
Her Forbidden Love

We never write our own fate...especially not the part where we lose our hearts to the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time...But whom can we blame it's never one's control... Megan Felix, a simple minded girl meets the mysterious Daniel Reid, on her 1st day to 2nd year of Junior High School. Little did she know that she would take the most unfathomable moments of her life as a consequence of her choice.... Megan Felix boarded her flight...as the flight ascended into the sky. Megan saw the city below her getting smaller, and smaller finally disappeared. The city that holds all her happiness and memories of 20 years, just disappeared beneath her... The flight entered the night clouds. Megan sat with a grieving heart, eyes dripping with tears, as the flight moved forward, leaving her Home,Family, Friends and her LOVE behind....... Sneal Peek: "Daniel you will never cheat me right, I have come too far with you, I trust you but...I am scared..." "Meg, Your my life...You're all mine, cheating you is like cheating myself...Trust me Meg, I will never, not even in dreams will think about cheating you...I Love You so much... This city, Which all that was her's, had become a foreign place now. Would she still return back to K city.... The answer was obvious...it was her choice... Would their love for each other overcome the in an unyielding storm or would fade as time passes apart. Would fate still pull them together for the rest of eternity.... "Well we can only learn to Love, by falling deeply in Love"

Rmvizhi · Urban
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208 Chs

First day of the wedded wife...

Megan Pov

As I looked at Daniel with a slyly smile,

Daniel looked down at me and said,

"Go change, we both will go down together, after I shower... "

He was drenched... "Where did you go... you completely drenched in sweat..go away from me... I have taken a bath already.."

I was pushing this bossy freak...while he was hugging me... and not letting me go...

"To gym.. Meg, take bath with me again....anyway you wet with my sweat..."

he whispered in my ears, sending electric currents passing through all my nerves....it was like, I was thrown into a fire pit... Hot... all over.

I stood there like I was lightened by the thunderstorm, and shooking my head

"Taking a bath with you....NO and stop teasing me, Danny "

Daniel held me even closer... I bowed my head with no courage to look at him...

"Ok, don't be shy now, go and change I will take bath..."

"ok...you go first..."

Daniel released me from his arms and walked to the bathroom, I went to the closet to pick my clothes, I took a pink long shirt and Black ankle-length pants, and put them on the rack to change after I wash the sweat... Daniel called me from the bathroom...

"Meg, get me a towel, I forgot... Come fast"

I shook my head, and pulled out his towel and walked to the bathroom, as I knocked on the door.. the door suddenly opened and Daniel tugged my wrist with full force... I was taken into the bathroom... and Daniel closed the door and locked it so I don't escape.... he was only in his boxers, looking at me with a burning gaze.... his wet hair dripping with water and he looked so hotttttt.

OMG, what I have got myself into...as I thought, I was dragged under the shower, soaking every part of my body,

"Dannyy....Please....No... No... Danny Please"

Daniel Pov

The water drenched Megan entirely, so her wet clothes...reliving her body, feasting my eyes, her each curve, her charm, her beauty was so very seductive, I was not able to control myself from touching her...

I pinned her to the wall kissing her wet juicy lips, sucking the juice out of it...a low moan escaped Megan's mouth, making me totally lose it, Megan was breathless under my lips, her blossom was pressing against my chest, I was so aroused... I wanted her so badly, My hands firmly grabbed her thin waist and my warm lips moved to suck on the soft skin on her neck down to her whole body... Megan was melting slowly in... the heat my body was emitting, Her eyes were closed with the sensation that my tongue was giving her, Megan's breath quickened...

I pulled away for a second to come up for air, my gaze fell into her face. Her eyes were still closed as she breathes quickly as though she was short for air. Our faces were still so close that our noses were almost brushing against each other as their breaths mingled. And the next second, my hands which were resting below her ears began to move, gently pulling her to kiss her neck, …Megan realised what was happening, and regained her sense, Gently pushed me, unlocked the door, and ran out of the bathroom with a shy smile on her face...I tried to catch her, we both came out of the bathroom...Megan stood there unmoved with a complete shocked look... following her gaze... even I was shocked to see Becka holding my coffee mug in her hand.

We both stood there completely drenched without moving, me holding Megan's waist... It was a little awkward, Becka left the coffee mug on the side table and left the room.

Megan turned to me and hammered her first on my chest saying.

