

Hermione hesitated if she should knock on the door or not. What if Ron did something to harm her again? Ginny nor Blaise was there to help her. And Harry didn't know anything, she thought.

She was just about to knock when the door went wide open amd Harry stood in front of her. " Mione! You're here....now? Why?"

" Haven't you read the Daily Prophet? Can I come in?" " Um...no. Why? Yeah sure" He let her in and George greeted her. " Hey Mione! What's up?"

" Guys something is goin on. And it's not good." When she was done explaining everyone got panic.

" Where's Ginny?" Harry said worried. " I don't know, but I'm sure she's with Blaise." " At least she's in good hands then. I'll get Ron."

" Wait, Ron? Harry there is something I need to tell you" " It's fine I already know. "

" Wait what? You do?" " Yeah he told me" Hermione was taken aback. ' Ron himself told him?' She thought. " And...?"

" I almost killed him" " Oh..."

" Anyway we went to the doctor and he said he was being possessed by someone"

" What?! That's horrible" " Hermione?" Ron stood infront of George by the staris and looked at her.

" Hey Ron.... How are you feeling?"

" Better. I guess Harry has told you everything?" She nodded. " He have."

" Hermione I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I would never...oh my god I'm the worst person ever. Please forgive me? "

" Ron I forgive you, but you know I'm with Draco now, right?" Ron nodded, she noticed he was slightly disapointed. She pulled him to her and hugged him tightly.

" I've missed you, Ron" Hermione whispered. In that moment Ginny stepped inside, alone. " Ginny!" Harry exclaimed. " Where's Blaise?" Hermione said worriedly and let go off Ron.

" He disapparated to Draco's house I think. I'm so worried Hermione, I don't know what to do.'' Hermione hugged her.

' Do it now' A voice said inside Ron's head. Ron tried to fight it but it was hopeless.

' Do it! Kill her!' The voice said again. '' I can't" Ron said. Hermione pulled away from Ginny. " What...?" Harry stepped between Ron and Hermione, his wand in his hand.

' Kill her, or I'll kill you!" The voice took over his head totally. Harry could see something was wrong and had George by his side now.

" Ron, listen to me. Control it, I know you can" Harry tried to help him but it was no use. Ron pointed his wand at Harry. " Go away Harry. I don't want to harm you."

" Don't you dare touch Hermione!" Harry yelled. " Or Ginny for that matter" George filled in.

" Stupefy! Stupefy!" Harry and George flew backwards into the wall and Ron pointed his wand at Hermione and Ginny now.

Ginny stepped between her brother and Hermione, her wand pointing at him. She shot a hex at him but he blocked it. ' Kill her instead. Kill your own sister' The voice said.

'' I won't kill my own sister!" Ron screamed. ' Fine'

Suddenly Ron fell onto the floor without saying another word.

He was dead before he even touched the ground.