
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The Hobgoblin

The great stone hall opened to reveal a colossal hall made entirely out of stone. However it was empty as far as Badurad could see. He walked through the maze of chairs and tables with meat rotting on the plates. Then as he progressed he found the back of the hall where there was a stone chair with runic symbols lining it. Badurad did not understand this language and gazed at them for some time like they were enticing him closer. "WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY DO YOU DARE APPROACH MY THRONE YOU LOWLY HUMAN!?" The voice came from a hobgoblin, the ruler of all goblins. He stood as tall and firm as a pine tree peering down at Badurad. His presence crushed down on him like a ton of stone. Badurad almost lost his footing and was taken aback by the humongous being. He had armour on though it was scarce he was armed with a club at least four times as big as Badurad. and made of steel with golden spikes. He had tattoos covering his body of runic symbols much like the Throne he had claimed. The hobgoblin walked in thundering steps to his throne and sat down still looking down at Badurad. Badurad finally replied "I am Badurad knight of Dedenford and I have come to kill you in proxy of the village Guillarant." The hobgoblin responded with a booming laugh "cha ha ha ha ha ah I am sorry Badurad the knight your customs are indeed strange," he exclaimed then clearing his throat and correcting himself "I am the lord Granite hoblington of the five hobgoblin kings and I suppose I should kill you now." without any further thought he picked up his club and swung it with the force so strong it pushed back all the tables and chairs in the hall and almost flattened Badurad but in the last second he dodged to the side avoiding the club and the gust of wind then charging at the hob goblin he jumped up to the throne climbing up his arm, slicing it as he went but it didn't seem to bother Granit as he merely sighed and brushed him off with one hand. Then standing up he faced Badurad. and swung again and again Badurad dodge just barely then running at the giants exposed ankle he swung with all might hopping to slice through a tendon and cripple the hobgoblin but instead he only lightly cut his skin and then got a fierce back kick causing him to fly into the wall. His breath was knocked out of him and he nearly choked on his blood.

Granite again turned to Badurad who was collapsed again slouching against the wall "Well that was a valiant effort Badurad the knight but it is time to give in to death no mere human flea like you could even attempt to pierce my skin. now it is time for this game to end.'' Then in the same fashion he swung his club back down Badurad, unable to move, tried to block the blow with his sword but the steel side of his sword shattered and so did the tip. Badurad knew the fight was over and submitted to his end and saw only blackness.

He awoke in a dark void; there was no one there, he was all alone. He felt nothing. [Was this death what came after there was no god, no white gates, no burning hell.] Then he heard a faint sound. It repeated getting clearer each time "..." then the sound became audible " no... NO. you must not submit Badurad you must not end this life we still have much to do!" Then the void illuminated itself; it was as if he was standing in the sky. The floor was a bright blue and white cloud that floated past him. The scenery was so freeing and he felt like he had been released from all of his responsibilities. He felt for the first time in his life truly relaxed. Before him was a boy roughly the same age as him with white hair and a sword slung over his shoulder. He had a black cloak on and was crying. He had red eyes that were almost empty. It felt like he had only a flicker of life left and his eyes were so earnest just by looking into them he felt like someone was pleading to him begging. It felt like you were his only hope just by looking into his eyes you felt so much responsibility and sympathy "you mustn't Badurad please do not give in you still have a way please do not die before me I do not want to see another one die before me."

Then as quickly as he had been there he was back in front of the hobgoblin staring down his inevitable end when he was filled with more energy than he had ever had he sprung forward strait into the hobgoblin with his broken sword in one hand and he jumped up with more agility than ever until he was once again on Granites arm still charging up. Then when he reached the neck he breathed in so much air he almost burst his lungs and swung so hard his arm nearly fell off. He swung with every ounce of his strength swinging his sword and then he felt the blade connect with the hobgoblins neck pressing with streng that he didn't have before pressing as hard as he could until eventually after what had seemed like and eternity either the neck or his sword had given out but his arm was free. his vision was blurry and he didn't know what had happened all he did know was that he was going to pass out. Again. as he fell to the floor he felt nothing and drifted off but before he fell asleep he could have sworn he heard a voice not Granites or any that he knew saying. "Thank you."