
Help! The demon King has a Gun!

What would you do if you were suddenly summoned to another world by the demon king, who wanted to make you his successor? That’s what happened to Ren Hoshikawa, a gun-loving high school student who finds himself in a world where magic and monsters are real. But this is not a typical fantasy world. The demon king is actually a nice guy who wants to retire, and the heroes who are supposed to save the world are actually evil and destructive. Ren decides to take up the mantle of the demon king and use his skills and knowledge of firearms and explosives to fight against the corrupted heroes and their armies. Along the way, he will make friends, enemies, and hilarious mistakes, as he tries to adapt to his new role and his new world.

StoryCraft · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Duel

Chapter 4: The Duel

Zalazar looked at Lila with a puzzled expression. He didn't understand why she wanted to fight Nyakura, the son of Velios, the demon king. He could tell that Nyakura was still inexperienced and naive, and he felt a sense of loyalty and affection for him.

"Lila, why are you doing this?" he asked. "You can see that the young master is still green. He doesn't have the skills or the knowledge to be a demon king. Why do you want to challenge him to a duel?"

Lila sighed and adjusted her armor. She held her halberd firmly in her hands. She looked at Zalazar with a serious gaze.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this, Zalazar," she said. "I don't think the prince knows what he's getting into. He may be the son of our king, but he's not ready to take his place. He's not ready to face the four heroes who are destroying our world. He's not ready to lead our people. I hope this duel will make him realize that and keep him safe."

Zalazar shook his head and frowned. He too was worried about Nyakura's fate, but he didn't think that fighting him was the best way to help him.

"Lila, I respect you as a general and a friend, but I don't agree with you," he said. "You may be right that the prince is not ready, but he's still our King's son and successor. He has his father's blood and spirit in him. He may surprise us with his potential and his courage. He may grow into a great demon king, if we give him a chance. Fighting him will only hurt him and us."

Lila looked at Zalazar with a hopeful expression. She wanted to believe that he was right about Nyakura, that he had the potential to be a great demon king. She wanted to trust him and follow him, as she did with Velios.

"I hope you're right, Zalazar," she said. "I hope the prince will surprise us and prove himself worthy of his father's legacy."

As she said that, she felt a sudden heat in her cheeks. She blushed and looked away, feeling embarrassed and confused. She felt something stir in her chest, something she had never felt before.

Zalazar noticed her change of expression and tilted his head. He wondered what was wrong with her. He had known her for a long time, and he had never seen her act like this.

"Lila, are you okay?" he asked. "You look... different."

Lila stuttered and tried to hide her face. She didn't want to admit what she was feeling, but she couldn't lie to Zalazar. He was her friend and her comrade, and he deserved the truth.

"I-I'm sorry, Zalazar," she said. "It's just that... as a succubus, I can tell when someone is a virgin or not."

Zalazar blinked and realized what she meant. He chuckled and gave her a pitying look. He didn't know that Nyakura was a virgin, but he guessed that he had no experience or interest in women.

"Lila, you poor thing," he said. "You're like a starving lioness who sees a juicy piece of meat, but can't reach it. And not only that, but the meat is also oblivious to your hunger and doesn't even look at you."

Lila felt more embarrassed and angry at his words. She glared at him and clenched her fists.

"Shut up, Zalazar," she said. "You don't understand anything. It's not like I want to eat him or anything. I just... I just..."

Zalazar could only chuckle as his friend struggled to explain herself.

"Dooh, your so annoying!" She trailed off and muttered something under her breath. Zalazar strained his ears and tried to catch what she said.

"What did you say?" he asked.

Lila sighed and repeated herself louder.

"I said, the prince didn't react to me at all," she said.

Zalazar froze and stared at her with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he heard. He knew that Lila was a succubus, a demon who could charm any man with her beauty and allure. How could Nyakura resist her? How could he not feel anything for her? Even the Demon King Velios had to keep his eyes closed when talking to Lila. Even the four heroes had to keep their eyes covered and yet the young master was able to ignore it!? Unlikely.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

Lila nodded and looked away.

