
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 «Friend»

What Ken did next was to look for more ghouls to transform. Each ghoul is an essential 'resource' to his current plan. Also, what Ken wants to create are not only high-level vampires but also 'defective vampires,' in poor words Lesser Vampires.

Their usefulness is bad, as is their strength, but in any case, this world is Tokyo Ghoul, not Overlord, every single one of these 'vampires' is more than enough to keep some investigators at bay.

This fictitious organization that he is creating must not come out, at least soon. Also, as mentioned earlier, every ghoul is really important. High-ranking vampires will be like captains, while Lesser Ghouls will be a bit like sacrificial soldiers.

Before finishing this day of 'hunting', however, what Ken has to do is test an idea that has passed through his mind by accident. If it works, it can solve a problem that has plagued this world for centuries, if it can't, well, he can't do that much. In case it works, then Ken would have no problem giving this 'gift' to those ghouls who want a normal life, like those of the Anteiku mainly before leaving.

While he was on top of a building, Ken looked down, what he saw left him with a smile.

He wouldn't have expected to see this person here. It's really a pleasant 'accident' if he can put it that way. If in the beginning, this person's character was really hateful, then, in the end, it was something pleasant.

For this reason, Ken has overshadowed the idea he wanted to test, at this very moment he has something, or someone, much more interesting. He can test that thing whenever he wants, but if he wants to meet this ghoul, it's not as simple as it is right now.

Jumping off the palace, Ken landed directly above the ghoul who never expected such a thing to happen.


"Thump ~."

Just as Ken was about to come upon him, the ghoul seems to have noticed that something was wrong, his instincts were telling him that there was 'danger,' but he didn't have time to move that he found himself on the ground with a weight on his back.

"I never expected to see anyone in this exact spot, what a surprise!"

The ghoul heard a young and feminine voice say that phrase. His heart has become bitter at this very moment; he would not have expected to end up in this situation.

You did it on purpose! That's what he wanted to scream, but right now he doesn't want to argue.

For a second, murderous intent passed in his eyes, but soon after he removed it. The weight of the person on his back is light, yet it is this lightness that has managed to take him out.

He clearly understood that the person is not a human; he felt it as soon as she jumped on his back; that aroma is not something that a normal human being can have. It's really similar to a ghoul's one, but at the same time is different, like, richer in flavours.

"Mademoiselle, would you be kind enough to move?" the ghoul said in a gentle tone for fear of provoking her.

He knows when it is someone he can target. He recognized that the person on top of him is someone he can't take lightly in the least, on the contrary, he feels that if she wanted it, he would die immediately, for this reason, he showed a calm and composed expression but hiding his heart in panic.

Ken, hearing how this ghoul called him, without saying anything, smiled, but still moved off his back.

Feeling that that weight has finally shifted, the ghoul got up, and 'cleaned' his dress which, by its appearance alone, looked classy. Turning around, however, he observed the one who knocked him down, the vision of that person sent his head into confusion, he would never have imagined seeing a person of that caliber, une personne si noble! (such a noble person!)

"What a surprise to see a mademoiselle like you in this place, this meeting so rich in fragrances must have been arranged by fate, oui, of this I am sure!"

Ken's mouth remained impassive. This praise is something normal since he is now Shalltear, but at the same time, he can't help but complain about his personality. Only because he has class right now through the transformation of Shalltear, this ghoul has forgotten the wrong he did to him. Perhaps he understood the disparity of strength between the two, but in any case, it is something that surprised him slightly.

Ken doesn't know, but the 'fragrance' that he emanates from Shalltear's body is something irresistible to ghouls, it's like a panacea. That bitter, sweet, but at the same time, rich fragrance is irresistible to ghouls, which is why the ghoul in front of him made those funny but refined gestures.

If Ken knew, he would not 'blame' him at all, even him, in case he had no such power, at the first vision of a panacea would go into 'madness'.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Shuu Tsukiyama. I hope your ladyship can deign me this honour to know your beautiful name!" Shuu Tsukiyama said with a smile making a slight bow in the direction of 'Shalltear'.

Shuu Tsukiyama tried to show all his noblest side to what appears to be a 'princess'. The royal demeanour she possesses, along with the aura of superiority, is something he's never seen in anyone before, which is why he tried to get close.

He feels that if he can get close to this person, he, as well as his family, could have an absolute advantage over the other people.

Ken thought silently for a few seconds without saying anything and then opened his mouth.

From those red lips that contrasted with that pearly skin, came out a 'melody' that intoxicated Shuu Tsukiyama.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen"

Ken has no problem revealing Shalltear's name; it's not his name after all.

Also, even though ghouls are something he can't support because the very idea of ​​eating human flesh makes him sick, he has no problem interacting with them to achieve some goals. Slowly he began to discover sides of his character that he did not know existed, perhaps because the world he previously lived in was 'normal' without any danger, as opposed to now.

What Ken wants to do right now is to start a 'relationship' with Shuu Tsukiyama, his family is powerful, and what he definitely doesn't lack is money, which he needs it instead.

That's not all, in truth, Ken deep down has the desire to take the whole Tsukiyama family for himself, this is not difficult, for this reason, he started this discussion with this 'gourmet'. Everyone has a desire deep down in themselves to be powerful and rich. Ken is not an exception.

"What a delicious and mighty name, it gives off that sweet and strong flavour as soon as you say it, just like your entire person,—I'm pleased to meet you!"

Shuu Tsukiyama then showed a curious expression looking at that little body in front of him holding an umbrella.

"May I know the reason why a young lady like you is in this place?"

Ken showed a smile but did not answer Shuu Tsukiyama's question, who, seeing this, showed a wry smile.

He certainly can't insist if she doesn't want to answer, in any case, he tried. Then, showing a smile, he made another small bow in the direction of 'Shalltear'.

He expected such an answer, after all, what he just did is go and investigate other people's personal 'secrets'.

For this reason, after bowing, Shuu Tsukiyama said, "It was a pleasure to meet you-"

Yet, he has not finished saying anything that, the same voice which is like a melody to his ears, has come again. 'Shalltear Bloodfallen' didn't answer his question, he expected that but she asked something the answer was obvious, after all, a friend is still a friend, right?

"Take me to your house."

Without Shuu Tsukiyama noticing it, Ken launched the 4th Tier Magic, Charm Species, which meant that in Shuu Tsukiyama's head, 'Shalltear' became a friend you can confide in.

This ability is not something to go crazy for, after all, mentally controlling someone is still something Ken can't stand doing. However, if he wants to achieve his goal, he must make an effort. Also, because without this ability, making 'friends' with Shuu Tsukiyama is not easy.