
Heroes No More

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage #6

After 10,000 Years of World Isolation (10 Years), the floating window is appearing again but this time it is displayed in the Sky like an ad. It says that Humans will be forcibly Teleported in 24 hours to the Ceverioz plain, with the Deity Being powers. We of course want to be as prepared as possible, Potion, equipment, etc. While we prepared for the Big War.... something appear, it was a Giant portal with red color that had never ever seen before. That was indeed shocking, but that is not all!! all kinds of monsters appear from that portal, these monsters seem to be much more aggressive... and powerful than normal ones. After a long-lasting war with these monsters, something more dangerous comes out of the portal, it was the first encounter with a Goddess. Her name is Eris the Goddess of Chaos, she looks like a human, but she has wings and looks like an undead creature, with her white dress and Half White Half Black wings. Many people then get trapped by her beauty, there are even some people who think she is a Liberator of Humanity, but it was all wrong she is Evil in disguise.

She begins to use her skill in the sky Aggresiokinesis, and then people start to fight each other, because of her skill of Aggresiokinesis he brought all sorts of people into anger even the calmest one can't resist the anger. she is indeed a Goddess. But still, there is 1 single person who was not affected by it, it was the real Savior of Humanity... Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo de Alcala!! because of his Special Skill Starlight, and his ability Star Guidance who summons a Star-like companion with pink color and a tattoo that looks like Flower, he can avoid her skill. After that, he then flies to the sky with his companion skills, althought he, himself dislikes the word Companion and prefers to call him to summon Pet. We wouldn't be disrespectful to him because the companion itself stated that he is not a pet. After the flying, they begin to fight each other, without a word spoken out from Juan's mouth he begins the battle with his ability Zodiac Descendant who can borrow a Legendary Creature 13 Zodiac from another dimension it is basically a Gacha Like skills, the Zodiac that appears is random. That day he got the perfect match for his Special skills ability... Lion Descendant, this Zodiac power as he, himself tells there are Solar Empowerment, Animal Manipulation, Enchanted Sense, and many more.

As he uses his Solar empowerment, he begins it by controlling all living animals to evacuate all humans in his front. after that, he use Enhanced Sense from Lion Zodiac Skills and his second ability Star Manipulation to abuse Solar empowerment! First, he controls 1 Sun, then 2, and 3, and so on, reaching his max limit that day 13, After collecting 13 affinities with the Sun he then uses his last Ability Starlight Beam. A beam brighter than the brightest SuperNova ever seen, that powerful enough to make the ocean evaporate and the land destroyed, and for the goddess... she was disappeared leaving nothing but her comrade. The first Achievement has known to kill a god one-on-one 'God Killer' and the birth of a Hero Rank, leaving him the most powerful human that existed.

"How about that? isn't that an interesting story? Unfortunately, he got arrested for 1 year because he destroyed half of the world, though it was just for a formal purpose... I am still furious about the Higher-Ups... and the thing that makes me more annoyed is He, Himself not say a word or fight back when being arrested... but even back then so many people disagree about the decision. Well tomorrow we will talk about the Rising of the 7 Religions that make a Great Revolution around the world." says Miss Anne.

After the class ended Nero and Derek went to the canteen... it was strange to him because of how quiet the canteen was after they entered... After eating he then goes to his room wondering that will he be able to become the number 1 Rank or not.

Morning in the class

"So how is your day everyone? I hope it's good. Let's talk about the 7 Religions that followed the revolution in the world. But before that, I don't want any of you getting triggered or what let's just see this for educational purposes. I hope you understand there are not allowed to debate about this specific topic before or after the class ended, you better watchword."

Religion, a single word that brought people split up and debating everywhere, brought hatred, Denial about their own fault.

Religion is always with us Humanity, that's why they begin to evolve. The 7 new Religions for the New world begin because people don't believe in gods anymore if you are in that situation you also gonna doubt your belief. But still, a Religion is the Believe of someone so it would vary from person to person, althought there is still someone who believes in Gods or Demons, they are no match for this 7 Great Religion. Let's talk about it!!

For the First Religion, it is no confusion is... Aeris, Grass that was found by Giraldin brought us Mana, and make humanity evolve. The believer is convinced that praying to Aeris will bless them by Luck.

The Second Religion is Poro... a Cute, friendly Creature that occurs in the Fluctuation, Has a body that looks like a penguin but with 4 hands and 2 legs, And a Bob shortcut hair that looks like dried grass or seaweed? that covers its eyes and a flower art around its neck. Because Poro helped people in the Fluctuation, the believer of this religion believed that praying to Poro will bless them with Poro Protection.

The third one is mysterious, Xenonite a Crystal that has a well and clean shape, glowing in the dark, and has a yellow color, though it is cannot be transported to the real world. People start to believe that if you pray to this thing it will bless you with wealth or sustenance.

Fourth there is Viel a powerful medical herb that contains powerful poison but human seems to not be affected by it even if it's consumed before Processing!! The believer is convinced that if you pray to Viel it will bless you to be healthy.

The Fifth is Zenikaramune, a Creature that lives on the ocean of a portal. It's like a dolphin but bigger than the biggest sperm whale, Known for Its unique ability that able to speak to any living being, and has a flower art around its head. Believer Convinced that if you pray to Zenikaramune you will gain more Intelligence.

The Sixth is Kirimaru and Karamaru, Half Death and Half Alive Creatures, there is flower art in their Alive hands. Believer Convinced that if you pray to them it will bless you with Immortality.

The Last one is Deity Being, the only Religion that has its own Bible. Many people believe It was the real Almighty one, The One Above All. The Believer Convinced that if you pray to Deity Being when you die you will ascend and become Gods, become a virtuous Being.

"That's it everyone for today's class, for the next class we will talk about Demons Rank!!! Have a good day, and see you tomorrow."