

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

More embarrassed

"Please wait a moment" the manager said and called over a nearby waiter

"What's going on here? our customer have arrived and this table hasn't been cleared yet

"The customer at this table have been here for a while sir, I believe they went to the bathroom" the waiter said frowning

"What?" the manager exclaimed in delima "these are the customers at this table and they've only just arrived, who have you been serving?" the manager asked

"Ohh!" the waiter flushed with embarrassment "I'm so sorry sir, I will go check what's going on" he said and fled

"Hey! what are you two loitering at our table?" Zoey asked folding her arms as she walked in with Darren

"You've been eating at this table?" the manager asked politely

"Yes! why? what's wrong" Zoey asked puzzled, just then the waiter who fled returned with a younger colleague

"Sir! he seated the wrong customer at this table" the waiter said and his junior colleague lowered his head in embarrassment

"I'm sorry sir, this is my first shift, so, I'm not familiar with the seating plans yet, the customer at this table had a reservation for table eight and I accidentally brought them to the VIP room instead of the regular one" he explained with his head lowered. The manager looked at Zoey and Darren and said

"I'm sorry for the inconveniences, would you mind moving to a regular table, this VIP guests have already been waiting for a while" the manager said, Zoey's eyes widened in shock

"He expects me to move aside for Camryn? no! that's not unacceptable" she thought in her head

"No way! Zoey exclaimed crossing her arms, the manager was confused for a while

"Well are you sure you still want to eat here?" the manager asked politely

"Off course! we want to eat here" she scarled "we refuse to go anywhere else" she said stubbornly glaring at him, the manager sighed deeply to himself

"Fine! but as I have already explained, the cost to a VIP table is much higher than a regular one" he said calmly

"So be it, we are already here, so obviously we are not worried about the cost" she sneered seemingly unconcerned she simply couldn't allow Camryn to steal the lime light

"You just came to play the big lady, didn't you? and I took your place, you aren't so important right now, are you" she sneered at Camryn in her head

"ugh... how much?" Darren asked nervously as he scratched his head, Zoey might not care about the bill because she wasn't the one paying for it

"The food you already ordered costs around one thousand dollars, then, there are four hundred dollars for the reservation, two hundred dollars for the VIP room, six hundred dollars for the musicians, one hundred and twenty dollars for the table cloth" the manager explained, Darren was shocked, the total was more than two thousand dollars, his heart quickly began to pound loudly and his face burned with embarrassment

"I can't afford this" he thought "what am I going to do?" he asked himself, turning to Zoey he said "Zoey let's go and sit in the regular section" he murmured to her

"No baby, I like this table and I want to stay here" she declined, she wasn't going to back down to the woman she single handedly took her boyfriend

"You wanna stay here? fine! then you can stay here by yourself because I'm going" with that said Darren turned around and walked away, he was furious, he didn't have enough money and if he stay here, he would be humiliated. Zoey's mouth hung open as she watched him leave, she looked around and realized, she was standing by herself in the middle of the restaurant, she didn't have much money and everyone was starring at her, she has never been so embarrassed, she glared at Camryn and Anna and then hurried towards Darren.

The manager had a waiter clear the table and then he asked Camryn and Anna to take their seats, various exquisite dishes were brought to the table and the musicians were called to perform for them, a waiter stood by, ready to fetch whatever they wanted.


Zoey and Darren decided to stay at the restaurant, even though things have become awkward, they didn't want to ruin their chance of eating at Med's pack, they sat at table eight in the regular section and from their new table they could see Camryn and Anna clearly in the VIP section, seeing how superior Camryn's table looked, Zoey grew solen, the loser she had stolen her boyfriend, was seating in the most expensive part of the restaurant, eating expensive meal and being fanned over, jealousy knocked on her that she barely tasted her meal, she was even more confused by this development, eating in the VIP section would cost at least two thousand dollars, even Darren couldn't afford it, so how come this loser? and most of all she even appears so calm and not even panicking, where on earth could she have gotten that kind of money? Zoey thought thought after thought while stuffing food into her mouth, after all this was Med's pack and she was going to make the most out of it.


