
Learning From The Best..

A light knock on the door woke her up from her deep slumber. She preferred to have someone knock on her door than an alarm trying to blow up her eardrums. It had always been her way of doing things; from checking the dirt around the hotel to making everyone panic and then making everyone scarper at the sound of her voice. Even the clicking sound of her heels made the staffs at the hotel flee. That was just how she worked.

After taking a shower, she walked out of the room; wearing a black tracksuit and a Solid Gold OVO x Air Jordan with her phone in her hand. It was a regular routine of hers to jog round the estate before going to work.

“Good morning Ms. Kirsi, here’s your freshly squeezed orange juice and your favourite morning scrambled eggs and bacon.” A woman in her mid-40s spoke with a smile on her face while dressing the table with other maids at her beck and call.

“You sure know how to put a smile on my face Mrs Laine.” she had a satisfying smile on her face as she took a sip of the orange juice, it was just the way she liked it.

“I’m glad it’s to your liking Ms. Kirsi.” Laine had a proud smile on her face like she was being praised for doing something very exceptional and outstanding. She watched her boss gulp down every single bit of the juice and was about to put the scrambled eggs in her mouth when a call came through.

The sight of her boss dropping the fork in her hand and attending to a call dampened her mood.

“what?!!” Kirsi screamed at the top of her lungs making Laine and the other maids around her bolt from where they stood. Laine didn’t understand why she was suddenly angry but whatever it was, she could tell it was pretty serious. She watched her boss fly out of the room then up the stairs without even taking a jog.

“Is there something wrong Ms?” Laine spoke loudly, enough for her boss to hear.

“Laine, tell the chauffeur to get the car ready… something bad just happened.” She slammed the door behind her immediately she entered her room. She had a devastated look on her face as she wore a black, armless office gown with a lovely butterfly belt around her waist; revealing her curves and hour glass figure. She had put on a nude pair of heels and a jacket to match before removing the band around her hair, allowing her short-permed hair to drop down her back. Once she was done with dressing up, she went down the stairs towards the front doors where a group of maids lined up, waiting patiently for her like she was a princess of some kind of dynasty.

“Whoever made her so angry should better be ready for war.” Laine murmured under her breathe as soon as Kirsi left the mansion in her car.

“let’s get back to work ladies.” She took in a deep breath as they all dispersed to continue on with their morning duties.

After arriving at the office, she stormed out of the car and then into the hotel. She had never been so angry to the extent that it was clearly visible to the staffs at the ground floor. On entering into the hotel, Fedrick came out of nowhere; walking beside her and whispering some information only to her hearing.

They both walked into the elevator, going to the top floor where the chairman’s office was located. Putting her hands in her jacket pocket, she tried to remain calm but Fedrick’s words couldn’t stop echoing in her head.

Staring at the chairman’s door, she wondered if it was right for her to go in or not. For the first time in her life, she was having a rethink about something she knew she would have done without thinking twice but the fact that she had to find out what was going on and if what Fedrick said was true made her push the door open.

Kirsi entered into the office alongside Fedrick and two men came into view. One was her grandfather and the other young man was someone she was certain she had met before. She stood in place, watching the scene unfold in front of her eyes.

“Oh, Ms. Kirsi; you are here? I was just talking about you.” Her grandfather smiled like he had said something funny to the man before noticing her in the room. The young man turned to her along with her grandfather and as soon as her eyes met with those familiar eyes, a smirk unconsciously grew on her face.

“You?” the young man asked, his brow arching in surprise and then a sudden frown forming on his face.

“We meet again.” There was a sudden silence in the room with both of them looking intently at each other not like lovers who had missed each other so much because they hadn’t met for a long time after a communication barrier but it was like their eyes spoke silence words of war that only them could understand.

“You know each other?” Antero acted like he wasn’t aware of the funeral incident.

“I wouldn’t say we know each other sir.” He glared at her, not losing eye contact.

“Chairman Antero, may I speak with you for a minute?” she blew at the fringe covering her forehead, trying to blow off the invisible steams coming out from the top of her head.

“We can definitely speak here…” Antero had a smile on his face but the sudden look on his granddaughter’s face made him lose his composure.

