
Help Me, Dear Pirate Lord!

Basically jack a guy who is around 16 gets An amazing power from a weird type of thing and goes on an adventure to get even more powers to become the king/lord of the pirates and he gets some friends along the way now since you know the main scenario get reading will ya Enjoy!

Nobodyjustawriter · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Long lived the king..

(Jack) I killed my friends and everyone...

(Zero) we did Jack we did...

(Jack) so you're changing you're name to zero?

(Zero) yeah pretty much I wanted zoro but it's taken..

(Jack) well then I should change it to huffy or luffy?

(Zero) luffy is taken just stay with Jack.

(Jack) oh okay well I'm working on a new move turns out I could make it from blue flames to black flames.

(Zero) oh nice..

(Jack) the author wanted to ended our story because people kept saying it was bad but at least he is going to keep writing this for now.

(Zero) yeah...

(Jack) so want to hear my new move?

(Zero) sure what's the name.

(Jack) scorching moon.

( zero ) nice move I guess what does it do.

(Jack) spawn a dummy and I'll show you.


(Jack uses scorching moon and it completely destroys the clone)

(Zero) damn.

(Jack) uhhhhh this is boring..

( Zero) we're almost there.

(Jack) good I can't wait to kill that bastard...

(2 hours later)

(Zero) alright we're here..

(Jack) let's go get mabide.

(Zoro) okay.

(Mabide) oh jack you're here to take my throne?

(Zoro) no he's not here to take you're throne he's here to kill you after I do.

(Jack) knock you're self out Zoro.

(Zero gets his green reinforcements because they have been upgraded and he uses dual swords and he slices and slices mabide dodges and hits him but Zero deflects his hit and starts to use his drilling move jack turns his swords on fire and they end up beating mabide...)

(Zero) guess I'm the king of the broken pirates now.

(Jack) no you aren't we are..

To be continued...