
Her Forbidden Love

We never write our own fate...especially not the part where we lose our hearts to the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time...But whom can we blame it's never one's control... Megan Felix, a simple minded girl meets the mysterious Daniel Reid, on her 1st day to 2nd year of Junior High School. Little did she know that she would take the most unfathomable moments of her life as a consequence of her choice.... Megan Felix boarded her flight...as the flight ascended into the sky. Megan saw the city below her getting smaller, and smaller finally disappeared. The city that holds all her happiness and memories of 20 years, just disappeared beneath her... The flight entered the night clouds. Megan sat with a grieving heart, eyes dripping with tears, as the flight moved forward, leaving her Home,Family, Friends and her LOVE behind....... Sneal Peek: "Daniel you will never cheat me right, I have come too far with you, I trust you but...I am scared..." "Meg, Your my life...You're all mine, cheating you is like cheating myself...Trust me Meg, I will never, not even in dreams will think about cheating you...I Love You so much... This city, Which all that was her's, had become a foreign place now. Would she still return back to K city.... The answer was obvious...it was her choice... Would their love for each other overcome the in an unyielding storm or would fade as time passes apart. Would fate still pull them together for the rest of eternity.... "Well we can only learn to Love, by falling deeply in Love"

Rmvizhi · Urban
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208 Chs

Ruined Wedding Night...

(18+ contain from this chapter on Ward's )

Third-Party Pov

Daniel saw Megan walking out of the bathroom, wiping her wet hairs... and freshly washed makeupless face...so pure....Megan was wearing a floral print sleeveless knee-length frock...she looked very beautiful...Daniel walked to her and kissed her lips....while Megan pushed him and said...

"We need to go down for dinner... "

Daniel let her go and walked with her hand in hand to the dining room...the table was full of Daniel's favourite food, Megan had known his taste before....so she didn't think much about it...she quietly had her dinner, while her mobile rang... Megan looked at Daniel and said,

" You go on...I need to pick this call",

as she said, Megan walked to the balcony and sat on the steps...that goes to Attic...the call was from Logan...

"You disappointed me, Megan, I never thought you will choose that Daniel over us... I am sorry to say... your happy days are ended, Never call me again..."

Megan didn't even get a chance to explain her side... she looked sadly at the sky when Daniel walked to her side,

"Who's call was that, why you look so sad..."

"He was upset with me, nothing much... Logan, said I should never call him..."

"don't be sad... everything will be fine as days pass...Meg"

"Hope so...Danny, but I don't know what all I am going to lose... by the choice I have made..."

"Whatever happens or whoever is there or no... I will always be by your side, don't worry come let's go sleep"

Megan nodded and walked up to their room... the lighted candles looked beautiful, emitting sweet Jasmine fragrance... Daniel closed the door as he entered the door... he walked to Megan and hugged her from the back, his hands slided in both the sides of her waist, Megan grasped... but let Daniel do...what he was doing... he wanted her, and she could allow him to take her....

Daniel gently carried her to their bed...placed her like a precious treasure on the bed... he lifted Megan's hand above her head and pinned her on the bed, he was very cautious not to hurt Megan... Daniel started to kiss her gently from her forehead, nose, cheeks and finally reached her lips....The next second, Daniel started moving all over her body. He kissed her as he slowly started pleasuring her. He wanted to make her feel better and let her find her own pleasure too.

As the seemingly slowed time passed, Megan moans enveloped the closed room. Her hands were gripping the man on top of her hard that blood could almost flow out from his skin. All she felt was fireworks blasting in her mind one after another. The pleasure was making her burn up and her mind getting even more dazed. Everything was just so intense that she even bit him hard, without their knowledge, Megan and Daniel were naked... just as he was about to enter her, something made Daniel froze in place. It was as if an ice wall appeared in front of the blazing wildfire, barricading him from getting further. The loud knock on the door.....

"Uncle Danny, open the door... uncle are you in there.... open the door"

making him pulled back instantly as his eyes widened. He was obviously shocked as if a drum of Antarctic water was poured over him. The clouds in his mind began to slowly dissipate, as if a windstorm cleared it, waking him up from his stupor. Daniel looked down at Megan...who looked at him, puzzled... Daniel pulled the blanket on her and wore only his pant... and hurried to the door..

Daniel opened the door to see, Abel standing there holding Angel in her arms....with a small smile,

"Danny, Angel want to sleep with you, in the new room of yours... no one can control her"

Daniel rubbed his forehead while looking at his mother... Abel was well aware of what was happening, by looking at Daniel... he was blushing... Daniel had nothing much to say, before he could answer, Megan, walked from behind in her pyjamas...

"It's ok Aunt Abel, let her sleep with us..."

as she said, she took Angel from Abel's hand and walked in... Daniel turned and looked at his mother in disappointment, Abel smiled and said,

"Sorry Danny, I was not intended to ruin your wedding night, it was Angele, who was crying to sleep in the attic.."

"It's ok Mom, you should go now.."

"Danny...Angel is a small kid don't do that is....."

"Mom.... I understand, I know it too, please leave"

Abel turned and left with a evil smile on her face.... as she reached the living room... Angel's mom asked..

"Mom, have you seen Angel, it's time for bed, she's nowhere to been seen..."

"Angel is sleeping with Daniel, in his room.. you should to bed now"

"Mom... what are you saying... it's his wedding night, how can Angel sleep there, I will go get her...."

"Stop there, I told you she sleeps in Daniel's room, she sleeps there...that all"

her daughter-in-law looked at her with disgust.. but had no courage to fight her quietly turned and walked to her room,

after 10 to 15 minutes, Daniel's elder brother got a call...

"Elder Brother... Angel is fast asleep, come and take her..."

"ok, but why is she sleeping there, isn't it your wedding night today"... his brother chuckled teasing him.

Daniel exhaled a heavy breath....

" Elder brother... come and take her... it's all mom's idea..."

Daniel's elder brother walked in to see, Angel sleeping happily in Megan's arms, both looked so innocent...he turned to Daniel and said...

"Danny, take her out from here, as soon you can, she a very small girl, she can't handle mom's plotting and planning, she deserves happiness..."

as he finished he carried Angel and walked out... Daniel closed the door and walked to the bed, pulled Megan into his embrace... and started to kiss her... Megan got up in a confusion...and looked at a person...who was kissing her, she slightly pushed Daniel and said,

"Danny, there are a lot of people always walking around... I am too shy to do That thing with you... can we do it some other time..."

Daniel nodded his head...he understood what she was worried about and tugged her into his hug...and embraced her to sleep.

The next day Megan got up from her bed, she was first a little confused about the new atmosphere...then she regained her sense...

"oh it's Daniel's house, I am married... God, I am married "

She thought to herself... Megan took a quick shower, wore a red tank top and black shorts, combed her hair to a high ponytail, wore home slippers and walked down, to make her coffee... as she reached the balcony... someone just wrapped her with something and pulled her up the stairs...only the man's body scent relived it was Daniel... Megan relaxed, when she released it was Daniel...as they reached the room, Daniel closed the room, and pinned her to the door, and asked...

"Hai Goblin, what are planning to do... dressed like this..."

"I want coffee, so I am going to the kitchen to make coffee but why did you bring me back...."

"Meg, look at your dress... it's so relieving, do you even know...How many men live in this house..."

Megan looked at him puzzled...

"What that has to do with me, Danny, I am just going to make coffee, this is how I am at home, you also know..."

This stupid little Minion will be my death...as Daniel thought he kissed her lips hardly...

"You minion I don't want other men to gawk on your beauty, which is only mine... so dress properly, when you're coming out...ok...."