
Help Me, Dear Pirate Lord!

Basically jack a guy who is around 16 gets An amazing power from a weird type of thing and goes on an adventure to get even more powers to become the king/lord of the pirates and he gets some friends along the way now since you know the main scenario get reading will ya Enjoy!

Nobodyjustawriter · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Becoming the pirate lord

Jack:yo zero

Zero: eh?

Jack: I think it's time I became the pirate god.

Zero: okay I guess?

Jack: let's sail to the north blue to get that crown!

Zero: okay.

5 hours later

Zero:we are here I guess we have to kill the man but first we have to find him..

Jack: Found him.

Zero: how the hell did you find him so quick?

Jack: I sensed him. Now old man let's fight


Richard: No.

Jack: WHY NOT?!?

Richard: fine

(They fight fight fight)

(Jack is winning but then Richard goes all out but Jack destroyed him)

Jack: that was easy I didn't even need to use the rumble rumble gem.

Jack: why did you even fake your death

Richard: because I knew the real one would come...

Jack: welp bye bye you lost I'm the pirate Lord!!!