asked 'Shalltear' already has an answer, she doesn't even need to ask, "Of course, I was just about to go to my house right now, nearby is the car that has to accompany me."

Ken nodded to what Shuu Tsukiyama said. He then started following behind Shuu in the direction of the car he spoke of.

After a few minutes, Ken asked, "Why were you out here?"

"Ghoul Restaurant has been preparing brand new 'ingredients,' it was my obligation to introduce myself and try to compete for these delicacies, don't you think?" Shuu Tsukiyama replied with a smile as if everything was normal.

For him, this is normal, but for others, it is something inconceivable. The Ghoul Restaurant is a place similar to an auction house where the ghouls start bidding at some unfortunate 'subjects'. Their end is also only one, being eaten by the ghouls who bought them.

Ken's gaze hasn't changed one iota, in Shalltear's mind, he has too many things like that, even worse.

Silence has fallen between the two again, but neither of them has problems with this silence, this is because silence is what they prefer, Shalltear is a vampire, the night is her kingdom. At the same time, Shuu Tsukiyama is a ghoul; other people must not know where he is, the quieter, the better.

After about ten minutes, Ken and Shuu Tsukiyama saw a Rolls-Royce Ghost. Ken immediately understood that this car is the 'car' that Shuu Tsukiyama spoke about earlier. Ken, even if he hadn't known that there was a car waiting for Shuu Tsukiyama not far away, he would have immediately understood whose was it, the model is costly, and the only person who can afford it is a certain 'gourmet' next to him.

For this reason, as soon as he saw it, Ken could not help but complain internally about their wealth.

Shuu Tsukiyama arrived next to the car and without saying anything else opened the rear door as he entered. Ken, after Shuu Tsukiyama, also opened the door, although he would have expected a more gentlemanly act from Shuu Tsukiyama.

As soon as he got into the car, however, he immediately put a finger in front of him.

"Clang ~."

Now on the tip of his index finger was a Kagune like a sword that was trembling trying to force itself through that little finger that was blocking the weapon.

"Matsumae, what are you doing!"

Seeing this attack by her bodyguard on his friend, Shuu Tsukiyama immediately screamed. He can't really understand this impetuous gesture.

Even though Shuu Tsukiyama yelled at her, the ghoul who was called Matsumae, did not respond. Her eyes continued to tremble to demonstrate the internal shock she was feeling at this time.

She cannot afford for any reason that something could happen to the Young Master Shuu Tsukiyama, it is something inconceivable, if she were to make it happen, she would not be able to forgive herself, not to mention it is not in her style as a Knight.

For this reason, Matsumae yelled inside the car as she was trying harder and harder with her Kagune, "Young Master, she's dangerous, get out of here soon!"

Shuu Tsukiyama without thinking a second too long, summoned his Kagune and immediately attacked Matsumae's Kagune.

"Young Master!"

Matsumae can't believe it, the young master who attacks her? She has never heard of anything like this. She has always been the most supportive person along with the father of the family towards Shuu Tsukiyama.


"Matsumae, enough!"

Only now, the Kagune that was struggling withdrew.

A quiet voice reached Matsumae's ears, with no particular emotion whatsoever, perhaps the only emotion that could be felt was playful, "Have you calmed down?"

Ken was, how to say, 'amused' in this family skit, for him there was no problem, after all, he was not hurt.

Matsumae lowered her head as soon as she heard that voice, and said, not only towards Ken but also towards Shuu Tsukiyama, "I am truly mortified, not only for attacking you but also for ignoring your words."

For her, what she just did is something irreparable, she would never have expected to ignore what Shuu Tsukiyama said, it is something incomprehensible.

"I don't know why this happened to me ..." she continued to say to both of them.

"Matsumae, right? There is no problem, and I think Shuu has no problem too."

Shuu Tsukiyama nodded at the words of 'Shalltear,' confirming her words.

After a few minutes of the skit, the car finally started. The streets outside the window passed quickly, but Ken, thanks to Shalltear's vision, was able to observe every single detail.

He never expected to go to the ghoul 'lair' as a guest so quickly as soon as he arrived in this world.

Ken would never go to a place like that, hell he would. After all, the transformation has a finite duration, yet, he discovered that Shalltear has the possibility to recover her physical strength, not only through her own regeneration but also through the blood. Obviously, he has to be careful not to absorb too much; he doesn't want to turn into that 'monster'.

But now that he has discovered that he has this ability, he has no problem going to the Tsukiyama family base. Especially since he has a family member as a "friend", this allows him to have an absolute advantage.

The journey wasn't as monotonous as it was when he and Shuu Tsukiyama headed towards the car, but at the same time, it wasn't too cheerful. Every so often, Shuu Tsukiyama asked 'her' some everyday questions and sometimes joked. While all of this was happening, Matsumae was driving even though a smile appeared on her face at times.

She is happy that the Young Master can finally have someone to discuss with. Even though that person's appearance is almost as young as a child, the aura she displays is superior, as if she were a royal, for this reason, Matsumae thought of a princess. Not to blame her, after all, 'Shalltear' silver hair looks like silk, and the dress is also of a quality never seen before.

Shuu Tsukiyama showed a bored expression, he can't wait to show his house to this new friend of his, but this journey is monotonous. The most important thing is that it is not fast; for this reason, Shuu Tsukiyama asked Matsumae, "Matsumae, how long is it to get there?"

Matsumae was already expecting this question, so she immediately replied, "Five minutes and we'll be home, Young Master."

Shuu Tsukiyama nodded to what Matsumae said, then turned his head in the direction of 'Shalltear,' who was looking out of the car meanwhile.

"Mademoiselle, would you like to have dinner as soon as you arrive at my house?"

Hearing this, Ken shook his head, he doesn't care about eating human flesh, drinking blood is still acceptable, but eating human flesh is a huge NO.

"No thanks, although I appreciate the offer I have already 'eaten'."

"I see."

Shuu Tsukiyama nodded to what 'Shalltear' said. When a ghoul eats an entire person, it can usually last a full month or even two, so he didn't insist.

The five minutes said by Matsumae passed quickly, and in front of Ken's eyes, a mansion appeared, even if it looked more like a 'castle'. Around it was an immense garden, which at first sight seemed to be cared for with great care and grace.

Matsumae stopped right in front of the entrance to drop the Young Master and his 'friend'.

Shuu Tsukiyama getting out went to the door of 'Shalltear' and opened it. Ken got out as soon as Shuu Tsukiyama opened the door, and as soon as he did, he began to observe the place with more care and attention. Can not help but admire this place.

Just then, the doors of the house opened, and from inside a middle-aged man came out.

An elegant older man, with a well-trimmed moustache, he has well slid-back hair. Furthermore, he wears finely tailored clothes that, at first glance, like Shuu Tsukiyama, appear to be of exceptional quality.

This middle-aged man opened his mouth as soon as he left the house, "Shuu, welcome back."

Shuu Tsukiyama turned around to look at the one who had that voice, even without looking, he knew from the beginning who that voice belonged to, "Father!"

In this way, Shuu Tsukiyama with 'Shalltear' went in the direction of the front door while Matsumae went to park the car.

Shuu Tsukiyama's father from the beginning noticed the 'beautiful' girl who was accompanying his son, for this reason, showing a slight bow, he said, "Mirumo Tsukiyama, while this young lady?"

Ken, seeing the gesture of Shuu Tsukiyama's father, also introduced himself, "Shalltear Bloodfallen, it's a pleasure to meet you."