"Yes, I'm serious," she said. "We succubus have a passive ability to charm men with our appearance and aura alone, but I usually suppress it by wearing armor. It only works when I'm fully covered or if you're an undead, but I wasn't wearing one when I met the prince. I thought he would be affected by my charm, but he wasn't. He didn't look at me with lust or desire or fear or anything. He just looked at me with curiosity and confusion, like I was some kind of weird creature."

Zalazar was so shocked that his jaw detached from his skull and fell to the ground with a loud clatter. He didn't feel any pain or discomfort, since he was an undead who didn't need his body parts to function. But he felt a lot of surprise and disbelief.

Lila looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Zalazar, are you going to pick up your jaw?" she asked.

Zalazar didn't answer. He was too busy trying to process what Lila had told him.


I was sitting on the desk in the guest room of the ruined castle, looking at the notebook I had brought with me from my world. It was one of the few things I had left from my old life, and it contained a lot of useful information. On one page, I had written down the list of weapons I could summon with my creation and summon gun skills, along with their MP cost and damage output. I had to be careful not to waste too much MP, since I didn't know how to replenish it in this world. On another page, I had written down everything I could remember about succubi from JRPGs, movies, and novels. I emphasized the words seduction and charm since those were their main abilities.

As I read those words, I couldn't help but recall Lila's appearance. She was a succubus, a demon who could charm any man with her beauty and allure. But she was not what I expected from a succubus. She was not wearing a lewd outfit that exposed her curves and skin. She was wearing full armor that covered her body from head to toe, except for her face. And what a face it was. She had blond hair with pink tips, blue eyes, pink lips, and a cute nose. She looked like a gyaru, a type of girl who liked to dress up and have fun. She was cute, not sexy and seductive.

I took a deep breath and got out of the desk. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, venting my frustration.

"Argh! How can a succubus be so cute and adorable!?" I shouted into the pillow.

I had been trying to focus on the duel that she had challenged me to, but instead, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept seeing her face in my head, her smile, her blush, her glare. I felt something stir in my chest, something I had never felt before.

I threw the pillow on the bed and tried to calm down. I had to find a way to get out of this situation.

I stopped and tried to think of a possible reason for my feelings. Maybe I had been charmed by Lila. Maybe she had used her succubus power on me when we first met, and that's why I couldn't get her out of my mind. Maybe she had manipulated me into liking her, even though she wanted to fight me.

I muttered to myself about succubi being scary.

"Succubi are scary... They can control men's minds and hearts with their charm... They can make them do anything they want... They can make them fall in love with them..."

I heard a knock on the door and snapped out of my thoughts. I heard Zalazar's voice asking for permission to enter.

"Prince Nyakura, are you there?" he asked. "May I come in?"

I told Zalazar he could come in. He opened the door and entered the room. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Prince Nyakura, it's time for your duel with Lila," he said. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my notebook. I had written down some ideas and strategies for the fight, but I wasn't sure if they would work. I followed Zalazar out of the room and walked with him to the outside of the castle.

On the way, Zalazar looked at me curiously.

"Did you have enough time to think and come up with a plan?" he asked.

I shrugged and admitted that I did, but I wasn't confident about it.

Zalazar sighed and gave me some advice.

"No plan survives the first encounter, young master," he said. "You have to be flexible and adaptable. You have to improvise and use your wits. You have to be prepared for anything."

I nodded and thanked him for his words. I hoped he was right.

As we walked, I noticed that Zalazar was shaking a bit. He looked nervous and uneasy. I wondered what was wrong with him. He was an undead magic caster, an elder lich who had lived for centuries. He shouldn't be afraid of anything.

"Zalazar, are you okay?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

Zalazar grabbed me by the shoulder and looked at me with a serious expression.

"Young master, listen to me carefully," he said. "You cannot, under any circumstances, be alone with Lila. Do you understand?"

I blinked and nodded. I didn't understand why he said that, but I promised him that I wouldn't.

Zalazar seemed relieved and let go of my shoulder.

"Good," he said. "That's good."

He didn't explain anything else, and I didn't ask. I was too confused and worried.

We reached the outside of the castle, where a crowd of monsters and demons had gathered. They were cheering for Lila, who was sitting on a chair and polishing her halberd. She looked calm and confident like she had nothing to fear.

She noticed me and smiled. She waved at me and winked.

