
Heroes No More

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage #5

Then is it in the Sub Skills Category? No way. Vincent will not lie if it's this kind of thing. I'm gonna check it, I...It's true!! Regeneration is in the Sub Skill Category. Ha...Haha, he lied to me. Calm down, Nero... Maybe is not like that... It's probably that guy's Influence, I definitely gonna pay what he already does to me... definitely, He thought.

So what is my Special Skill then? Hmm, let me see... he thought as he tried to use his voice. "Status Window...*quiet" Nero tried to speak. He tries many times but he still can't summon the Status Window.

As I thought it's worthless to do this, hahh what did that bastard do to me... I need to graduate faster, and search for someone who has the skill to see others' status windows!! He thought.

Moving forward, In the classroom.

"Okay everyone as I told you yesterday, let's see the holographic demonstrations, of Portal and Rank, and how these things work." Says Miss Anne

In the year 2025 after the world isolation begins... Portal started to appear. Some people are scared while others seem to not be affected by the fear. People who have pride in their ability... begin to start to conquer the portal. But many people that day have not known how dangerous Portal is. After that people start clearing portals, some got a bit of luck from the portal getting good stuff, while some just try to make a living from it. There is someone on Jeju Island, trying to subjugate a portal... he is so proud of being a pro gamer in his 20th, he probably even read manhwa... he indeed has Korean blood in him, either he was foolish or just naive. Because he entered a hunting portal, he does not have a chance to survive, after his death, the portal is open for the monsters to get to the real world. Ciru is the first and most famous monster because of the invasion of Portal Break. a small creature more like a goblin, but wearing a mask from the woods, and attacking with his poisonous claws. it was a scary experience for Old World people, many people who lived there are death tragically. Humans started to fight against that monsters. While in another country, there is one person who sees the news and decided to make a research team. He is the CEO and the person who founded Research Confinement Reality. The RCR team then decided to start their research on Portal, after they did it, Portal splits into three categories. First is the Sub-Quest Portal a stable one and most popular for Old World Humans there is not a single monster in this Portal just an NPC who will give you a quest, this type of Portal can be cleared repeatedly. Second, there is the Role Playing Portal, it's just like its name when you enter the portal you will get a role there, and your reward would be based on your contribution, Very Stable and most mysterious Portal. The third is Hunting Portal, this portal is very dangerous and not stable. Even for New World people, the consequences still can't be overlooked because if you fail to clear the portal it will trigger and open the portal on the other side. That's why the 6 Higher-ups and the Heroes Association Ranking made a law that states 'Heroes who do not have an Intermediate Rank License will not be permitted to enter the Hunting Portal category. for those who are incidentally or coincidentally entered the portal, they will pay 10 Million dollars or 10 years in Jail.'

"That's how scary Hunting portal is, the Fluctuation that appears randomly makes it even worse. Now let's see the Rankings Guide." Says Miss Anne.

Rankings are the thing that appears after the Revolutionary Era. The founder is Nova Scotia who has Special Skills Golden Ratio, and his Sub Skill Command makes him a successful entrepreneur. He separates Rank into 7 Categories. from the lower rank, there is Cadet Rank, a rank that is given after someone identified as an Awakener. Basic a Rank higher than Cadet, more powerful than ordinary people. Beginner a Rank higher than Basic, stronger than 100 Basic Rank. Intermediate a Rank higher than Beginner, able to fight 1000 Basic Rank Heroes. Expert higher than Intermediate, Able to take one on one with Demon Lord. Higher than Expert there is Master Rank, able to kill a monster like Surtr. Hero rank is a special Rank given for Heroes that have Tons of achievements in the Ragnarok, if we imagine the power of the Hero Rank, Hero Rank able to kill a dragon with a single hit!!! And for rankings on the leaderboards It's just recorded 1000 by the first time, and 10,000 people by now. There is a saying like 'people in the leaderboard of 1 to 100 place is like a God, or even maybe they can kill a God!?'

"That's it everyone for today's class. I hope everyone listening, for tomorrow we would watch the holographic documentary of Number 1 rank from San Diego, Juan Rodriguez Callibro de Alcala for killing a God in the Ragnarok. we would also have a topic of this specific being, Gods." Says Miss Anne excitedly.

After the class ended, it was the same routine for Nero and Derek... but Nero seems to notice that he is avoided by Fenhua... He knows it but he is still confused, why would he do that... he doesn't even remember anything bad that he do to him. Then he says to himself that he doesn't care... but he thinks about it all the time, his brain just seems don't understand his thought.

Tomorrow, in the class.

"Okay everyone, how was your day... are you excited to learn about the Number 1 Rank of all time? you probably are curious right now... 'Just how strong it is the Number 1 Rank He did even not get replaced? and get the title Number 1 Rank of all time.' let's just see it together!!