
Her Forbidden Love

We never write our own fate...especially not the part where we lose our hearts to the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time...But whom can we blame it's never one's control... Megan Felix, a simple minded girl meets the mysterious Daniel Reid, on her 1st day to 2nd year of Junior High School. Little did she know that she would take the most unfathomable moments of her life as a consequence of her choice.... Megan Felix boarded her flight...as the flight ascended into the sky. Megan saw the city below her getting smaller, and smaller finally disappeared. The city that holds all her happiness and memories of 20 years, just disappeared beneath her... The flight entered the night clouds. Megan sat with a grieving heart, eyes dripping with tears, as the flight moved forward, leaving her Home,Family, Friends and her LOVE behind....... Sneal Peek: "Daniel you will never cheat me right, I have come too far with you, I trust you but...I am scared..." "Meg, Your my life...You're all mine, cheating you is like cheating myself...Trust me Meg, I will never, not even in dreams will think about cheating you...I Love You so much... This city, Which all that was her's, had become a foreign place now. Would she still return back to K city.... The answer was obvious...it was her choice... Would their love for each other overcome the in an unyielding storm or would fade as time passes apart. Would fate still pull them together for the rest of eternity.... "Well we can only learn to Love, by falling deeply in Love"

Rmvizhi · Urban
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208 Chs

He was my everything...

Becka Pov

I watched Daniel leave with his bag, the man I dreamed of all my life...and loved all my heart, but belonged to somebody else, how did this all happen, myⁿ heartache was killing me as someone stabbing my heart and the blood was dripping... it's all because of that bitch Megan... she seduced my Daniel,

I thought of the day I was bought by Aunt Abel from a foster house, I was only 8 years, I was so scared of the new place... people... everything around me, as I sat in a corner, without speaking to anyone, a 12-year-old thin tallboy walked to me, gave me a cotton candy stick and said,

"Don't worry... my uncle and aunt are very good people and will treat you as they own, and Jessie will see you as her sister...and Mia will be your best friend"

"Right Mia... you should treat her well"

he said to a fair little girl in a pink frock, who was of my age...

"you can come to me if anyone troubles you, I will always protect you...Becka"

He will protect me... he will always protect me... but now, Daniel is not mine, will he protect me... he is even fighting his mother for that bitch Megan.... how will he's going to protect me, my heart was pulled out by what I saw yesterday morning... he was so much into Megan, he hugged her while he only had his boxer... he was with her in bath...doing what God alone knows... Grrr... I am going mad thinking that I lost my Daniel to that slut, Megan, Daniel was my everything, and she stole him from me, I will never let her be happy with him...

As I was cursing her, Megan walked down the stairs with blue jeans and an oversized white t-shirt... wait... it's Daniel's t-shirt, how can she wear it, I walked to her and confronted her.

"Why are you wearing Daniel's t-shirt, he doesn't like anyone touching his clothes"

"Excuse me... what did you ask, I am his girl, his legally wedded wife, and I have rights to wear his cloth... but to make you understand properly, This t-shirt is with me. for the past 2 years, and I wear them when I miss him very much"

I looked into her eyes, which was filled with pride, for stealing my man... as I was in my thoughts... Megan spoke as if she was a mind reader...

"Don't even think about it Becka, he's mine, only mine...he was never your man...and I will never let anyone take him from me... make that clear in your head"

as she said, her mobile rang and could hear Daniel voice from another end...

"Awake.... what are you doing, I miss you already, didn't know how I will spend these three days without you, hai minion....give me a kiss"

I was so dumbfounded by what I heard and seeing Megan tilting her head to another side with shyness... my blood was boiling, to a point that my heart will explode in few seconds.

Megan ignored me and walked to the balcony and spoke with him for few more minutes and walked back towards the kitchen... Megan had a sly smile on her face whole speaking with Daniel, I was in the urge of killing her for that, as I was standing there, Aunt Abel walked out of her room... and saw Megan in the kitchen,

"What is she doing in the kitchen... Becka"

"I don't know Aunt Abel, she just ignored me and walked into the kitchen"

"And you allowed her..."

as she said, She walked fast to the kitchen... and asked Megan, it will be great fun now, to watch these two fight for the same person, whoever will lose him... I will win Daniel from the winner... mostly it should be my aunt...