In the VIP section, Anna was just as confused as Zoey, she wondered where on earth Camryn got such amount of money to spend on meal, she starred at her with millions of questions in her eyes, she sat at the table wondering what was going on

"Camryn how did you get this table and do you have enough money to pay for it?" she asked thoughtfully

"Don't worry girl, I promise I won't embarrass you" she said smiling calmly

"Where did you get the money?" she asked again

"Ugh!" she thought "I did some odd job for someone and I was paid hundred thousand dollars" she said knowing fully well that revealing the truth about who she truly was would cause too much trouble she had to framed that up not wanting to ruin their friendship by revealing whom she was

"You can't waste your money like this, you spent two thousand dollars for the meal, if you continue like this then you would lavish all your money in no time" Anna said frowning

"Its fine, it's just money" Camryn said less concerned "I promised to take you to Med's pack and here we are, you are a good friend and I care about my friends" Camryn said with a faint smile, Anna was moved by her words, after their meal, Camryn paid their bill and they left, Zoey and Darren left earlier. Darren had planned to take Zoey to Med's pack so that he could have an opportunity to lay with her on his bed but unfortunately his mood was ruined, he dropped Zoey off at the girl's dorm entrance and went off alone.

Meanwhile Zoey had already returned to her dorm, she was really racking her brain to make sense of it all, Camryn was no match for her in the campus but how come she could afford a VIP table and she couldn't not even her boyfriend that she's stolen from her, "is she Camryn really rich? she thought, she decided to swallow her pride and ask Anna, she pushed open Anna's dorm and walked into the middle of a hidden conversation with Anna and her dorm mates about going to Med's pack for dinner.

"Saw you and Anna's post, you went to Med's pack, didn't you? did you see Anna there?" one of the girls asked Anna

"Ugh!" Zoey felt a bit awkward, she had gone to Med's pack and seen Anna but she had accidentally taken her place and was forced to leave, how could she possibly explain that without being humiliated, she avoided the question and looked over at Anna

"Anna could you come outside for a minute, I need to ask you something" she requested, although Anna didn't want to speak to Zoey, but she reluctantly followed her outside

"Anna was it Camryn's idea to have dinner at Med's pack?" she asked

"Yes, why?" Anna asked shrugging

"Where did she get that kind of money?" Zoey asked, though Anna didn't want to tell her but she was sick of Zoey's questioning so she reluctantly told her

"She did some job for someone and was paid one hundred thousand dollars" Anna replied

"What kind of job is that?" Zoey asked further

"Why do you care Zoey? its not like you are in good terms Camryn, better don't try anything stupid to her or else you will have me to deal with" Anna said frowning as she glared at her

"Oh come on Anna, I'm not that bad, I just wanna know, is there a big deal in that?" Zoey said

"Well I don't know what kind of job she did, you should go ask her yourself" Anna said and walked out on her, Zoey's face lit up with a sly smile, she was looking for a way to humiliate Camryn for the embarrassment that she went through at the restaurant but most of all she wanted to be sure Camryn wasn't some sort of a rich girl and has come back to compete with her over Darren.


The next afternoon afternoon Camryn had nothing to do and was strolling around the campus when a young girl with a ponytail walked up to her smiling warmly

"Hi! we are from a local charity" she said and continued "and for the last few days we've been running a fund raise for the poor children from the nearby village, their lives are so difficult, would you be willing to help them?" the girl said smiling faintly

"Alright! I will donate, can I pay through my phone?" Camryn asked looking at her

"Of course yes! just use this code" she said and handed her the information, Camryn arranged the payment on her phone and transferred the money, the lady's eye lit up as she exclaimed

"Wow! you just donated a hundred and thirty thousand dollars!" she exclaimed in surprise, the crowd that heard her scream was stunned, the donation was enormous, other students had donated twenty, fifty, hundred dollars but no one has donated such huge amount of money