
Hero vs Demon

In a stunning twist of fate, Kai, a passionate young reader, meets a tragic end only to be reborn in the very novel that once captivated him. However, fate plays a cruel hand, for he is reincarnated as a Demon in a world where these magnificent creatures are ruthlessly hunted by humanity. It does not help that the protagonist of the story, armed with her 'system' harbors a deep-seated animosity towards Kai's kind. "I'll be damned..." It was the first words Kai muttered as he understood where he reincarnated.

Abnormally · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Tap... Tap...

I strode through the lush forest, the sound of my footsteps echoing through the trees. The warm sunlight filtered through the branches, dappling the ground with patches of light and shadow.

However, although it should be peaceful, I was in a hurry, running as if I was being chased by something.

Huff... Huff...

Breathing heavily, I pushed myself further and further, ignoring the twinges of pain in my legs and the burning sensation in my lungs.

'Come on!'

I muttered to myself, leaping over a log that lay in my path and continuing to run.

I couldn't afford to slow down, not when I was desperately trying to reach my destination before it was too late.

My adrenaline was pumping so hard, I didn't even feel the pain of my broken arm anymore.

The once serene forest now felt like an unforgiving labyrinth, with branches reaching out to snag my clothes and thorny vines attempting to trip me.

Chirp... Chirp...

The birds overhead seemed to echo my desperation, their songs transforming into a cacophony of urgency.

Huff... Huff...

With each labored breath, I could taste the metallic tang of blood on my tongue. The exertion was taking its toll, but I couldn't allow weariness to overcome me. There was too much at stake.


A strange laughter echoed behind me, causing me to quicken my pace. I didn't even dare to look back, knowing that hesitation would only slow me down.


After a few more minutes of running, I finally burst into a small clearing, panting heavily and nearly collapsing from exhaustion.

I was too exhausted to run anymore, hence I stumbled to the ground, taking a moment to catch my breath and let my heart rate slow down.

Then, I forced my weary body to sit up and scanned the surrounding greenery, my eyes widening in alarm as I witnessed a grotesque figure emerging from the undergrowth.


The goblin slithered forward, its hunched posture revealing a twisted, wiry frame covered in mottled green skin. Its beady, malevolent eyes glimmered with a sinister intelligence, reflecting a sickly green hue that seemed to emanate from within. Jagged teeth protruded from its grotesque mouth, creating a menacing grin as it surveyed its surroundings.

In its gnarled and bony hands, the goblin clutched a stone spear, its tip gleaming with a cruel sharpness. The weapon's presence sent a shiver down my spine, for it bore witness to the goblin's malicious intent and its familiarity with the art of violence.

The creature's wiry hair stood on end, resembling twisted tendrils of moss that sprouted from its scalp. Its ears, pointed and elongated, twitched with a keen sensitivity to the surrounding sounds, picking up every rustle of the leaves and the softest footfall.

As it approached, its gait revealed a deceptive agility, with each step landing silently, as if it was one with the forest itself. Its tattered clothing, made of rough and dirty fabrics, hung loosely from its emaciated frame, swaying with each predatory movement.

The goblin's face contorted with a mix of amusement and malice, its sneer widening as it observed my worn-out state. It seemed to relish the sight of my exhaustion, recognizing that it had me cornered and vulnerable.

I mustered the last reserves of my energy, pushing myself up from the ground, my broken arm aching in protest.

'Damned goblin...'

I met this monster just an hour after I discovered that I reincarnated into a novel. I was traveling through the greenery when it suddenly lunged at me, barely missing my throat.

Luckily, I survived and managed to escape and run to a clearing where it couldn't hide in the bushes.

And now here we are, standing right before each other, preparing to perform a death dance.


The forest air grew heavy with tension as the goblin's presence sent a ripple of fear through my veins. Its malevolent eyes narrowed, fixating on me with a wicked intensity, as if it had been lying in wait for this very moment.


Without warning, the goblin lunged forward, propelled by an otherworldly speed. Its wiry body twisted and contorted, the sinewy muscles beneath its sickly green skin propelling it towards me like a predatory beast.

I barely had time to react as the creature's stone spear whistled through the air, aimed straight at my vulnerable form. Instinct took over, and I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. The spear collided with the ground, embedding itself into the earth with a dull thud.


The goblin hissed with frustration, its gnarled fingers releasing the weapon and reaching for a hidden blade strapped to its waist. It moved with a terrifying fluidity, closing the distance between us in an instant.

I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest. The broken arm throbbed with each movement, reminding me of the pain that I had chosen to ignore in the pursuit of survival.


With a swift motion, the goblin slashed at me, its blade glinting with malevolence. I ducked and weaved, narrowly evading the deadly arcs of its weapon. The air around us crackled with the intensity of our struggle, the forest itself seemingly holding its breath in anticipation.

Although the creature was armed it was barely the size of a child and I was able to stay out of its reach.

'I have to fight back...'

Observing the Goblin that was circling around, whilst licking his green lips I desperately looked around searching for something I could use as a weapon.

The pressure mounted as I realized time was running out, and the goblin showed no signs of relenting in its vicious assault.

Then, my gaze fell upon a fallen branch, weathered and discarded amidst the undergrowth. It was long enough to serve as a staff, providing me with some reach advantage against the nimble goblin.


Without hesitation, I lunged toward the branch, snatching it up and wielding it with a newfound determination. Gripping it tightly, I assumed a defensive stance, my broken arm screaming in protest.

The goblin's wicked grin widened as it recognized the shift in the dynamic. It lunged at me once again, its blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. But this time, I was ready.

Using the length of the branch to my advantage, I parried the goblin's strikes, deflecting its blade with each calculated movement.

"Now it's my time to attack bitch!"