
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 «Unpredictable Smile»

Mirumo Tsukiyama, after which, moved, and pointing with his hand to the door, said with a smile on his face, "Please, come in."

Ken did not wait, making a small bow as if to thank him, he entered the Tsukiyama's home, as well as the place where perhaps the most important discussion in history will take place.

This is only if all goes well. He is not afraid of enemies when he is Shalltear; it's something normal after all. What he is 'afraid' of is that this discussion could fail.

If it doesn't go well, he could do nothing but act with force; however, this Ken wants to avoid it. After all the people forced are always the most 'dangerous,' just like a bomb that can explode at any moment.

However, Ken believes this shouldn't happen. In fact, he hopes that Mirumo Tsukiyama can understand the situation.

As soon as he entered the house, Ken could not help but observe the 'spectacle' of the house. He has never seen anything so luxurious in his life so close.

He never imagined being able to enter such a place. All this obviously without changing his gaze; after all, in Shalltear's mind, the Great Tomb of Nazarick is something else, not only when it comes to grandeur, but also richness.

The head of the family turned around after accompanying 'Shalltear' and his son Shuu to the living room.

"Once again, I am pleased to meet you, Miss Bloodfallen, I hope you can find our home to your liking."

Mirumo Tsukiyama feels in his heart that 'Shalltear' will be able to bring him a deal that he will not be able to give up in the least due to its importance and greatness.

For this reason, he smiled towards 'Shalltear,' after all, the first impression is probably what characterizes one person in the eyes of another. Not only that, apart from his smile, he didn't miss anything else. His demeanour is perfect, as is his tone of voice, of this, he is sure.

Ken seems to have understood what Mirumo Tsukiyama meant. He can't help but marvel at this keen sense when it comes to business talk. Precisely for this reason, he could not help but strengthen his idea of taking the Tsukiyama family.

He doesn't want to manipulate some people's heads; after all, they can be great allies, certainly more so than when they are controlled.

Ken replied with a shake of his head, "The pleasure is mine."

Mirumo Tsukiyama, after which he moved his gaze in the direction of a pendulum so as to look at the time.

"Would you like something to drink? A supply of excellent quality Blood Wine arrived yesterday."

Ken, regarding this question, thought about it for a few seconds. He personally wouldn't want to drink it, after all, if he were to absorb too much blood, he would transform into the horrible looking form, yet, Shalltear's instinct was telling him to drink.

In the end, Ken gave in. He certainly can't resist Shalltear's instinct; it's too much for him right now.

In this way, Ken nodded, confirming Mirumo Tsukiyama's proposal regarding the Blood Wine.

Mirumo Tsukiyama's smile, once he heard that 'Shalltear' accepted his proposal, has grown bigger, after all as a businessman and head of the family, every single item is something he is proud of.


Meanwhile that the discussion between Mirumo Tsukiyama and 'Shalltear' went on, Shuu Tsukiyama could not wait, without saying anything he approached a shelf and opening it, he took out a bottle.

Unlike normal wines that humans drink, the 'wine' that ghouls have is different, in fact, there are no different qualities, but it is a single quality.

Only that, as in the human world, even in that of the ghouls, 'packaging' and 'branding' is something expensive.

After taking the bottle, Shuu Tsukiyama placed it on a table surrounded by pure white sofas several meters away so as to take the glasses for the wine.

Seeing that Shuu Tsukiyama had already taken everything necessary, Ken and Mirumo Tsukiyama did not wait any longer. They interrupted their discussion to head in the direction of Shuu Tsukiyama.

Mirumo Tsukiyama, however, can not help but complain internally about his son's drinking habit.

What happened next was something 'normal', Ken, Shuu Tsukiyama and Mirumo Tsukiyama each sat on a different sofa.

Shuu Tsukiyama opened the bottle without waiting any longer. Immediately an incredible aroma emanated from the bottle. Ken, feeling that aroma, could not help but swallow, after all, he has never in his life smelled something so fragrant.

In this way, Ken brought that chalice containing the 'wine' near his mouth. A wine of a red colour that seemed to tempt people into sins.