"Hey, prince," she said. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

I shivered and tried to keep calm. She looked cute, but I knew she was dangerous and powerful. She wanted to fight me, to test me, to make me give up.

Zalazar wished me luck and rushed away. He left me alone with Lila and the crowd.

I gulped and took a deep breath.

I was not ready for this.

Lila looked at me and smirked.

"Hey, prince, why aren't you wearing any armor?" she asked. "Don't you know that this is a duel, not a fashion show?"

I felt embarrassed and annoyed. I didn't have any armor in this world, only my clothes from my world. They were not suitable for combat, but they were all I had.

"Wait a second," I said. "I'll show you my armor."

I activated my skill [Creation] and imagined an armor on my body. I had seen a picture of armor in a manga that I liked, and I tried to copy it as best as I could.

The armor was similar to the one worn by King, the hero of the humans, but with a dragon theme. It had scales, spikes, horns, and claws. It was designed to offer protection without hindering movement. It also had a tattered cape and a halo behind it. The color scheme was dark and gold, giving it a majestic and menacing look.

I felt the armor materialize on my body. It felt light and comfortable like it was made for me. I hoped it would be enough to protect me from Lila's attacks.

Lila raised an eyebrow and looked at my armor.

"Hmm, not bad," she said. "It looks cool and fancy. But does it work? Can it stop my halberd?"

She pointed at her weapon, a long pole with a sharp blade at the end. It looked like it could cut through anything.

I gulped and tried to act confident.

"Of course it can," I said. "My armor is strong and durable. It can withstand any attack."

Lila snorted and shook her head.

"We'll see about that," she said. "But what about your weapon? What is that thing? A stick? A pipe?"

She laughed and pointed at my weapon, a shotgun that I had summoned before. It was a Benelli M2 Tactical, a semi-automatic shotgun that could fire 12-gauge shells. It was one of my favorite guns, and I had used it many times in my world.

However, the demons and monsters didn't recognize it as a weapon. They thought it was a stick or a pipe. They laughed and mocked me for bringing such a useless thing to a duel.

I felt angry and insulted. They didn't know what they were talking about. They didn't know how powerful my gun was.

She looked at me with disbelief and pity.

"Prince, are you serious?" she asked. "Do you really think you can win with that thing? Don't you have anything better? A sword? A spear? A bow?"

She sighed and shrugged.

"Well, whatever," she said. "It's your choice. But don't complain when you lose."

She put on her war helmet, which covered her face. It was shaped like a snarling serpent, with fangs and scales. It matched her armor and halberd.

She looked ready for battle, while I looked like an idiot.

She ordered a minotaur to give the signal for the start of the duel. The minotaur nodded and raised his hand.

He shouted "Ready!" and then "Go!"

The duel began.

Lila charged at me with her weapon, swinging it with great force. She aimed at my head, hoping to end the duel quickly.

I was faster. I aimed my shotgun at her chest and pulled the trigger. I had loaded it with rubber bullets, but I had also supercharged them with magic. I hoped they would be enough to knock her down.

They were more than enough. The shotgun fired with a loud bang, sending a blast of metal and magic at Lila. She didn't have time to react or dodge. She was hit by the full force of the shot, and she was sent flying through a wall.

The wall crumbled and collapsed, creating a cloud of dust and debris. Lila disappeared behind it, leaving a hole in her wake.

The crowd of demons and monsters gasped and screamed. They had never seen or heard anything like that before. They had to cover their ears because of the loud sound the gun made. They couldn't believe what they had witnessed.

I sighed in relief and lowered my gun. I had done it. I won the duel in five seconds flat.

I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at me with shock and awe. They looked at me like I was a monster or a god.

I felt confused and nervous. I didn't know what to say or do.

"what?" I asked them before hearing the rubble move.

An: Hello, my dear readers! How are you doing today? Or tonight, depending on where you are. I hope you are having a good time and enjoying life.

I'm sure you are curious about what happened to Lila after Ren shot her with his shotgun. Did she get one shot by him? Or did she survive and fight back? Well, you'll have to keep reading to find out. I won't spoil anything, but I promise you it will be exciting and surprising.

