

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

Coincidence and humiliation

When Camryn saw the video of Darren and Zoey kissing, she felt a little upset but mostly she felt sorry for Zoey cause she didn't know what she was getting into, she knew exactly what kind of person Darren was, and yet she chose to be with him,

"what a stupid decision" she scuffed silently. Darren drove a Volkswagen Passat while Camryn got a Ferrari

"You're still thinking about him, aren't you?" a woman's voice came from beside her, startled she turned her head and saw Anna, she hadn't even noticed her arrive

"Nah! he's not worth thinking about" Camryn replied with a shrug

"Good! he doesn't deserve your attention, he gave up a good woman like you for someone like Zoey" Anna said shaking her head, she looked at Camryn and her eyes sparkled "come on let's go, I will treat you, we can go to wherever you want" Anna said sweetly

"Ohh!" Anna's words reminded Camryn that she promised to buy her a meal, but she's been too busy lately to recall

"No, I will treat you this time" Camryn volunteered "why don't we go to Med's Pack?" she asked

"Camryn, I know you've just had your heart broken, so, I understand the need of wanting to keep up appearances but it's not necessary" Anna said smiling at her, she knew Med's pack well, it wasn't a place students could afford

"Just trust me" Camryn replied, she couldn't be bothered to explain. They left campus and hailed a cab to take them to Med's pack, when they arrived, Camryn and Anna strolled to the doors of the restaurant. Anna panicked, she tugged on Camryn's clothes to get her back to her senses

"Camryn stop playing around" she said nervously

"Don't worry" Camryn said "I'm treating you, remember" she added and tapped on her shoulder, as they stepped inside, Anna saw the golden directions and felt a little uneasy, her legs felt like rubber and she nervously chewed her lip

"I need to use the bathroom" she said nervously

"Okay, I will walk you over there" Camryn saw, Anna walked into the ladies bathroom while Camryn stood outside, as she turned around, she saw Zoey and Darren approaching, Darren was wiping off a mark on his shirt as he hurried to use the bathroom

"What are you doing here?" he asked in disdain as soon as he saw Camryn

"Darren!" Camryn called starring at him

"You dare to speak to Darren?" Zoey asked taking a step forward, anger had her lips turn tight, this time she would make sure Camryn listens to her by humiliating her "I'm warning you one last time, don't even think about or even speak to him" Camryn ignored her and made to move away from them, Zoey rolled her eyes and as Camryn moved passed her, she put out her foot and tripped her causing her to stumble unto the wall, then she looked right at her and smirked "you!" she said glaring at her as she straightened up

"Well, you deserved it" Darren said , Camryn didn't want to fight with them

"I don't want any trouble" she thought "why can't they let me leave? when she tried to move away again, Zoey stood in front of her and blocked her way

"You wanna leave? not so fast, call me "ma"! and I might just let you go" Zoey said sneering at Camryn

"Yes, do what she says" Darren said looking at them

"You must have snuck in, losers like you don't belong here, if you don't leave now, I will call security and they would throw you out" she wanted to see Camryn humiliate herself for having to call her "Ma", she enjoyed bullying Camryn, it was so much fun. Camryn was furious

"they've already won" she thought "but why won't they leave me alone?" she inwardly asked herself at that moment Anna walked out of the bathroom just in time to hear Zoey's words and ran over

"Zoey! stop it! what did Camryn ever do to you? and what right do you have to call securities on us" she asked angrily

"You're here too, I should have known" Zoey sneered "what a pair of losers" she looked them both up and down

"Why can't I have you removed, there's no way you're here to eat, this isn't a KFC you know? you can't just walk in here whenever you want" Anna was so stunned by Zoey's words, that she was lose for words and she was also certain that there must have been truth to what Zoey said, Camryn must have been joking about eating here, now she wanted to leave, she hadn't expected to run into Zoey and Darren and she just couldn't take in anymore of there attitude, she had no idea what to do, and it was best if they left as soon as possible

"Camryn let's go!" she requested, dragged Camryn's hand and turned to leave

"You think you can just sneak away?" Darren asked, he and Zoey blocked their way out and Zoey started shouting

"Everyone look here! these people came in to use the toilet and they are not even customers! where's the manager?" she shouted, attracting the attention of all the customers

"Look at this ladies!" she continued "they sneaked in to use the high class toilet without even buying a meal, do you think that should be allowed?" she asked, several customers began to cheer her on

"This restaurant need to keep out the riff raff, how can they just walk in to use the toilet?" she asked "

They are plenty of public toilets, why can't they just go there? do they just wanna use a fancy toilet for free hoping no one would notice, did they have no shame?" she asked sneering at Camryn and Anna. At that moment, the manager finally walked in and Zoey went to meet him pointing at Camryn and Anna

"What are you going to do about this?" she asked "do something quickly or else your hotel would get a bad reputation" she said

"Please wait a moment" the manager replied smiling apologetically at the customers, he turned to Camryn and said

"The facilities are for customers only, I'm sorry but you would have to leave" he spoke softly

"Camryn let's leave" Anna said worriedly, everyone was starring and she got embarrassed, but Camryn nudged her to stay

"The manager has told you to leave and yet you're still here" Zoey said, her voice growing louder "you are completely shameless aren't you? you're still determined to hang around us even though we're so much better than you, it's disgusting, are you deliberately trying to ruin our meal?" she asked angrily as she spoke. The manager also believed that Camryn was causing trouble and frowned

"Ma'am! please leave now, or I will have to call security" the manager said, his words got Zoey delighted and she couldn't wait to see Camryn being thrown out by security guard

"I have a reservation" Camryn said looking at the manager

"You have a reservation here?" Zoey asked giggling, she thought Camryn was making such a big joke. When Camryn said that everyone thought she was insane cause her clothes revealed she couldn't afford to afford a bottle of water in the restaurant not to talk of a meal

"Ma'am please don't make a scene, if you refused to leave then I will ask the security throw you out" the manager said and lifted up a walkie talkie clearly about to sermon the security, Anna was nervous and worried, she tugged on Camryn's clothes

"I reserved table eight, if you don't believe me, then check" Camryn said and took out her, she showed the manager the text that confirms that she booked table eight

"What a coincidence, we also booked table eight" Zoey burst out laughing, she didn't believe Camryn booked table eight, she thought it was a fudged message from the restaurant. The manager took out Camryn's phone and checked it, his tone became soft immediately and he said

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding ma'am, it was our mistake, I will bring you to your table" the manager said politely

"No you must have misunderstood, the text message must be a mistake, I also reserved table eight" Darren said and took out his phone and showed it to the manager

The manager smiled politely after confirming the text and said

"Yes, you did book table eight but your table is in the general section and Ms Ambrose table is in the VIP section"

"What?!" Zoey exclaimed "he is in the VIP section?" she asked starring at the manager in surprise. Camryn was a loser who couldn't even afford to eat at the university's cafeteria, so how come she booked a VIP section. To make up for his mistake, the manager personally took Camryn and Anna to their table, when they arrived table eight, the manager frowned, the table has been reserved but it wasn't ready, dirty dishes still sat there untouched, there was no clean dishes.