

Fate characters in Danmachi Fate and Danmachi belong to their rightful owners

IceArcilla · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


While Arturia is still in a state of shock, Gilgamesh did something to make her fall out of consciousness.

"Why did you do that?" Azraelle asked with an angry tone that totally contradicts her amusement-filled eyes.

"She'll be a bit disoriented for now up until the transfer of authority ends. Do what you have to do. Considering her abilities the transfer will be done in no time and she'll wake up." He said, avoiding the question with a relaxed demeanor.

"....." she followed his advice and took care of the preparations.








My body feels like it's burning, my blood boiling.

Soon enough the burning sensation I felt vanished little by little as my consciousness return.

I opened my eyes and found myself inside an elegant room that looked like it was built inside the body of a tree with a circular floor to ceiling window that overlooks the beautiful forest and flying... boats?

What the fuck? Ah, sorry about the profanity.

I stood up and began to walk around the room but I noticed that my body got smaller. I sighed in frustration and started to think.

Okay let's recall what happened. I was speaking with the Lady Azraelle about me being transported to another world to stabilize my daughter's soul, Gilgamesh showed up and made me drink his blood, to transfer the control over his treasury to me then someone hit me on the back of my head-that's probably Gilgamesh.

He said that the catch is we will be connected by mind and I'll be able to summon him by will. Since I don't know how to summon him, I'll rely on the mental connection instead. Okay let's try this.



I need to focus more. I sat on the floor facing the forest outside. I closed my eyes, cleared my mind, calmed my heart, then I called him.




'Yes? Missed me already?'

'No, I don't. Anyway, mind explaining?'

'Explain what?'

'I don't know, maybe start on the part where you hit me on the back of my head?' I said, sarcasm evident in my voice.

'Oh that. I did that to make you unconscious so the transfer of control will go smoothly. Also your body is that of a nine years old child but your skills, abilities, blessings, and wisdom is still the same. And if you're curious of your whereabouts, you're in the Royal Forest of Alf. I'll go now, bye~

'Wait! What about my-'

'Your mission? I don't know. Azraelle will probably visit you in your dream to explain. Don't miss me too much'

I can literally hear him smirking right now. I'll try working on the speed of establishing a telepathic link later so that I can do it anytime.I opened my eyes and sat down on the chair next to the window.

"Let's see... Based on the room, the surroundings, the elegance of the things here, and the name of the place, it's safe to assume that I'm in an Elven territory. Of course it's not just that. I can't sense anything that can bring possible harm to the forest. That's nice."

I'm bored. Should I roam around? No, I'll probably get in trouble. Should I go back to sleep? No, I'm not sleepy. Should I just leave? No, that would be rude. I still have to thank the people that took care of me.

I stared at the forest outside, enchanted by its beauty. A small smile escaped my lips as memories of the forest near my kingdom played in my mind.

A few hours ago, before the King of Knights woke up, an Elven Warrior requested an audience with their rulers. Which was granted by the Queen.

"Your Highness, while we were patrolling earlier we found a human child within the borders." the warrior stated

"Where is this child you speak of? Did you take it with you?" asked the Queen

"No Your Highness, we didn't. Or rather, we couldn't."

"And why is that?"

"Because-Forgive me for my rudeness but I think you must see it for yourself." the warrior said nervously.

The Queen, on the other hand, was intrigued "Very well, take me to the child"

The warrior accompanied the Queen to the whereabouts of the human child. Once they arrived, the other warriors bowed down and made way in respect to the Queen.

As soon as she reached the end of the aisle created by her people, the Queen froze not believing her eyes.

There in front of her is a child with an appearance that can rival that of an elf. Blonde hair, fair skin, and delicate features.

The child is laying on a bed of white flowers with a pure white wolf sitting on her left and a golden lion on her right. Both eyeing the Elves keenly as if giving a warning to them. Like loyal knights serving their king.

And from time to time birds of different sizes and colors will come to her bearing flowers and chirping as if bringing offers and singing praises to a king.

Without hesitation the Queen approached them causing the wolf and the lion to stand up and growl at her, warning her to stand back.

"I mean no harm. I just want to help."

The two narrowed their eyes, not believing her words.

"I will not hurt her. I will only bring her to my home and take care of her. I promise."

They stopped growling and looked behind at the same time like someone called them. A few moments later they looked at the elves and hesitantly backed away.

The Queen took the child and carried her carefully then looked back at the child's guardians and smiled, assuring them that she will fulfill her promise.

Seeing this, the lion and the wolf ran and disappeared in the woods.

Let's get back to the present.

An elf standing outside the room heard shuffling inside and told her companion to call the Queen, who arrived immediately but decided to stay outside and listen.

They heard someone walking, a sigh, then followed by silence. After a few minutes they heard a calm voice speaking.

"Let's see... Based on the room, the surroundings, the elegance of the things here, and the name of the place, it's safe to assume that I'm in an Elven territory. Of course it's not just that. I can't sense anything that can bring possible harm to the forest. That's nice."

They heard nothing else afterwards so the Queen knocked, then she and the two warriors came in and saw the child sitting near the window.