If you like my stories and want to support me, you can do so by donating to my PayPal or buymeacoffee accounts. You can find the links in my profile. Any amount is appreciated and will help me keep writing and improving.

Thank you so much for reading my stories and spending time with me. I appreciate your feedback and comments. You make me happy and motivated to write more.

I wish you all a great day and stay safe. Until next time!

Zalazar looked at Lila with a puzzled expression. He didn't understand why she wanted to fight Nyakura, the son of Velios, the demon king. He could tell that Nyakura was still inexperienced and naive, and he felt a sense of loyalty and affection for him.

"Lila, why are you doing this?" he asked. "You can see that the young master is still green. He doesn't have the skills or the knowledge to be a demon king. Why do you want to challenge him to a duel?"

Lila sighed and adjusted her armor. She held her halberd firmly in her hands. She looked at Zalazar with a serious gaze.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this, Zalazar," she said. "I don't think the prince knows what he's getting into. He may be the son of our king, but he's not ready to take his place. He's not ready to face the four heroes who are destroying our world. He's not ready to lead our people. I hope this duel will make him realize that and keep him safe."

Zalazar shook his head and frowned. He too was worried about Nyakura's fate, but he didn't think that fighting him was the best way to help him.

"Lila, I respect you as a general and a friend, but I don't agree with you," he said. "You may be right that the prince is not ready, but he's still our King's son and successor. He has his father's blood and spirit in him. He may surprise us with his potential and his courage. He may grow into a great demon king, if we give him a chance. Fighting him will only hurt him and us."

Lila looked at Zalazar with a hopeful expression. She wanted to believe that he was right about Nyakura, that he had the potential to be a great demon king. She wanted to trust him and follow him, as she did with Velios.

"I hope you're right, Zalazar," she said. "I hope the prince will surprise us and prove himself worthy of his father's legacy."

As she said that, she felt a sudden heat in her cheeks. She blushed and looked away, feeling embarrassed and confused. She felt something stir in her chest, something she had never felt before.

Zalazar noticed her change of expression and tilted his head. He wondered what was wrong with her. He had known her for a long time, and he had never seen her act like this.

"Lila, are you okay?" he asked. "You look... different."

Lila stuttered and tried to hide her face. She didn't want to admit what she was feeling, but she couldn't lie to Zalazar. He was her friend and her comrade, and he deserved the truth.

"I-I'm sorry, Zalazar," she said. "It's just that... as a succubus, I can tell when someone is a virgin or not."

Zalazar blinked and realized what she meant. He chuckled and gave her a pitying look. He didn't know that Nyakura was a virgin, but he guessed that he had no experience or interest in women.

"Lila, you poor thing," he said. "You're like a starving lioness who sees a juicy piece of meat, but can't reach it. And not only that, but the meat is also oblivious to your hunger and doesn't even look at you."

Lila felt more embarrassed and angry at his words. She glared at him and clenched her fists.

"Shut up, Zalazar," she said. "You don't understand anything. It's not like I want to eat him or anything. I just... I just..."

Zalazar could only chuckle as his friend struggled to explain herself.

"Dooh, your so annoying!" She trailed off and muttered something under her breath. Zalazar strained his ears and tried to catch what she said.

"What did you say?" he asked.

Lila sighed and repeated herself louder.

"I said, the prince didn't react to me at all," she said.

Zalazar froze and stared at her with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he heard. He knew that Lila was a succubus, a demon who could charm any man with her beauty and allure. How could Nyakura resist her? How could he not feel anything for her? Even the Demon King Velios had to keep his eyes close when talking to Lila. Even the four heroes had to keep their eyes covered and yet the young master was able to ignore it!? Unlikely.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

Lila nodded and looked away.

"Yes, I'm serious," she said. "We succubus have a passive ability to charm men with our appearance and aura alone, but I usually suppress it by wearing armor. It only works when I'm fully covered or if you're an undead, but I wasn't wearing one when I met the prince. I thought he would be affected by my charm, but he wasn't. He didn't look at me with lust or desire or fear or anything. He just looked at me with curiosity and confusion, like I was some kind of weird creature."

Zalazar was so shocked that his jaw detached from his skull and fell to the ground with a loud clatter. He didn't feel any pain or discomfort, since he was an undead who didn't need his body parts to function. But he felt a lot of surprise and disbelief.

