
Help! The demon King has a Gun!

What would you do if you were suddenly summoned to another world by the demon king, who wanted to make you his successor? That’s what happened to Ren Hoshikawa, a gun-loving high school student who finds himself in a world where magic and monsters are real. But this is not a typical fantasy world. The demon king is actually a nice guy who wants to retire, and the heroes who are supposed to save the world are actually evil and destructive. Ren decides to take up the mantle of the demon king and use his skills and knowledge of firearms and explosives to fight against the corrupted heroes and their armies. Along the way, he will make friends, enemies, and hilarious mistakes, as he tries to adapt to his new role and his new world.

StoryCraft · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Hell bullet

Chapter 5: Hell bullet

I was still staring at the crowd of demons who were bewildered by how the duel ended. They looked at me like I was some kind of god or monster. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Zalazar, the elder lich.

"What is that weapon you are using, young master?" he asked me in a low voice. He pointed at the shotgun in my hand.

I was about to explain, but then I remembered that this world was still in the medieval era. They had no idea what guns or bullets were. I decided to give them a brief idea of what a shotgun was.

"It's a metal pipe that shoots small metal balls with magic," I said. "It's very powerful and loud, but it has limited ammo and range."

Zalazar hummed in thought as he looked at the weapon with interest. He seemed to be fascinated by anything that involved magic.

"Interesting," he said. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, but be careful," I said. I handed him the shotgun, making sure the safety was on.

He took it and examined it carefully. He tried to pull the trigger, but nothing happened. He looked confused.

"It's not working," he said.

"That's because it has a safety mechanism," I said. "It prevents accidental firing. Here, let me show you."

I reached for the shotgun, but before I could take it back, I heard a loud noise from behind me. It was the sound of rubble being moved and smashed. I turned around and saw Lila, the succubus general who challenged me to a duel, emerging from the hole in the wall that I made with my rubber bullets. She looked angry and determined. She had a war helmet on her head and a halberd in her hand.

She freed herself from the debris with a war cry and glared at me.

"I underestimated you, prince Nyakura," she said. "But I won't make the same mistake twice."

She pointed her halberd at me and prepared to charge again.

I felt a surge of fear and panic. I thought I had won the duel, but apparently not. She was still alive and ready to fight. I needed to think of a plan B.

"Zalazar, give me back my shotgun!" I shouted.

He looked at me and then at Lila. He realized what was happening and quickly handed me back the weapon.

"Sorry, young master," he said.

I took the shotgun and checked the ammo. I had only one shot left. I had to make it count.

I aimed at Lila and pulled the trigger.


Lila raised her hand as a magical barrier appeared and blocked the bullets. She didn't slow down and charged forward.

"Is that all you got, prince Nyakura?" she shouted. "Your metal pipe is useless against me!"

I cursed and switched my shotgun for a sniper model: Barrett M82. It was a large and powerful rifle that could pierce through armor and walls. I hoped it could do the same to her barrier.

I dodged her attacks as best as I could, but it was hard. She was fast and strong, and her halberd had a long reach.

"Die, die, die!" she screamed as she swung it at me with deadly force.

I barely avoided several close calls, all while screaming in terror.

"Ahh! "

I realized I couldn't use my sniper with how close she was, so I pulled out my revolver that I hid from my back. It was a Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Revolver, one of the most powerful handguns in the world.

I aimed at her head and pulled the trigger. Bang!

She ignored the shots and laughed.

"Hahaha! What are you doing? Those pebbles can't hurt me!"

She was right, the bullets didn't seem to do much damage to her armor or her barrier. But they did make her flinch and blink.

I saw an opening and fired again. Bang!

This time, the bullet almost hit her eye. She narrowly avoided it by tilting her head to the side.

"You almost got me there!" she said as she kicked me in the gut with her metal boot, sending me flying a good distance.

"Take this!" she said.

I ignored the pain and shot her with my sniper. Bang!

She taunted me for trying the same tactic as before. "Ha! You think that will work on me? Think again!" She made another barrier with her hand.

But to her shock, the bullet easily went through it and narrowly missed her chest. It hit part of her shoulder pad and destroyed it, leaving a hole in her armor.