“Sir?!?! It would be more comfortable to talk somewhere quiet.” she clenched her teeth, her eyeballs bulging out, denoting a killing intent.

“Alright.” He walked out of the office with Kirsi following right behind him. They walked towards the see-through glass when Kirsi suddenly hit the old man on his back, scolding him.

“Antero! What’s going on… I heard from Fedrick that someone’s taking over the chairman’s seat. How could you do this to me huh? You know how much I’ve worked hard and now this? Wow!” she whispered, pinching the old man’s right arm.

“Fedrick that bastard! Wait until I get my hands on him.” He whispered to himself as he groaned in pain.

“How can you do this to your own grandfather.” He released himself from her powerful grip.

“I was going to inform you about it but you just had to come at the wrong time… besides it was the board’s decision that you remain the vice president whilst the young man in there takes over his late mother’s position. I was just an acting Chairman after all.” He rubbed his right arm, trying to make the pain go away.

“The board of directors? After all I’ve done for them? Those piece of old bags should better prepare to get the worst from me.” She bit her lips in anger.

“One more thing…” he spoke out as she was about to leave.

“What?” pissed off and frustrated, she let out a deep sigh as her hands dug through her hair.

“They want you to train him.” He murmured.

“Huh? You want me to babysit?” cracking her knuckles and charging towards him as both hands turned into a fist, she pursed her lips.

“It wasn’t my idea. If you have a problem with it, go talk to the board of directors… I have to go now I’ll leave the young man with you.” Antero spoke quickly, heading out like a coward. He wasn’t ready to put up with his granddaughter and at the opportunity he got, he ran away.

“Those board of directors better be ready to run.” She blew at her fringe, placing her hands back in her pockets before walking away.

“How could they make someone so incompetent the chairman? How could they leave me out when making such a discussion? Those rotten animals……” she murmured curses at them as she returned to the office.

However, the spectacle playing in front of her shocked her to the bones. This time around two young men were playing rock, paper, scissors like they were little children; competitive at that.

“Mr Fedrick!! What do you think you’re doing?” she yelled at the top of her lungs, making Fedrick jolt from where he stood to her side, coughing vehemently while adjusting his tie.

“Mr Ethan over there said that you’d disobey the orders of the board but I opposed his opinion about you. He called you egoistic and arrogant so he said whoever wins the game is right.” He glared at Ethan who chuckled lightly.

“Mr Fedrick Virtanen!!” she hissed at him.

“What would you have done if you’d lost? Would you be able to face me Mr Virtanen?!?” she pouted at him while Fedrick sulked an apology.

“And you… who says I’d disobey the board? You should show some respect as you’d be learning from the best! Ok?!” pointing at him, she took steps towards him until there was only a little space between them.

“And about the last time we met, let’s put everything behind us, cool?” she whispered into his ear as she brought out her hand for a handshake but he left her hanging.

“I don’t want to do that.” He had a wide smile on his face.

“Why don’t you and your minion get out of my face… your face keeps reminding me of bad memories” he grinned from ear to ear as those words flew out of his mouth.

“Wow!” Kirsi laughed in amusement.

“Okay, see you later then… and I love the colour of your necktie.” Fiddling with the tie, a quick smile swarmed across her face and was then replaced with a light frown.

“Mr Ethan, you shouldn’t treat your teacher like this, you should be thanking me for accepting to babysit you. I’d forgive you again because your mother and I share a thing together but next time, I wouldn’t be so easy with you. Understood?” she released his necktie from her strong grip before walking out of the office with Fedrick.

“Tell the board of directors that my grandfather wants to throw them a party for the job well done tonight. It’s high time they heard from me… I haven’t taken them for a treat for a long time.” They came out of the elevator at the main floor.

“Yes Ma’am.” He said promptly.

“We have an impromptu meeting today with the arrogant Chairman of LG Group.” He led her outside the hotel.

“Let’s hurry up and get this over with. That young chairman is beginning to get on my nerves. It’s high time I thought him a lesson.” Putting on her dark shades, an evil grin appeared on her face. She always had it with her… it was a sign that she meant business.