Lila looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Zalazar, are you going to pick up your jaw?" she asked.

Zalazar didn't answer. He was too busy trying to process what Lila had told him.


I was sitting on the desk in the guest room of the ruined castle, looking at the notebook I had brought with me from my world. It was one of the few things I had left from my old life, and it contained a lot of useful information. On one page, I had written down the list of weapons I could summon with my creation and summon gun skills, along with their MP cost and damage output. I had to be careful not to waste too much MP, since I didn't know how to replenish it in this world. On another page, I had written down everything I could remember about succubi from JRPGs, movies, and novels. I had emphasized the words seduction and charm, since those were their main abilities.

As I read those words, I couldn't help but recall Lila's appearance. She was a succubus, a demon who could charm any man with her beauty and allure. But she was not what I expected from a succubus. She was not wearing a lewd outfit that exposed her curves and skin. She was wearing a full armor that covered her body from head to toe, except for her face. And what a face it was. She had blond hair with pink tips, blue eyes, pink lips, and a cute nose. She looked like a gyaru, a type of girl who liked to dress up and have fun. She was cute and adorable, not sexy and seductive.

I took a deep breath and got out of the desk. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, venting my frustration.

"Argh! How can a succubus be so cute and adorable? How can she make me feel this way?" I shouted into the pillow.

I had been trying to focus on the duel that she had challenged me to, but instead I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept seeing her face in my head, her smile, her blush, her glare. I felt something stir in my chest, something I had never felt before.

I threw the pillow on the bed and tried to calm down. I had to find a way to get out of this situation.

I stopped and tried to think of a possible reason for my feelings. Maybe I had been charmed by Lila. Maybe she had used her succubus power on me when we first met, and that's why I couldn't get her out of my mind. Maybe she had manipulated me into liking her, even though she wanted to fight me.

I muttered to myself about succubi being scary.

"Succubi are scary... They can control men's minds and hearts with their charm... They can make them do anything they want... They can make them fall in love with them..."

I heard a knock on the door and snapped out of my thoughts. I heard Zalazar's voice asking for permission to enter.

"Prince Nyakura, are you there?" he asked. "May I come in?"

I told Zalazar he could come in. He opened the door and entered the room. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Prince Nyakura, it's time for your duel with Lila," he said. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my notebook. I had written down some ideas and strategies for the fight, but I wasn't sure if they would work. I followed Zalazar out of the room and walked with him to the outside of the castle.

On the way, Zalazar looked at me curiously.

"Did you have enough time to think and come up with a plan?" he asked.

I shrugged and admitted that I did, but I wasn't confident about it.

Zalazar sighed and gave me some advice.

"No plan survives the first encounter, young master," he said. "You have to be flexible and adaptable. You have to improvise and use your wits. You have to be prepared for anything."

I nodded and thanked him for his words. I hoped he was right.

As we walked, I noticed that Zalazar was shaking a bit. He looked nervous and uneasy. I wondered what was wrong with him. He was an undead magic caster, an elder lich who had lived for centuries. He shouldn't be afraid of anything.

"Zalazar, are you okay?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

Zalazar grabbed me by the shoulder and looked at me with a serious expression.

"Young master, listen to me carefully," he said. "You cannot, under any circumstances, be alone with Lila. Do you understand?"

I blinked and nodded. I didn't understand why he said that, but I promised him that I wouldn't.

Zalazar seemed relieved and let go of my shoulder.

"Good," he said. "That's good."

He didn't explain anything else, and I didn't ask. I was too confused and worried.

We reached the outside of the castle, where a crowd of monsters and demons had gathered. They were cheering for Lila, who was sitting on a chair and polishing her halberd. She looked calm and confident, like she had nothing to fear.

She noticed me and smiled. She waved at me and winked.

"Hey, prince," she said. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

I shivered and tried to keep calm. She looked cute and adorable, but I knew she was dangerous and powerful. She wanted to fight me, to test me, to make me give up.

Zalazar wished me luck and rushed away. He left me alone with Lila and the crowd.

I gulped and took a deep breath.

I was not ready for this.