She looked at the hole and then at me.

"What the hell? What kind of weapon is that?" she asked.

I didn't answer, but instead gave her a warning.

"I missed on purpose," I said. "The next one won't."

We had a standoff, waiting for the one to make the next move. The crowd cheered for us, mostly for Lila.

"Go Lila! You can do it!"

"She's amazing! The crimson succubus!"

"The demon king's blade! The strongest general!"

They also cheered for me, calling me "the prince of anarchy" and "the lord of guns".

"Wow! Look at his weapons! How many does he have?"

"How does he make them? They're so cool!"

"He's worthy of being the demon king's son!"

They were eager to see the outcome of the duel, but I wasn't. I just wanted it to end as fast as possible before I get my butt whooped.

Lila laughed and planted her weapon to the ground. She placed her free hand on her hip and looked at me with a smirk.

"You're pretty good," she said. "You know how to keep me at a distance. But..."

She suddenly paused and disappeared from my sight. I felt a chill down my spine. I turned around and saw her behind me. That must have been some teleportation since I didn't any signs of her trying to close the gap between us.


She whispered in my ear, finishing her sentence. "...I know how to deal with that."

I felt her breath on my neck and her chest on my back. I also felt the tip of her halberd on my throat. I sweated in panic, but tried to calm down and think of a way out.

I knew I was in trouble. If I made any sudden or subtle moves, she would slit my throat and win the duel. I had to act fast and smart.

I made a gamble and created a flash grenade that didn't have a pin. It was a small metal ball that would explode with bright light and loud sound when I squeezed it.

I closed my eyes and squeezed the grenade. It exploded in my hand, creating a blinding flash and a deafening bang.

Lila cried out as she became temporarily blind and deaf. She let go of me and covered her eyes with her hand.

"Argh! You sly snake!" she shouted. "What did you do?"

She swung her halberd blindly, trying to hit me. But because of her impaired senses, she missed.

I took advantage of her confusion and ran away from her. I created an automatic gun turret and placed it on the ground. It was a Samsung SGR-A1 model, a robotic sentry that could detect and shoot targets with high accuracy.

The turret locked on Lila and fired several bullets at her. She sensed the danger and quickly covered herself with several layers of dome of earth. She used her earth magic to create a shield around her.

The bullets hit the dome, but couldn't penetrate it. They bounced off or got stuck in it.

I ignored the cheers from the crowd as I glanced at my MP bar. It showed 60/160. I wondered why there was such a massive drop in my MP.

I realized that my magic was compensating for the complex weaponry that required sets of equipment that didn't exist in this world. The more advanced the weapon, the more MP it consumed.

I stared at the dome where Lila was hiding and decided to make one last gamble. I concentrated and began to gather all the strength I needed for my final attack.

The crowd wondered what I was doing. They saw me standing still, with my eyes closed and my hands clenched.

"What is he doing?" they asked.

"Is he preparing something big?"

"Or is he giving up?"

They waited for my next move, but they didn't expect what I was about to do.

Lilahad already recovered and immediately used her magic to destroy the turret. She created an earth spike that sprouted beneath the turret and impaled it. The turret stopped firing and fell to the ground.

Lila looked for me, only to see me holding an odd contraption. It was a long metal tube with wires and coils attached to it. It had a handle and a trigger, like a gun, but it also had a screen and a button on the side. It looked like a futuristic weapon.

I gave her a taunting smirk and said, "I didn't want to use this, but you forced my hand. This is my ultimate weapon, the one I've been working on for a long time. It's not finished yet, but it's still powerful enough to end this duel."

The crowd felt a sense of dread and curiosity. They sensed the danger coming from my weapon, but they also wanted to see what it could do. Some of them erected barriers to protect the crowd behind them, while others moved back or hid behind cover.

Lila was about to do the same, but I didn't let her. I pinned her down by bombarding her with my newly made tommy gun while waiting for my raygun to charge up.

She tried to dodge or block them, but she couldn't. She was still suffering some of the effects of the stun grenade so she had no choice but to stay where she was and hope for the best.

I aimed my contraption at her and pressed the button on the side. The screen showed a countdown from 10 to 0. When it reached 0, the contraption spoke in a robotic voice.

