
The memory

Hermione woke up in the Hospital wing next day. ' I must have passed out' Hermione thought. But she didn't know why. When she tried to sit up her whole body disobeyed her. She couldn't hardly move an inch.

It felt like she'd been going through a fire and didn't have any water to extinguish it with. She found some bruises on her arms and she had no idea why they were there.

Suddenly the door swung open and Ginny, Harry and Ron walked in. But they had someone with them. Draco.

Hermione tried to sit up but she couldn't. She silently whispered Draco's name. " Hermione stay still, your body is very sore right now'' Harry said and helped her to find a good position to lay in, while Ginny fixed her pillows.

" Why am I here?'' That was her first question to them. And they just looked at her, like she was an idiot.

" Wait, you don't know what happened?" Ron questioned. Ginny walked forwards and took her hand. " Mione, we...I mean, Draco found you, layin in a corridor last night. You must've passed out. So he carried you all the way here" She explained.

" Did Malfoy carry me here? And why is my body so bloody sore?!'' Hermione cried.

" You were hit by Crucio several times" Draco spoke for the first time since they got there. " I was....what?''

" You don't remember?'' Harry said, slightly frustrated. Hermione shook her head in reply. She should but she didn't. What was going on inside her head anyway?

" How is that possible?" Ron said looking suspicious. Draco shot daggers, arrows and hexes at him with his eyes. " Yeah, how is that possible, Weasley?'' He growled.