

Fate characters in Danmachi Fate and Danmachi belong to their rightful owners

IceArcilla · Anime & Comics
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From a certain dimension, the scion was summoned.

When she opened her eyes she was greeted by the light of the sun passing through the window.

She roamed her eyes around and found herself inside a temple of some sort.

"I see you're awake" a melodic voice said.

The soul looked at the direction where the voice came from and saw a particular deity walking towards her.

"May I ask why you have called for me?" asked the scion.

The lady chuckled. "You're not very patient are you?"

"N-no! Ah I mean, um-"

The deity smiled after seeing the the child's reaction "It's fine. As for your question, I summoned you here to tell you that I decided to send you in another world"

The scion, confused of the flow of events, asked; "Why? Pardon my rudeness Lady Azraelle but, you're not like the Gods or her or anyone for that matter who only seeks entertainment from these kinds of stuff."

"I know.... But someone meddled with my work and now I have to take care of that."


"Yes. A certain Deity decided to go and play here thinking that it will tick me off. And alas! An important soul was sent to another world."


"You might be thinking : 'why me?' or something along those lines right? Well it's simple, that child happened to be yours."


Meanwhile in the Throne of Heroes...

A king watched the exchange between the two through his Divine Mirror.

"What are you doing, King of Heroes? Watching her again? " a blonde maiden asked

"I don't see why it is your business Maid of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc. But fine, I am watching her exchange with Azraelle."

"Hmm? You're saying that she is with the Goddess Azraelle right now? That's intriguing indeed. Usually she is with one of her patrons or Lady Mnemosyne"

"Do you get it now? Why you were chosen to be sent to live in another world?"

"She's being sent to another world eh? Why not give her a parting gift? I wonder which of my treasures would fit her...." he mumbled, deep in thought.

"Why not just give her your whole treasury?" she jested though the King seemed to have taken her joke seriously "Great idea! I applaud you, mongrel."

Jeanne just shook her head and whispered "You're nuts"

"Do you get it now? Why you were chosen to be sent to live in another world?"

"You want me to stabilize her, explain to her what happened, and if necessary, help the people in certain circumstances."

Azraelle nodded and explained everything-the process, the possibilities of stuff, the way how that world works, etc. etc. - when someone interrupted.

" GREETINGS, MONGRELS! " shouted the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh

" You do realize that I'm a Primordial, right?" Azraelle snapped at him

"Yes, I just don't care. Anyway, I came here because I want to give my bride a gift for her departure."

"I never accepted your proposal, Gilgamesh."

"Oh come on Arturia, don't be like that. I haven't given up yet." he said with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face.

The scion, who bears the name Arturia sighed "I forgot how hard headed you are. Fine, what's the catch? "

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You really know me well, that's why I like you. The catch is our minds will be connected and you can summon me whenever you want and I can manifest beside you whenever I want. Well? Do you accept? King of Knights, Arturia Pendragon?"

"... Fine. I accept."

Gilgamesh smiled and summoned a goblet filled with thick red liquid. "Here, drink this." he said while extending his hand to Arturia.

Arturia looked at him skeptically but drank it regardless. Her brows scrunched up in confusion because of the unusual taste. "Tastes weird. What was that?" she asked.

Gilgamesh smirked mischievously and said: "My blood."

The moment he said that, Arturia's body tensed as she felt a huge shock throughout her body, leaving her in a daze.