

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

Unexpected boyfriend

Everyone was in surprise because among the students Camryn was the most poorly dressed, so how come she was able to donate such huge amount of money, realizing the millions of questions in their eyes, she calmly said

"I just want to help the local kids" she said shrugging

"What's your name?" the girl asked "I will make sure you get a proper acknowledgement for your kind gesture" she said pulling out a pen and paper to record Camryn's name

"Forget it" Camryn said "it's no big deal" she replied, the surrounding students who gathered and was gapping at her like a celebrity sighed

"This lady is incredibly generous, is she secretly rich?" some of the students thought. Usually such amount of money was no big deal for some people but being a student and a poorly dressed one, people were suspicious, just as they were still lost in their thoughts, Camryn received a call from Bethy, she answered the phone

"Hello! do you need my help with something?" she asked Bethy, she had little to do with Bethy, so why else would she call

"Off course not, I called because I need to come to the coffee palace off campus" with that said, Bethy abrupt hung up the phone, having heard what Bethy said, Camryn reluctantly walked out of the crowd to avoid further questioning, she entered the coffee shop, the wealthiest students that the rich students visited, she spotted Bethy's colourful hair, she was dressed in jean and tank top, she wore a light makeup

"Hello Bethy! are you here alone?" she asked looking around

"Yes! obviously!" Bethy snapped "did you see anyone else here?" she said in disdain, Camryn wasn't bothered by Bethy's disdainful look on her, it's always been their way since they both met, a waiter walked up to them

"Ma'am wat would you like?" he asked

"Don't bother asking her, she's never been here before and wouldn't know what to order" she scarled "just give her a cappuccino" Bethy ordered sipping her coffee as she sized her up, trying to decide if she was suitable for her plan, Camryn felt uncomfortable when she starred at her like that

"What on earth does she want from her?" Camryn thought, Bethy smiled apparently satisfied by her

"I need a favor" Bethy said looking at her straight in the eye "I want you to date my cousin" she said and Camryn gaped at her

"Bethy don't be silly!" Camryn said, she knew she thought she was a loser, so why ask her to date his cousin all of a sudden

"I'm serious" Bethy said glaring at her "my cousin doesn't have so many requirements for a girlfriend, as long as you're honest and well behaved, he will accept you, I think you will meet his standards" Bethy said

"Ugh... but?" Camryn was filled with suspicion, she knew that Bethy's asking was fishy"

"But what?! what's wrong with dating my cousin?" she scarled "don't argue just treat him well" she said and Camryn nodded as if she had agreed

"okay good! my cousin would arrive soon, so, sit right there and be of good behavior, don't screw this up" with that said, she stood up and walked outside to make a call

"Where are you?" she asked her cousin

"Almost there, I'm only a few miles away" her cousin replied "did you find someone?"

"Off course I did, she's sitting in the coffee palace right now" she replied "I promise that this girl is a loser, there's no one better suited, if you meet her ok the street, you will think she's a janitor in one of these local organization" she mocked

"Okay, that's perfect" her cousin was happy "I'm sure I will be able to use her to attract Britney" her cousin said

"I don't understand, why do you need a loser to attract Britney, can't you get her some other way?" Bethy asked, she had no idea what her cousin was trying to do

"You don't know what it's like" her cousin said "Britney is a manner at Sky bank, who brings in millions of dollars, she's my superior in the business, she likes me, but at the end of the day, she has the power, to turn things around, I need to make her jealous, so she would accept me" her cousin explained

"But why do you have to date a loser?" Bethy asked, she couldn't still comprehend what her cousin was talking about

"Its obvious, if I pick a loser over Britney for rejecting me, then she would be furious, its said that Britney could not even compete with a nobody, she would throw him off the alliance, and she would realize, how much she likes me and that would speed up matters" her cousin said

"Ohhhhh! that's so smart" Bethy exclaimed smiling, less than two minutes after she ended the call, she spotted a black Toyota Camry TRD pull up in front of the coffee palace, a tall handsome guy walked out of "she's inside right? come on let's go inside" he said walking towards the coffee palace door "you didn't tell her that we're using her, did you?" he asked stopping abruptly

"How can I be so stupid?" Bethy said looking at him with shining eyes

"That's better, in that case, it would be easier for me to carry out my plans successfully" he said smiling "besides hope she's beautiful, you know I have to look at within the next few days to come" he said

"She might be a loser but she's cute" Bethy said, with that said, they both walked into the coffee palace, as soon as they approached the seat where Bethy and Camryn was seated, Bethy's cousin was stunned, Camryn was not left out, she was lose for words as they starred at each other, Bethy was confused wondering if they've met before.

"Camryn my cousin is here" Bethy shouted over to her "welcome him, don't just sit there gapping at him like a lost puppy" she said glaring at her. What Bethy didn't know was that Camryn was stunned to see Joseph Mathews, the assisting manager of First Republic Bank who had caused her so much trouble the first day they met. Joseph on the other side was not left out, when she approached the table, he was sure Bethy has found a real loser but when he saw her face, it dawned heavily on him as he recognized her as the girl he tried to throw out of First Republic Bank, after the incident, he had heard Carlos say that the black card did belong to Camryn, and that meant her assets was worth at least thirsty million dollars, curious, he had asked Carlos how much money Camryn had, although he didn't give him a specific amount, it was clear from him that Camryn was stinkingly rich

"Hello! how are you?" he asked politely but nervously

"Joseph this is Camryn, she's a student of Plymouth university" Bethy introduced with a smirk on her face, turning to Camryn she said "Camryn, this is my cousin Joseph Mathews, his mom is my dad's biological sister, so be nice and obedient with him else you know what I'm capable of doing" Bethy sneered, Joseph rolled his eyes in surprise, it was obvious from how Bethy spoke to Camryn that she had no idea who she truly was, pretending to be nice, he signaled to Bethy to speak to Camryn nicely. Bethy was confused, she couldn't figure out why her cousin wanted her to be nicer to Camryn, was he trying to buy her over? she thought, looking at Camryn she chuckled in her head "does this loser thinks my cousin likes her, she obviously has no idea she's being used, otherwise her face would be red with embarrassment" she thought in her head laughing slightly

"Camryn why are you just sitting there doing nothing, why don't you go find some waiter to bring us a cake to go with our coffee" she demanded

"You stay I will go, let the man do his job" Joseph said smiling nicely, standing up, he wasn't going to send a rich lady to chase after the waiter, Bethy got irritated and pulled Joseph down

"Let her go, she can find her way better than you" turning to Camryn she yelled "are you going to make one of us go? come on, where are your manners" she yelled further at her. Camryn didn't bother arguing but simply stood up and walked over to the counter, after speaking to the waiter, she went to the bathroom, when she walked back out, Joseph was waiting for her with a forming smile on her face

"Ms Ambrose! I'm so sorry for Bethy's behavior, she shouldn't have spoken to you that way" he said panicking

"Its alright, Bethy has always treated me like that, it doesn't matter" she smiled lightly and met his eyes

"You know who I am now, don't you?" she asked looking at him, remembering the last time they had met, he didn't believe she was really rich