
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The Return

"Badurad! Badurad! wake up. Oh please don't be dead." "Is he still breathing" "How in the hell did he kill this thing." "have we got any spare herbs." The voices sounded vaguely familiar as he opened his eyes. His vision was still blurry all he could see was two figures running about and arguing. "Woah his eyes are opening. Badurad wake up and open your eyes." His vision cleared after a while and identified the two people as Reny and Hiro. As he sat up he looked around he was laying on the floor. To his left there was the hob goblin's body and to his right was it's head he was covered in blood it was thicker than normal blood. The two quizzed him on what had happened as he recovered his vision was back to normal and he could breath well. As he slowly got better he stood up and the three of them walked around the hall. There were rooms on the right that were too big to belong to goblins so they assumed it was Granite's and on the left they saw cages filled with human women all of them were all begging to be killed. Despite this they opened the cages and let them walk to the outside. and again they gathered all the bodies and burned them along with the hobgoblin. They then washed again, getting rid of all the monster blood and left the cave.

They walked in the darkness Reny held a torch and Hiro supported Badurad who was dragging the hobgoblins head. as they passed through the various caves they burned all the villages to kill all survivors. and as they exited the cave they were met by the entire village who had smiles on their faces and were rejoicing. As Reny passed through the opening she collapsed into the arms of the doctor. Next was Hiro, who just fell asleep on the spot. And finally came Badurad who was dragging the enormous head of Granite Hoblington behind him and then fell asleep right next to Hiro.

Badurad woke up in a bed wrapped in bandages and surrounded by whiteness. He was in the hospital and next to him lay Reny and Hiro he jumped off the bed and started walking about at which point a nurse started to shout at him and ushered him into bed. The village leader walked into the room and started asking him questions about what had happened like where Aleard was and how they defeated the hobgoblin. The answers Badurad gave seemed to shock him like the story's of bards and poets. As he told the village leader of his quest the others awoke and looked around. "Badurad we did it we really did it!" exclaimed Hiro with a beaming smile on his face. That night as promised they had a huge feast to honour the knights' triumph toasting endlessly to the heroes of Guillurant. The next morning they all loaded themselves into the waggon and collected the reward of one hundred silver pieces and travelled back to Dedeford. Leaving the Golden fields behind and the clear skies leaving the beautiful mountains for towering houses and the white clouds for black smoke and foul stenches.

When after another long journey they arrived at Dedeford they instantly returned to the floor of knights where they turned in their reward and debriefed their commanding officers. Then as they were leaving the main building Badurad was escorted by some guards to a palace on the second last floor. He entered a room with rich oak doors. The room itself was covered in books and had a solitary desk in the middle with a large glass wall at the back looking over what seemed like the entirety of Westirion. The man behind the desk was holding a pile of documents. He had Blond hair which was the color of the sun and piercing blue eyes that engulfed the surrounding area like an ocean. He had a bright smile which illuminated the entire room. He had a blue shirt on with gold embroidery. "Ah you must be Badurad the person I have been told so much about. The one who killed one of the five hobgoblin kings on his own. The hero of Guillerant. I see you were a prodigy It's good to know that program works." The man's smile never faded. It warmed the entire room like the sun but not so overwhelming that it was harsh. It was perfectly pleasant."Let me introduce myself. I am Aesririam Augustise the fifth but that is too long so please call me Ririam. I am third in line to the throne and one of the five holy knights blessed by god himself." his smile then disappeared and transformed into a look of disdain pushing badura back and forcing him to his knees "I believe my Brother was in your party Aleard. Whatever happened to him." His smile resumed but badurad was now more terrified than ever as the man called Ririam could crush him with more ease than a bug under his shoe. "Well what's done is done I am sure he died a noble death and has joined our God in heaven" with that comment he remembered Aleards dismembered body and had to force himself not to vomit at the mere thought of it. The knight then said nothing else and only threw a form at him. It was a rank up form which let him become a second rank knight and get more of a discount from shops. and with that he made his way home.