The only smell emanating from the glass slightly intoxicated Ken's mind, this smell, so 'delicious,' did nothing but relax him from everything he was feeling in that moment, also, that slightly alcoholic smell in the air, gave an extra touch to that crimson red substance.

Ken has to admit that what he's holding is something he never imagined he would have in his life, yet, here he is, drinking blood.

Without waiting, Ken shook the glass slightly so as to release a little more of the smell, after which he brought the glass close to his red lips. By tilting the glass, the crimson red content ended up in Ken's mouth. Immediately the taste buds exploded even more. Ken looked at the goblet in his hand with two shocked eyes.

At that moment, Ken felt like he was in the middle of a bed made entirely of clouds, which were 'caressing' him.

After a few moments, Ken 'woke up'. What Ken was feeling right now was to take the 'wine,' and drink it straight without tasting it, but he immediately froze. He doesn't want to make a bad impression. Although Shalltear's spirit does not care that someone sees her that way; this is because, according to her, everything and everyone is inferior beings, he does care.

"I see you like it."

Mirumo Tsukiyama nodded upon seeing that surprised look from Shalltear Bloodfallen.

"I was sure it would be to your liking, Miss Bloodfallen."

The appearance and behaviour of 'Shalltear' burst forth nobility, this Mirumo Tsukiyama is sure of it, but what he is sure of along with this is the fact that 'Shalltear' age is not too different from how she looks.

The reaction that 'Shalltear' showed confirmed this idea. After all, a 'ghoul' who tasted this 'wine' for the first time almost always has the same reaction as 'Shalltear.'

"Miss Bloodfallen, I'm curious, why are you here in Tokyo?" Mirumo Tsukiyama asked in the direction of 'Shalltear' who was slowly tasting that 'wine.'

"After all, your appearance is very different from the Orientals."

Ken did not immediately respond. Only after a couple of seconds, he opened 'his' red lips which, due to the 'wine', seemed to be even redder.

"I have a mission that I absolutely must fulfil."

Ken has no problem disclosing this, he hasn't said anything about his mission, and he hasn't said anything about the space where 「Sora」 resides.

Mirumo Tsukiyama nodded to what 'Shalltear' said. He fully understood that 'she' doesn't want to talk about it, no, she talked, and according to his instincts, she said too much.

"Before moving on to the serious topics, I wanted to ask you how you and my son met," Mirumo Tsukiyama asked.

He has always hoped that his son would find someone who could become his future wife. He doesn't want to see Shuu Tsukiyama become a playboy like his grandfather. He wants him to find happiness. In fact, from Shuu Tsukiyama's gaze, Mirumo Tsukiyama noticed a certain feeling inside those eyes.

He can't help but cry internally, after all, he's been hoping for this for years, almost ever since Shuu's mother died. He has always supported his son in every decision made, but apparently, now his son 'has taken off' too.

If Ken knew what Mirumo Tsukiyama was thinking, he would stab him with his Spuit Lance. How can he imagine that? After all, it's not even an hour from the time they met. Precisely for this reason, Ken would not be able to understand how Mirumo Tsukiyama has already started to think about the 'future' life between his son Shuu and 'Shalltear'.

Even though he doesn't know what Mirumo Tsukiyama was thinking, this didn't stop Ken from perceiving that he was thinking something 'wrong'.

For this reason, looking with two half-closed eyes, Ken observed Mirumo Tsukiyama's face. However, he found nothing there. The expression that Mirumo Tsukiyama was showing prevented him from carefully observing some small details. After all, that little smile is fixed on his face, preventing him from understanding anything.

Ken can not help but sigh at these 'tricks'.

"We didn't meet that long ago. In fact, we only met today, when Shuu was returning from the Ghoul Restaurant" Ken said in the direction of Mirumo Tsukiyama who, hearing this, nodded again.

"I see."

"Miss Bloodfallen, I think now is the time for the serious discussion, I don't think I'm wrong about this after all my 'nose' for 'business' has always been exceptional."

Ken gave a little laugh at that attitude of Mirumo Tsukiyama. He can't help but appreciate this man even more; after all, he knows when it's time to discuss something important.

In this way, Ken said as he narrowed his eyes, "Sure!"