
Hero vs Demon

In a stunning twist of fate, Kai, a passionate young reader, meets a tragic end only to be reborn in the very novel that once captivated him. However, fate plays a cruel hand, for he is reincarnated as a Demon in a world where these magnificent creatures are ruthlessly hunted by humanity. It does not help that the protagonist of the story, armed with her 'system' harbors a deep-seated animosity towards Kai's kind. "I'll be damned..." It was the first words Kai muttered as he understood where he reincarnated.

Abnormally · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs



I groaned as I regained consciousness, slowly opening my eyes and trying to make sense of my surroundings.

It took a few moments for my vision to come into focus, but when it did, I realized that I was lying on the ground in what appeared to be the forest where I encountered the Goblin.

"I really am immortal..."

Not seeing any stab wounds left by the Goblin's dagger, I silently nodded my head, raising to my feet and brushing the dirt and twigs off my clothing.


As I gathered my thoughts and took in my surroundings, I glanced toward the path that led toward where I was ambushed by the Goblin.

My mind began to race, replaying the events that led up to my attack and subsequent death.

"If I manage to dodge it..."

I muttered, recalling the monster's ambush and how it had caught me off guard.

"... I can probably kill it."

Although I wasn't able to take the Goblin head-on, since it had more experience in combat than I did, I knew that I could outsmart it.

While it might have thought that I was an easy target, I had the advantage of being able to come back from death as many times as needed until I achieved victory.

"First, I need a weapon..."

Looking around, I searched for a sturdy stick or branch that could be used as a makeshift weapon.

As I scoured the forest floor for a suitable weapon, my eyes fell upon a fallen tree branch. It was thick enough to provide some heft, and its jagged end could potentially inflict damage on the Goblin.

I knew that it wouldn't be the best option, but I had to work with what I had.

With newfound determination, I reached down and grasped the branch firmly, testing its weight and balance.

Adjusting my grip, I set off along the path, following my memory of where I had encountered the Goblin earlier.

Tap... Tap...

The path led me deeper into the forest, the air growing colder and the sounds of wildlife fading into an eerie silence. It seemed as though the forest itself was aware of the impending confrontation, holding its breath in anticipation.

I continued down the path, my senses alert and every muscle in my body primed for action. I could feel the weight of the branch in my hand, a crude but potentially effective weapon against the Goblin.

Unbeknownst to the creature, I had caught a glimpse of its cunning nature during our previous encounter. It had relied on the element of surprise, leaping out from the shadows with vicious intent. This time, I would turn the tables.

As I walked, I feigned obliviousness, keeping my eyes scanning the ground and the surrounding foliage. The Goblin, hidden high up in the trees, watched my every move, confident that it could catch me off guard once again.

'It's here...'

I maintained my facade of vulnerability, acting as though I had no knowledge of the Goblin's presence. The creature grew bolder, emboldened by my apparent ignorance. It saw an opportunity and seized it, leaping down from the branches directly above, aiming to pounce on my unsuspecting head.

But I was ready.


In one swift motion, I swung the branch upward with all my strength, like a baseball player swinging for a home run. The jagged end of the branch collided with the Goblin's forehead, sending it tumbling through the air before crashing onto the forest floor.

Blood seeped from its wounded forehead, and for a moment, it lay disoriented and stunned. I seized the opportunity to press my advantage, quickly closing the distance between us. But I knew that this strike alone wouldn't be enough to finish it off.


The Goblin, still dazed, attempted to rise, its beady eyes filled with rage and confusion. It hissed and lunged at me once more, driven by its feral instincts.

With a surge of adrenaline, I swung the branch again, this time aiming for its torso. The impact sent the Goblin sprawling backward, its grip on consciousness barely maintained.

I knew I had wounded it severely, but it wasn't dead yet. The Goblin struggled to regain its footing, staggering in a desperate attempt to defend itself. It was weakened and vulnerable, but its will to survive burned fiercely.

I braced myself, ready to deliver the final blow, but the Goblin, displaying an uncanny resilience, managed to crawl away into the underbrush, disappearing from sight.

I stood there, panting heavily, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"You will not escape this time!"

I threw myself into pursuit, determined to finish the job and rid the forest of this persistent threat once and for all.

Tap... Tap...

I charged forward, the sound of my footsteps echoing through the forest as I pursued the wounded Goblin. It darted through the thick greenery with surprising agility, narrowly avoiding my every attempt to capture it. But it couldn't outrun the trail of blood it left in its wake.

"It's only a matter of time..."

Following the crimson path, I pushed myself deeper into the forest. The foliage grew denser, hindering my progress, but I refused to relent. The Goblin's desperate escape only fueled my determination.

Suddenly, as I rounded a bend, I found the Goblin collapsed on the ground, its ragged breathing punctuating the air. It looked up at me, its eyes filled with a mixture of fear and pleading. It seemed almost as if it was praying for me to show mercy and spare its life.

It would've made me hesitate, were it not for the memory of this same green creature killing me.


I raised my weapon, ready to deliver the final blow and end this once and for all.

However, before I could kill the monster, a sharp twang echoed through the forest.


An arrow flew by, grazing my cheek and leaving a stinging trail of pain in its wake.


Instinctively, I ducked and scanned the surroundings, searching for the source of the arrow. It was then that I noticed movement in the treetops. Another Goblin, armed with a bow, peered down at me with malicious intent.

"How many of you are there!?"