
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Shlok the Librarian

"Big Brothers home!" shouted a shrill voice as Badurad walked through the door to his house. It was a brick house on the fiftieth floor. It was two stories tall and had a hall leading to a kitchen and a dining room on the other side of the hall was a library. the second floor had three bedrooms and a bathroom. He walked into the hall to see his little sister standing in front of him. She had black straight hair like him and was about half his height. She was holding a book of fairytales. as he walked further in she hugged him and he continued into the kitchen where his mother was standing over a stove with a stew pot. Then they all had a delicious meal and they all went to bed and for a minute he forgot about his time in the cavern and the terrifying holy knight.

The next day he wandered back into the knight's floor and paid a visit to Oakley the smith. Again the bell rang as he entered the shop, the same black sword was hanging on the wall and the shop floor was lined with armour and weapons. This time he walked straight to the counter and rang the small bell. Oakly sprang out from the back of the shop. "Ah if it isn't badurad the knight I have heard all about your victory in Guillerant your becoming quite the up and coming knight." Without a word Badurad took out the cloth and unfolded it showing Oakly the pulverised sword there was barely any solid blade left but he had tried to scoop up all the powdered steel. He stepped back and bowed. "Please forgive me. The hobgoblins' skin and strikes were really powerful." Oakly was silent and murderous intent emanated out like a deadly miasma. Oakly grabbed a knife and charged at Badurad. "You little shit how dare you break my sword and waltz into my shop like it's no big deal. You little bastard Badurad." Oakly was now chasing him down the street, knife in hand

After an hour of being chased Oakly finally calmed down and gave Badurad the knife Oakly promised to make another sword for Badurad but if he ever broke it again his life would serve as forfeit.

He then entered the council hall and turned in the form and became a rank two knight. As he walked out of the council hall he was greeted by two rank seven soldiers wearing silver armour and blue cloak. "Badurad we have come as a representative for the church and the holy knight mistress Rin. we have a plea for you that is not optional. We would like you to destroy all remnants of the cult of the true savior in The United Magical Republic of the South. We ask that you please see the librarian for more information." And without Badurad being able to decline the plea he was all alone and the knights were gone as quickly as they had arrived.

As suggested he went to see the Imperial Library on the floor fourth from the top. When he walked in he saw a hall as big as the entire floor. It was littered with bookcases stretching as far as the eye can see. He wandered around the rows of endless encyclopedia and novels. As he ventured further into the labyrinth of literature he saw an odd pile of books with a voice from inside. It was odd because all the other books were meticulously maintained and cared for. Badurad approached the pile of books to see a boy not much older than him in glasses reading a book. He didn't seem like anyone else; it was like he was separated from everyone else. Badurad cleared his throat to get the attention of the boy. He abruptly turned around and looked Badurad up and down as they both stared at each other in silence Baduead got a closer look at the boy. He was wearing loose ropes over a shirt and was holding books in his hand and paper lined his pockets. "Ah Badurad the knight I assume, I have been expecting you" said the boy. He spoke very much like a scholar or a noble gentleman and not at all like a child. In response Badurad only nodded. "I am Shlok, the spirit of all books, literature and all written information However the church severely robs me of my ability to communicate this information to anyone with a low status. Any way I see you are a rank 2 knight so I can tell you about the world your current job or about magic. However I fear your magical affinity is not high enough to cast any type of spell, Truly a shame." The spirit sighed with a look of great disappointment on his face; he then perked up again awaiting Badurads response. "Um, I would like to know about this plea I have been assigned. I need to know what the cult of the true savior is and how to destroy them? also where the United Magical Republic of the South is?"

"Ah some truly good and fun questions. The cult of the true savior is an organization that believes that God is a malevolent being who only created the world to watch us die and the "true saviors" are the demons and devils who rebel against his tyranny. To destroy them you would only need to invade their lair in Ebonheart. Killing their leader Graham the lord of lambs would do a lot as well but be wary as he is a B class mage. As for where the United Magical Republic of the South is, as you know the world is divided up into four continents: Westerion, the United Magical Republic of the South (or the UMRS), The eastern federation, and the ruins of the north. Westeria is where we live now and is primarily made up of a human population and has the heaviest ties to the church. The UMRS is a network of small countries controlled by the mage society of Lignostad. But most of the small islands are owned by rich noble men who call themselves mayors or something like that. Then there is The eastern federation of warriors and demi-humans who's Military might grant them protection from the church. Then there is the ruins of the north which as their name suggests is the ruined nation of the north which was hit by tragedy so great it plunged the entire continent into a eternal blizzard and now it is home to the mountain giants, orcs and goblins. I believe you have run into some of them already. Well that's all your questions. If you have any more please feel free to see me at any time. I am always here." With that Shlok returned to reading and Badurad felt the doors, that he was sure were at least ten minutes away, close in front of him.. With that he was outside the library and ready to set out on his journey to the UMRS.