
Be mine?

Blaise woke up with a beatuiful red headed girl beside him. Last night had been amazing, making love to the youngest Weasley was something he never thought would happen.

But he had enjoyed every second of it. His hand caressed her cheek and he kissed her softly.

" Love you too" Ginny whispered smirking. " Last night was amazing. Best Christmas ever. "

" Same here." He kissed her once more and lay himself above her. " Ready for round....um....five?"

" Of course" He was just about to enter her when he asked " Do you....wanna be mine? When we've finished school of course."

" Blaise..? We just met and..."

" Yeah I know, I just want to know if you do. Because I really meant what I said last night."

" I know you did......" Right then they heard something at the window hack. Blaise saw it was Draco's owl and went up and opened the window. The owl had the Daily Prophet with him and gave it to Blaise.

" Oh shit. Ginny we gotta go" Blaise hastily explained everything. " I'm sure Hermione is at the Burrow, Draco must be at the manor. I'll go to him"

" But...what about us?" " We'll see each other again, I promise. Ginny hugged him and refused to let go.

" I do" She said.

" What?"

" I want to be yours. Always"