"How many times have to tell you to behave... look what you have done, it's so embarrassing... I told you people are always around, and you don't mess, but you will not listen..."

as she said, Megan buried her red hot face in my chest...hugging my waist, I smiled at her small... small... grumbling, I was enjoying each second with her, sex was not important to me as she was... I liked teasing her, enjoyed her embarrassed look... her cute little panicked face...

I hugged her back and said...

"It's was her mistake to walk into the room of a married couple without knocking... what I have to do about it...You go change, it's cold... don't catch a cold"

I left her and walked back to the bathroom... I finished my COLD bath and walked out with my towel wrapped around my waist to see Megan, wearing a pink long shirt, with black ankle-length pants, hair clipped up leaving her midnight black hair fall till her waist, her make up less face... making me want her again... but I had to go down with her so... I went into the closet and pulled my black jeans and grey huddies, wore them combed my hair and walked with Megan down...

My Mom sat there with Becka by her side, with a ridged face... I know the cause but didn't bother much..while my brother asked..

"Danny, are you planning for Honeymoon to someplace, You should, for at least ten days, go to somewhere romantic place with Megan, it's too crowded at home"

I smiled and nodded, while my mom spoke...

"What's it crowed here, its all family, what difference it's going to be here or going to some other place, simply sending money"

my brother spoke for me...

"Mom, don't talk nonsense ok... they are newly wedded with so many people around, in and out of his room... will you say the same when Mia is married"

my mom was dumbfounded by my brother, she had no words to reply to my Elder brother, while I said..

"I will take her... but I have to go on a business trip for three days... will plan when I return"

Megan looked at me puzzled...

"When are you going... you didn't even mention it to me... how will I be alone, and when are you going"

"I am leaving tomorrow to M city, will be back in three days... "

as I said I held her hands under the table, she looked very panicked... maybe she was scared to stay alone...

My mom stared again as all left the table, leaving only me, Becka and Megan there,

"Danny, you should understand there are young and innocent people who live here, who have not married yet... so you have to constrain yourself getting seduced by this girl"

What was that????, now I was pissed off.....

"Mom, what are you talking about, we live in the attic... who asked Becka to come there, that too without knocking room door... we didn't come out to the living room and do something inappropriate, it was my room, the seductive girl you mentioned is my wife...my legally wedded wife, please be cautious about how you address her, and the unmarried innocent people, whom your is the talking are the people, who drugged me"

I pulled Megan from the table and walked out... just wanted some peaceful time with her....

We reached our regular blind spot, at end of the road to her school, Megan held my hands and said,

"is it really required for you to go... I am scared to stay in your house alone, can't you postpone your business trip..."

"No, Meg, it was discussed a long time back, all arrangement is made, Mr Sol will be there, it's our annual meeting, and my first one, so I can't skip...try to understand"

She nodded and said, "Ok then, when will you give back..."

"In three days... just wait for me"

she nodded, we went to visit my office, I introduced Megan to all my colleagues, and finished some urgent work, as Megan sat on the couch in my office, I liked this very moment, after few hours, we both left to the restaurant Bluemoon... its one of the famous restaurant in K city,

I ordered all her favourite food, we had a tension-free lunch without anyone interference, after that, I took her to Brain store, spent some time with Jack... Jack took me separately and advised...

"Danny, Megan gave up on her whole future to be with you... please see things clearly and take good care of her, you know your family members more than me, don't let her burn in their rage..."

I totally understood what Jack was telling, even I was so worried about that, and tomorrow leaving her with them alone was another thing, in my head...

We left after some time to the 4th floor, the cinema hall, we watched a modern romantic movie, and reached home late-night... we washed and I packed my things for two days and slept with my goblin in my arms... I didn't want to get her panicked by doing THINGS, unwanted to wait for relaxed time... Maybe our Honeymoon...

The next morning I woke up at 5 am as usual, but my minion was sleeping, drooling all over her face, I smiled at her innocent look, and took a wet tissue, wiped her mouth... Megan opened her eyes, smiled and said

"Good Morning Hubby..." and again fell asleep, I got ready and woke her to say my bye...

Megan says up and insisted on dropping at Airport, but I rejected her and took a cab... as I walked with my backpack our, Megan hugged me from the back making it difficult for me to leave...

"Meg, if keep holding me, I miss my flight... I promise I will back soon ok"

She nodded her head and let me go... I tried and kissed her lips,

"Go back to sleep, it's too early.. I will call you once I reach M city"