"Fully charged."

I pulled the trigger and said, "Witness my raygun: Hell's bullet!"

The contraption fired a beam of light that traveled at high speed towards Lila. It was so bright and fast that it looked like a bullet made of pure energy.

Lila saw it coming and panicked. She pulled out all of her magic and erected walls and barriers in front of her. She used earth, fire, water, wind, and even dark magic to stop the beam.

But it was useless. The beam pierced through everything she threw at it, like a hot knife through butter. It reached her in an instant and engulfed her in a fiery explosion.

The explosion was so loud and bright that it shook the ground and blinded everyone. It also created a shockwave that knocked everyone back.

I panted and fell to my knees, exhausted. I ignored the crowd and their reactions. I only cared about one thing: winning the duel.

Zalazar hurriedly rushed to my side and checked on me. He looked worried and relieved at the same time.

"Are you okay, young master?" he asked me.

I nodded weakly and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

He helped me stand up and supported me with his arm.

"You did it," he said. "You won."

I smiled faintly and said, "Yeah, I did."

He was about to say something else, but then we heard something that made us freeze.

It was Lila's laughter.

She was alive.

She emerged from the smoke and dust, sporting wounds and burns all over her body. Her armor was completely destroyed, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. She looked like she had just survived a nuclear blast.

But she didn't look defeated or angry. She looked happy and excited.

She clapped her hands and praised me, "That was amazing!" she said. "You almost killed me! That was the most fun I've ever had!"

She grinned widely and said, "You're incredible, Prince Nyakura! You're worthy of being the demon king's son!"

I laughed weakly and gave her a taunt.

"Thanks for the compliment," I said. "But don't forget who won this duel." I pointed at her with my finger and said, "You lose."

She shrugged and said, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

She didn't seem to care about losing at all. She only cared about having fun.

I shook my head and said, "You're crazy."

She winked at me and said, "Eh, You'll learn to love it."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, sure."

Then I passed out.

I woke up in a bed and saw Lila tending to me. She was wearing a nurse outfit that barely covered her curves. She looked at me with a gentle smile.

"Hey, you're awake," she said.

"Is this a dream? If it is, I don't want to wake up," I said.

She smiled and said, "It's not a dream, but I can make it a bit more... exciting."

She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"I want an all-you-can-eat buffet," I said.

She dropped her smile and looked at me in shock. "What? That's it? No sex?"

"Nope. Just food. I'm hungry," I said.

She pouted and said, "That's not fair. You're supposed to be seduced by me."

"Sorry, but your charms don't work on me. I'm immune to your succubus power," I said.

"Oh, really? We'll see about that," she said.

She moved closer to me and tried to kiss me, but I pushed her away gently.

"Enough. Tell me what happened," I said.

She sighed and said, "You passed out for three days after using that railgun. You drained all your mana and almost died."

"Shit. That's bad," I said.

"Yeah, it is. Don't ever do that again, or you might end up in a coma," she said.

"Thanks for the warning. I'll be more careful next time," I said.

She got up and said, "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay. As promised, I'll let you join the army as my second-in-command."

"Really? Just like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, just like that. But don't forget that I'm still the boss here. You have to follow my orders and respect my authority," she said.

"Of course. I'm not good at tactics or strategy anyway. I need your guidance and experience," I said.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you everything you need to know. And not just about fighting. You also need to learn how to be a good leader and a good noble."

"How?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, I called a friend of mine to train you in leadership skills. He's a former general who retired from the army. He's also like a big brother to me," she said.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"You'll meet him soon enough. He's on his way here," she said.

"And what about noble etiquette and manners?" I asked.

"That's where Zalazar comes in. He'll train you in the history and culture of the demon realm. He's an expert in those things. He's also a loyal friend to you," she said.

"I see. And what about combat skills?" I asked.

"That's my specialty. I'll train you myself. I'll make you stronger and faster than ever before," she said.

"So you're going to make me the best demon king this world has ever seen?" I asked.

"That's right. And you're going to love it," she said.

I sighed and lay back on the bed. "Being a king is a pain in the butt," I muttered.