"What are you doing in the kitchen Megan "

"Good Morning Aunt Abel, I am preparing my coffee, can you please help me with milk...and other things..."

" Sorry Megan, we don't do coffee after 9 am, in our house, you should wake up early or you will not get coffee"

I smiled at my aunt's words...She was deliberately hurting and scaring her while Daniel was not home...

Megan was a little annoyed... she turned to Abel said,

"Ok then, will I breakfast or even for that I have wake up before 9... "

as she said, Megan shook her head and walked to her room, I smiled at my Aunt, while my aunt said,

"Becka, you shouldn't lose heart... Daniel was yours, and will be yours forever... will see his many days this beautiful doll of his can withstand us...."

I hugged my aunt and said

"Thank you, Aunt Abel... I thought... I lost Daniel for my lifetime... "

We walked to the living room, sat to watch tv, Mia came from her room, sat with us... this family Drama was our favourite, TV show... as we were happily discussing the plotline...Megan walked down from her room with her mobile wallet and her car keys...

"Megan where too... "

Aunt Able asked...

" To have coffee, I can't be without my morning coffee... so if I can't have it here, I will go out to a cafe for it... Bye aunty"

my aunt was dumbfounded, no one in the house as ever been so straightforward to her, she was so pissed off, she called out for Megan loud.

"Megannnnn... Stop there, who do you think you are, how dare you're telling me that, if there is no coffee in the house your going to a cafe... our family women are restricted going out alone... without a man, so get into your room and contemplate on your mistake...."

"Excuse me... Contemplate on my mistake.... are you serious, Aunt Abel, I need coffee, you said I can't have it in your house, I am going to get coffee for me, what's the mistake here... if your family women don't go out it's your problem, not mine, So, please "

as she said, Megan walked with her things... and all the people who were out from their rooms stood there as thunder stuck... I was sacred again by her attitude... will Aunt Abel control this Megan as she has controlled all her family members...

Daniel Pov

I got out of the flight, and switch on my mobile, called my little minion, to tell her I have reached, as I was collecting my bags, to my surprise, I got a call from my, Mom...

"Daniel... have you reached"

"Yes Mom, what's it you calling me for... is your health all ok"

"Daniel, you have to discipline your wife... she's such an untamed piece of shit..."

"Mom... Mind your words, your talking about my wife... what has she done, for you to be so impolite with your words"

"Oh... now I should mind my words I see, then listen, your wife got up at so late and was demanding for coffee, and when I said, we don't do coffee after 9, so she yelled at me and walked to some cafe who knows with whom... "

"Ok Mom, I will handle it, you take care"

"Danny...Danny... listen"

before my mother could say another word I cut the call, I had a clear idea of what would have happened... this minion, leave her for few hours, Megan has created trouble.... I should nickname her as troublemaker 2.O... I called her

"Hai Danny..."

"Where are you??"

"Me, having coffee, in our university canteen, sitting in our regular seat, missing you... I miss you, Danny, come back to me soon"

I shook my head, thinking how cute she would look at present, with the rose garden behind her... her pouting lips... her glowing eyes... her cham waiting for my touch... as I thought, my whole body started to burn with desire... for my Goblin... I managed to control myself and asked

"Why are you in the University.... and why did you fight with my mother"

"Oh, that... I came to meet my HOD, to check when is my next Entrance exam, as I missed this....and I didn't fight with your mother, she said I can't have coffee after 9, and yelled at me saying I can't go out alone, and I should contemplate on my mistake, that's all, it was just conversations, who told you so soon, that we fought... ridiculous"

I chuckled at her grumbling and said

"It's nothing forget it, finish your work fast and reach home soon... ok, I will call you during my lunch"

"Ok, you take care... Danny"


"I love you... "

"Me too"

"what me too... say it out... "

"ok..ok.. I Love you, Meg..., ok now"

"Yaa, double ok... miss me, or I will be your nightmare"

"I already miss you, Baba...my little minion... I miss you so much... now go finish your work fast, go home safely, ping me as you teach home, and don't argue with anyone till I am back... ok...be good, don't roam around too much"

"Ok, Papa bear... command received"

Megan chuckled as she said, it was as a spring breeze blowing, I just wanted right now was... My Megan in my arms, and me kissing that cherry lips....as I thought, I got into the office cab that was waiting for me... and left to the hotel arranged my company.....