
Help Me, Dear Pirate Lord!

Basically jack a guy who is around 16 gets An amazing power from a weird type of thing and goes on an adventure to get even more powers to become the king/lord of the pirates and he gets some friends along the way now since you know the main scenario get reading will ya Enjoy!

Nobodyjustawriter · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


(Jack) so this is the undersea island I guess it's good..(Jessy) yes yes it is indeed. (Cindy) so this is the legendary undersea island! (King) it's spectacular. (Rick) lady where's the treasure you told us about. (Jessy) I don't know you must find it.. (Rick) ah makes sense.. (Jessy) good luck I'll be leaving now (Rick) on what.. (Jessy) you're mom.. A BOAT STUPID!!! (Rick) I hate you old lady I might as well kill you... (Cindy) Rick no! (Jack) hmph do it if you want I don't care anymore.. (so Rick throws a dagger at her she dodged it she told Rick) (Jessy) you think it would be that easy to kill me?? I have the power of the angel crystal I could kill you at will.. (Rick) shut up..

(Rick dashes at her with his purple enforced blades and slices her in half she stood no chance all that was left was her guts and her brain..) (Cindy) oh-oh my god (Rick) hmph Jack I'm getting tired of these people our crew thinks it's all fun and sunshine. They should look at reality it's about killing and living (Cindy) how could you say such thing?!? (King) what is wrong with you Rick.. (Jason) what is wrong with you captain you didn't even intervene (Jack) so what if I didn't what even is the point… She was already dead from the start we never even needed her and she got our money back well you should learn it's not all fun and games this is killing and living look at the reality you should face your fears be a man stop being a bunch of cowards and you Cindy just go back to your home stop being a pirate I have realized that you guys are meaningless there is no need for you anymore goodbye. Come on Rick let's go. (

Hang-lee) *cries SHUT UP YOU DONT MEAN THIS (Jack) shut up before I kill you. (Hang lee) NO! (Jack brings out a sword of lighting with another Hand made into a sword of fire and chopped him into bits. ) (Cindy) what is happening I thought we were friends this isn't the real you jack you just killed one of your teammates I I actually trusted you but that the fact that you killed someone that's even on your team that that changes you a lot you know what I'm leaving you I never even thought you were a good friend no goodbyes have a horrible life I hate you you're a disgusting piece of flesh not even flesh you are a disgusting blob of lightning I hate you. (Jack) now do you have anything else to say because I don't care anymore I'm killing every single one of you I'm tired of this. you Cindy you're the only person I will spare Now leave before I kill everybody king do you have anything to say Jason I don't give a fuck about you.

(King) I hate you you are a disgrace I can't even believe I joined your pirate crew it's not even a crew you betrayed us all you could hang Lee now you're about to kill me and Jason who do you think you think you are I hope you die one of these days I hope you die a painful death you mean nothing to this world you disgrace. don't think I'll let you kill me that easy I'll put up a fight before I die.. (Jack dashes to Jason kills him with one slash and goes to king and tells him is this the fight you were talking about because this was very easy this wasn't even a challenge now goodbye Rest In Peace.. but king kicks the blade it chops his foot and then he tries to punch Jack but he is lightning then jack says goodbye) let's go Rick.