
Charity Bouquet


Driving into the parking lot, she took out a lollipop from the pocket of her black overcoat and placed it in between her lips, staring at the rare view mirror while brushing her hair and tucking it behind her ear; allowing some strands to drop on both sides of her face.

She came out of the jeep with a bouquet of white lilies mixed with roses as well as irises and dark shades in her right hand and kept her left hand in the pocket of her grey suit pants as she walked brazenly towards the doors to the funeral home.

She put on the shades as a group of reporters and journalists surrounded her, the flashing sounds of their cameras echoing in the reception area with every step she took.

Unperturbed by them, she entered into the elevator, heading for the second floor when she got a call.

“I’m all ears.” She leaned against the elevator as she spoke to him nonchalantly. As soon as the elevator opened on the second floor, she was greeted by a crowd of unfamiliar faces. She scanned the room, looking for the person she was speaking with and as soon as she sighted him, she walked towards him, the clicking of her heels drawing the attention of the crowd in the room.

She tapped the shoulder of the old man whose broad back and body built she could recognise anywhere in the world. It was the back of her old man, Grandpa Antero. The CEO of Arctic Light Hotel. Seeing the cunning old man whom she strikingly resembled brought a smirk to her face.

“You seem to be growing old Antero.” She pointed at his white hair as proof as soon as he turned to face her. The tall, handsome old man couldn’t help but smile at her remark. Only this arrogant granddaughter of his could dare call him by his name and then lash at him.

“You don’t look so young either.” The old man scoffed at her, retaliating. It was quite a tradition for them to bicker at each other when seeing themselves after a long while.

“You are quite late. The dead woman would definitely hold a grudge against you. She must have known you’d only arrive after she had been buried and maybe that was why she had sent a letter but you still end up being tardy.” The old man laughed.

“Whose fault do you think it is Antero? What should I have done when my lazy, old grandpa pushed every single work he was supposed to do to me all in the name of going on a recuperation trip.” She removed her shades and had placed it in her pocket, clicking her tongue in anger.

“Just so you know, I haven’t fully returned from my trip, I only came to send the dead woman off.” He coughed out before walking away.

“What a jerk.” She spoke through her nose, watching him walk away from her until he was out of sight. If there was something Kirsi and her old man Antero had in common, it’s definitely arrogance and the brutal use of words.

“Kirsi?” a familiar voice called her name.

As soon as she heard his voice, her eyes widened in shock. How could she ever forget such a voice? No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t erase him from her memories but the pains she had encountered overshadowed her happy moments with him.

“Did someone call my name?” she turned to face him, holding on tightly to the bouquet in her hands. Taking a careful look at the man in front of her, a part of her felt sullen and hatred but her heart felt pleased and commended him for holding up well. She despised the good thoughts she had for him when she was the one who was treated so unfairly.

“it’s been a while.” He smiled at her, fiddling with his fingers.

“Did you expect us to keep in touch?” she scoffed at him, her brows arching upward in anger with her lips slightly twitching. She wouldn’t stand there and watch him behave so innocent and pure in front of her. The man in front of her was nothing but a heartless jerk and didn’t deserve any form of special treatment from her.

He noticed that her hair which had always been long and left flowing down her back was now short and well-trimmed. He was also amused to see her in a pink lipstick, kirsi was never a fan of girlish colours and couldn’t stand the sight of it but he had to admit that two years was enough to change a person.

“You look quite different.” He smiled at her and was about to pat her shoulders when she caught his hands mid-air.

“What are you trying to do Sebastian. I’m your ex-wife for crying out loud.” she twisted his arm, earning a groan from him. She had always wanted to give him a slap in the face and possibly break some of his bones.

“I suggest you keep your hands to yourself. Why are you getting way ahead of yourself? Do you really yearn for attention so badly?” she increased her grip on him. She was enjoying every bit of it; the flashing cameras, the painful expression on his face and the shocked expression on the faces of the guests. Everything just felt right to her.

“hmm…” Antero coughed loudly as he walked towards his granddaughter. He would have loved to watch the scene unravel into something grand but he wasn’t a fan of his granddaughter being in the news and so he had to put an end to it.

Understanding her grandfather was giving her a sign to let go, she pushed him roughly towards a table.

“I’m sorry for your loss. Accept my condolences.” She threw the bouquet to the ground and walked away from him. Leaving was the only option she had after the stunt she pulled after all, she didn’t have a good feeling about attending the funeral in the first place.

“Just a second.” She was about to take her leave when someone held her by the hand. It irked her to the very core of her being. She was curious to know who the bastard was.

“And you are?” she turned swiftly to face whoever was stopping her from leaving. Kirsi freed herself from his grasp, her lips twitching in anger. From the way he was dressed, she was able to point out that he was no ordinary person but she wasn’t fazed by how rich he could be. All she cared about was that he dared to touch her and also stop her from leaving.

“Take this with you.” He threw the bouquet to the ground as his cold eyes remained focused on her. He was furious and she knew it.

“Handsome… getting angry already? Hmm?” she drew closer to him with her hands placed firmly on his shoulders as she whispered to him. She watched his every expression with a warm smile on her face.

“It would be bad of me to take this back with me so here’s what we are going to do.” She drew farther from him, her hands still on his shoulders.

“You can just consider it charity… from the rich to the… you know what I mean right?” she moved her hands from his shoulders down to his necktie.

“I’ll pardon you for stopping me today especially when we have no business together but next time? Only God know what I’d do to you so from now on, just mind your business.” She adjusted his tie, fiddling with it in her small, white palms.

“I like the colour of your neck tie. Wine’s actually my favourite.” She fiddled with it a little longer.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll take my leave now.” She winked at him and blew a kiss his way before leaving and all he could do was stand there speechless and the more devastated.