
Heroes No More

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage #4

After the class ended, we then decided to go to the canteen.

As always it was so loud here... hmm, why they're gathered there? is there something interesting... He thought. "Hey look over there!! I wonder why they are crowded there... Nero how about we take a look? let's go!" Says Derek while holding his meal. Nero note..."Nope, Busy" Read Derek. "Whatever you need to come with me, just put the meal on the table... it just takes a couple of seconds... Let's go." Says Derek while dragging Nero to the Crowd.

This spicy shetoes, I already said I don't wanna go there ugh. I hate Social Interaction whatever let's take a look at this thing, He thought. "Who is next? please line up... don't cheat okay? because I will know it. Come here it's free for this day, I have an ability Forecaster that can predict the future!! come now the other days would not be free..." Says the Chinese boy. "Woahh cool, Hey Nero look he is a real Fortune-Teller!! Woah is it his Special Skill? super cool. I would like to try it... Let's wait in line." Says Derek excitedly.

"Next... Oh, an interesting customer has arrived...*Smile. You are Nero right ? the guy who is late 2 hours on the first day of the academy..." Says the Chinese boy. Nero takes out the notebook in his pocket..."Yes, I Am, But I Am Not Your Customer 0_0. This Spicy SheToes Is Your Real Customer!!" Read him. "Haha, what's up with that nickname, is he your snacks or something. By the way, let's end our talk here, there are more and more customers waiting in line. So what is your name? Spicy Shetoes? *Chuckle" Says him. "N...no my real name is Derek, what is your name then?" says Derek with his red face and exactly look like a shetoes. "Ah, how rude I am, he is late for 2 hours, of course, he wouldn't know our names. Excuse me my name is Fenhua my Special skill is Prophecy and my first ability after reaching level 5 is Forecaster. You can call me Fen or Hua I don't have a last name so it's up to you." Says Fenhua.

"So Fen, I want you to Forecast my Future... just a simple one like how many kids do I have or something like that." Explain Derek. "That's easy but I still can't control the ability so how far your future will be seen is random... and I can't tell the specific detail, I will apology in advance if the Prophecy may not suit your liking." Says Fenhua Calmly. "It's okay I just come here for fun." Says Derek While Chuckling. "Okay, then I will begin the Prophecy." Says Fenhua While closed his eyes.

When he used the ability his Black hair slowly turned white while his Black eyes turned gold color while the eyes glowing. he then sees something with a face-paced picture and some weird words that never seen, the speed is like riding a spaceship at the speed of light!! After the ability stopped he begin to tell the Future that he saw Derek. "I see something interesting, in the 11 years from now. You still have not gotten any Rank on the leaderboard or License!! but I still didn't sure about it, might also have some mistranslation there. But don't worry my Forecaster is always telling the truth." Says Fenhua Seriously. "Wait if your Forecaster is true then I'm a worthless Heroes? who didn't even have a license? are you telling me a person who can enter Avalon is just a Trash bag??" Says Derek Disappointedly. "Hahaha, that's right. you better prepare yourself and stop slacking off." Says Fenhua while Laughing. "Ugh, you are right... let's eat our meal Nero, I'm getting hungry because of this." Says Derek who has a bad mood.

After they turned their back on Fenhua. The curious 16 years old, Fenhua forcibly tries to see Nero's Future... His Hair started to lift and the color changed, his eyes also started to change to golden... but suddenly something prevent him, it was a mysterious Voice that says 'No...No...Don't...No...Do...No...Leave!!!' before even he fully cast his ability. he forced to stop it by something, it was a scary moment for him... the sound of a distorted voice, in a fast and repeated way... it's just too Creepy for him.

"*Hnnngh, *Hufft... What is that? *Trembling. Ugh everyone sorry for saying this but I'm not feeling good now so I'll continue my business tomorrow don't worry as the exchange tomorrow will also be a free service!! Thanks, guys Im gonna go to my room." Says Fenhua with his weary face.

"Ugh, I'm so disappointed with my future self... how did he even survive that long from my parents, if it's the current me I'm definitely already dead now." Says Derek With a Dark Joke. Nero Pulling his Notebook..."What's this... What is your Special Skill? Maybe I could help with your training?" Read Derek while eating. "Ha..haha I see now, this is why they aren't allowing us to be late. You see my Special skill is Armament... it's basically a fancy way to say weapons. and I'm already level 6 hehe, the level is quite high, right? my first ability is Weapon Creation, Look at this spoon *Shrinng. Tada... it's become a knife. It's basically changing the shape of the material that I touch into any weapon I imagined but it also has some limitations so this ability is not that powerful, but at least they allowed me to enter this Academy after seeing my potential rate. Cool right? I'm still not that expert though so maybe there is still a hidden potential that waiting to be Mastered." *Nero Note..."Your Special Skill is Quite Good For A Snack." Read Derek.

"Hmm Yeah come to think of it, What is your Special skill? I will guess it's a super powerful Special skill right? From the Old World Human knowledge, people who are never talking tend to hide a godly power. So tell me right now!!" Says Derek with his sparkly eyes. Nero's Note..."My Special Skill Is Regeneration? and I'm still level one because not that long ago I awaken?" Read Derek that is confused. "Wait you said your Special Skill is Regeneration??? I'm so confused right now... are you even know the difference between Special and Sub skills ?? how old are you? 10?" Says Derek who is shocked. Nero Note..."I'm 13th..." Read Derek. "Hahhh... I'm still shocked you didn't found out the truth, you need to find it by yourself, go search for the information on your computer... Are your parents don't even try to explain something?" Says Derek. Nero Note..."Nope, Not at all. I Rather Search It By Myself. Thanks For Your Information^_^" Read Derek.

"No worries we're roommates after all. By the way about our training..." Says Derek "How about I make you as my punch bag...." Says Derek whose voice slowly disappears from Nero's head. "You know you...Level up..." Says Derek.

What is it why everyone there not telling the truth... Even Vincent, Why did that Bastard lie to me? Ughhh I can't think of another person than my own Biological Father, He thought. "Nero... Let's go are you still wanted to stay here or what?" Says Derek. "Hey, are you listening to me?" Says Derek raising his voice. Ahh yes, I need to go to my room first to see the truth, he thought. Nero pulls out his Notebook..."Yes, Let's Go I want To Check The Information." Read Derek. "Let's go then."Says Derek while walking towards the elevator.

In Nero's Room...

Where is it? where is it? I didn't find it in the Special Skills Category... why it's not here. It will probably be here because I already got verified as an Awakener... is it... no way... then...