
Hero vs Demon

In a stunning twist of fate, Kai, a passionate young reader, meets a tragic end only to be reborn in the very novel that once captivated him. However, fate plays a cruel hand, for he is reincarnated as a Demon in a world where these magnificent creatures are ruthlessly hunted by humanity. It does not help that the protagonist of the story, armed with her 'system' harbors a deep-seated animosity towards Kai's kind. "I'll be damned..." It was the first words Kai muttered as he understood where he reincarnated.

Abnormally ยท Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Tap... Tap...

The clash of wood against metal resonated through the forest as I deflected the goblin's relentless attacks. With each strike, I could feel the pain surging through my broken arm, but I couldn't afford to let my guard down.


The goblin's malevolent grin faltered as it struggled to land a blow against my makeshift staff. Its beady eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and frustration, its earlier confidence waning in the face of my resilience.

I seized the opportunity to strike back, launching a swift counterattack. With a swift twirl of the branch, I aimed a powerful blow at the goblin's midsection. The wood connected with a satisfying thud, eliciting a pained grunt from the creature.


The goblin stumbled backward, momentarily disoriented by the force of my strike. It quickly regained its composure, snarling with renewed ferocity.

Although it was only a weak monster, it was clear that the goblin wasn't going down easily.


We circled each other, locked in a deadly dance. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the very air crackling with tension and anticipation.

Tap... Tap...

The goblin's wiry form darted toward me, its movements erratic and unpredictable. I parried its vicious strikes with desperate precision, my broken arm protesting with each block. Pain shot through my body, but I refused to yield.


With a snarl, the goblin lunged at me once more, its jagged teeth bared in a grotesque display of fury. I sidestepped its attack, narrowly avoiding its gnashing maw. In that fleeting moment, I saw an opportunity.

Summoning every ounce of strength left within me, I swung the branch with all my might, aiming for the goblin's vulnerable side. The impact resounded through the clearing as the wood connected with its emaciated frame.

The goblin let out a strangled cry, stumbling backward and clutching its injured side. Blood oozed from the wound, staining its tattered garments.

But the creature's pain only fueled its rage. It bared its teeth in a feral snarl, a sickening combination of hatred and determination gleaming in its malevolent eyes.

I knew I couldn't hold out for much longer. The exhaustion gnawed at my muscles, my body begging for respite. But surrender was not an option. I had come too far, and fought too hard to let this monster overcome me.


The goblin launched a flurry of attacks, its movements a blur of twisted limbs and malicious intent. I dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding its lethal strikes. Each miss filled me with a flicker of hope, a belief that perhaps I could emerge victorious.

But hope alone would not be enough. I needed to seize the advantage, to turn the tide in my favor.


Suddenly, the goblin swung its dagger in a wide arc, leaving itself vulnerable for just a fraction of a second.


Without fully considering the consequences, I lunged forward, my makeshift staff poised to strike. The anticipation gripped me, blinding my judgment to the trap that lay before me.

In the blink of an eye, the goblin's snarl transformed into a wicked smile. It expertly sidestepped my hasty attack, skillfully evading my intended blow. Its twisted fingers curled around my arm, its grip vice-like and unforgiving.


Pain shot through my body as the goblin's dagger found its mark. The blade pierced my side, eliciting a cry of agony from deep within my chest. I staggered backward, disbelief mingling with the searing pain.


The goblin's laughter filled the clearing, a haunting sound that reverberated through my very soul. It reveled in its triumph, reveling in the taste of victory that had slipped through my fingers.

But amidst the pain and despair, a flame of determination ignited within me.

Gritting my teeth, I struggled to steady my trembling limbs. Blood stained my clothes, mingling with the dirt and sweat of battle. The taste of failure lingered in the air, but it only served to fuel my determination.

The goblin, drunk on its momentary triumph, advanced with a sadistic glee. It sought to savor my defeat, to revel in the destruction it had wrought. Little did it know, I still had a fight left in me.


With a surge of adrenaline, I summoned the strength to push through the pain. I darted to the side, narrowly evading the goblin's next strike. Using the last vestiges of my energy, I aimed a swift kick at its knee, aiming to destabilize its stance.


The blow connected with a satisfying crunch, sending the goblin crashing to the ground. Its triumphant expression morphed into one of shock and pain. I had turned the tables, if only for a fleeting moment.

Drawing upon my last reserves of strength, I stumbled forward, determined to deliver a final blow. But the goblin, wounded but not defeated, wriggled free from my grasp, swiftly retreating into the shadows of the forest.

Breathing heavily, I stood there, my body battered and broken, yet my spirit unyielding. The battle was far from over, and the goblin would return, thirsting for revenge.

However, it would probably find a dead body.


Pressing my hand to the wound on my side, I grimaced in pain and cursed myself for letting my guard down.

I don't know why I even tried to stop the blood loss, it was clearly too late.

I staggered forward, my vision blurred and my steps growing weaker with each passing moment. The forest around me seemed to sway, the trees merging into a hazy tapestry of shadows. The taste of defeat mingled with the metallic tang of blood in my mouth.


I fell to my knees, the earth cool against my skin. The pain surged through my body in relentless waves, each breath a struggle to draw. The scent of damp leaves and the distant melody of the forest became distant echoes, fading into an ethereal realm beyond my reach.

With a final gasp, I collapsed onto the ground, my body no longer able to bear the weight of the battle and the pain that consumed me. The world around me faded into darkness, the cacophony of the forest falling silent.

'I hate this sensation...'