Lila looked at me and smirked.

"Hey, prince, why aren't you wearing any armor?" she asked. "Don't you know that this is a duel, not a fashion show?"

I felt embarrassed and annoyed. I didn't have any armor in this world, only my clothes from my world. They were not suitable for combat, but they were all I had.

"Wait a second," I said. "I'll show you my armor."

I activated my skill [Creation] and imagined an armor on my body. I had seen a picture of an armor in a manga that I liked, and I tried to copy it as best as I could.

The armor was similar to the one worn by King, the hero of the humans, but with a dragon theme. It had scales, spikes, horns, and claws. It was designed to offer protection without hindering movement. It also had a tattered cape and a halo behind it. The color scheme was dark and gold, giving it a majestic and menacing look.

I felt the armor materialize on my body. It felt light and comfortable, like it was made for me. I hoped it would be enough to protect me from Lila's attacks.

Lila raised an eyebrow and looked at my armor.

"Hmm, not bad," she said. "It looks cool and fancy. But does it work? Can it stop my halberd?"

She pointed at her weapon, a long pole with a sharp blade at the end. It looked like it could cut through anything.

I gulped and tried to act confident.

"Of course it can," I said. "My armor is strong and durable. It can withstand any attack."

Lila snorted and shook her head.

"We'll see about that," she said. "But what about your weapon? What is that thing? A stick? A pipe?"

She laughed and pointed at my weapon, a shotgun that I had summoned before. It was a Benelli M2 Tactical, a semi-automatic shotgun that could fire 12-gauge shells. It was one of my favorite guns, and I had used it many times in my world.

However, for the demons and monsters, they didn't recognize it as a weapon. They thought it was a stick or a pipe. They laughed and mocked me for bringing such a useless thing to a duel.

I felt angry and insulted. They didn't know what they were talking about. They didn't know how powerful my gun was.

She looked at me with disbelief and pity.

"Prince, are you serious?" she asked. "Do you really think you can win with that thing? Don't you have anything better? A sword? A spear? A bow?"

She sighed and shrugged.

"Well, whatever," she said. "It's your choice. But don't complain when you lose."

She put on her war helmet, which covered her face. It was shaped like a snarling serpent, with fangs and scales. It matched her armor and halberd.

She looked ready for battle, while I looked like an idiot.

She ordered a minotaur to give the signal for the start of the duel. The minotaur nodded and raised his hand.

He shouted "Ready!" and then "Go!"

The duel began.

Lila charged at me with her weapon, swinging it with great force. She aimed at my head, hoping to end the duel quickly.

I was faster. I aimed my shotgun at her chest and pulled the trigger. I had loaded it with rubber bullets, but I had also supercharged them with magic. I hoped they would be enough to knock her down.

They were more than enough. The shotgun fired with a loud bang, sending a blast of metal and magic at Lila. She didn't have time to react or dodge. She was hit by the full force of the shot, and she was sent flying through a wall.

The wall crumbled and collapsed, creating a cloud of dust and debris. Lila disappeared behind it, leaving a hole in her wake.

The crowd of demons and monsters gasped and screamed. They had never seen or heard anything like that before. They had to cover their ears because of the loud sound the gun made. They couldn't believe what they had witnessed.

I sighed in relief and lowered my gun. I had done it. I had won the duel. I had defeated Lila, the succubus general who wanted to fight me.

I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at me with shock and awe. They looked at me like I was a monster or a god.

I felt confused and nervous. I didn't know what to say or do.

"what?" I asked them.

An: Hello, my dear readers! How are you doing today? Or tonight, depending on where you are. I hope you are having a good time and enjoying life.

I'm sure you are curious about what happened to Lila after Ren shot her with his shotgun. Did she get one shot by him? Or did she survive and fight back? Well, you'll have to keep reading to find out. I won't spoil anything, but I promise you it will be exciting and surprising.

If you like my stories and want to support me, you can do so by donating to my paypal or buymeacoffee accounts. You can find the links in my profile. Any amount is appreciated and will help me keep writing and improving.

Thank you so much for reading my stories and spending time with me. I really appreciate your feedback and comments. You make me happy and motivated to write more.

I wish you all a great day and stay safe. Until next time!