
Momma's Boy

“Come in.” He said packing his clothes into his luggage. It had been days since his mother’s funeral and he decided that it was high time he left as he didn’t want to continue living in Finland. The memories he had here was something he wanted to forget and besides America was his home now.

“Are you leaving already?” the butler walked into the room, amused that he was leaving without giving them a heads up. He was certain that even if he had told them about it, no one would bother to send him off.

“Erm… yes, I wasn’t planning on staying in Finland forever.” He smiled at him as he reached for the suit in his wardrobe when he came across a certain wine necktie which pissed him off completely.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to do that I’m afraid. Your mother’s lawyer would be coming in any time soon.” He said, checking his wrist watch.

“What does that have to do with me Mr Charles? I’m pretty sure that my mother… well forget about it.” He zipped his luggage.

“It has everything to do with your young sir.” He heard the doorbell ring.

“That should be the lawyer. Why don’t you wait until after the will has been read? You never can tell how lucky you’d be. I must go now to usher the lawyer in. why don’t we go down together?” he stared at Ethan who looked like he was contemplating on something.

“Ok.” He let his luggage rest on the wall before following the butler out.

He stood by the staircase as the butler went to the door. As soon as he opened the door, a woman in her early 40s entered into the room. They both exchanged pleasantries before Charles led her to the dining hall with him following closely behind them.

Ethan couldn’t help but gasp in awe at the sight of the family of four seated in the hall. They all looked at him like he was an unwanted guest. Well, what did he expect? He was the outcast who came to invade their privacy.

“Aren’t you going to have your seat?” the butler invaded his thoughts in a loud voice.

“Oh… erm ok.” He sat far away from the others. Unlike what he expected, he hadn’t been able to bond with his siblings those few weeks he had spent with them. He realised that they all had one thing or the other doing and that he was the only one who was dormant those few weeks.

“Since everyone is present, I shall read now.” She cleared her throat as she brought out a document from her suitcase. She removed the document from the brown envelope and began to read out loud.

“But before I read the will, Mrs Elias wanted me to let you all know that she’s grateful for having you in her life and that she loves you all and she wishes the best for you. Mrs Elias has shared her property amongst her family as thus; to her loving husband- Mr William Smith she gives the document to her house and landed property in Canada. To her second son, Sebastian smith whom she adores shall take ownership of her restaurants in London and California and to Amelia and Marlow she gives them her restaurants in America and Paris respectively. To her first son- Ethan Elias whom she loved the most and couldn’t give her love to she leaves him with all her landed properties and her restaurants in Finland including this house as well as her shares in Arctic Light Hotel, A&B Oil and Gas as well as her shares in DB internationals.” She spoke as quickly as she could.

“To my dear family whom I have left so quickly, you shall always be dear to my heart.” After she finished reading from the document, the room remained as calm as ever. No one saying anything to each other.

“And to Mr Ethan she asked me to give this flash drive containing a video recording. If there are no questions, I’ll kindly ask the butler to see me off.” She bowed slightly before leaving the hall with the butler following right behind her.

Ethan sat there speechless and filled with emotions. He didn’t know what else to do or say. The family remained quiet for a long time until Sebastian broke the silence.

“I guess you wouldn’t be leaving after all.” He whispered almost in anger.

“He didn’t need to leave in the first-place brother.” Amelia spoke up glaring at Sebastian. She always had something to say to him.

“You’ve been acting so rude and arrogant ever since he came and because mother gave him some properties, you suddenly feel wronged? You really look pathetic.” She kept her cool, her fingers drawing invisible circles on the table.

“Now that’s no way to talk to your brother Amelia.” Her father whispered.

“I’m sorry if I sound rude but I’m not done talking. I’m also sorry to say this but you ought to feel guilty. Mother left her son whom we all know she loved so much just to take care of you and all you do is act so cocky to him? You all make me angry right now. I’ll take my leave.” She stood up from her chair, walking towards the door when she paused in her tracks and turned towards Ethan.

“Aren’t you coming with me brother Ethan or would you rather stay here and get chewed up? and Marlow, what are you waiting for?” Getting no response from both of them, she removed her hands from her trouser pocket and grabbed both of them with her hands interlocked in theirs.

“Let’s go momma’s boy.” She stared at Ethan as those words flew out of her mouth with a warm smile on her face. Before Ethan could object, they were already out of the hall.

“… So, what are we going to do first boys?” She yawned, leading them outside. Ethan smiled and was amused at how she could change her mood so easily. If there was something Amelia inherited from their mother it was definitely the attitude.

“Momma’s boy?” he scoffed, grinning from ear to ear.