
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Noble Vampire

Everything was silent except for the rhythmic dripping of blood. The vampire's hand was coated in blood. Remy lay on the ground, her face twisted with horror. Hiro was above her, smiling. The vampire's hand had ripped through his chest but Hiro was clutching on to the hand with everything he had left. "Quick Badurad kill this bastard!" Badurad was in shock. Everything was numb. The rage was different to anything he had felt before. It was scary anger. It was almost peaceful. The world seemed monochrome. His vision failed. Everything was lost and then flames swelled up from his heart burning hotter than he had ever felt. Badurad was gone, there was Zel, there was only rage and flame. There was only one single command, one single thought. kill kill kill kill kill kill kill KILL. Flames towered into the sky and then condensed back into badurad. The awesome power cracking the floor and leveling the castle. Badurad changed his eyes, burning red. Wing sprouted from his back. They were black and leathery and thinly stretched between bones. Horns burst through Badurad's head. Badurad was numb. There was nothing left inside him, he exploded with pure, unrefined power. The vampire started to shake and cry pulling at his hand desperately trying to escape but Hiro held on with all his might, blood pouring from his eyes dropping from his cheek falling onto Remy's face and mixing with her tears. Badurad advanced slowly. "No no no stray back stay back. You, you're supposed to be my prey, my food, how can this be? you you you demon stay away from me. The vampire then cut his hand off and started to jump away running desperately into the snow but Badurads wings flapped creating a violent wind that knocked Koto back. John and Koto were standing to the side shivering and shaking at the image of the demon. Badurad shot after the vampire, the snow melting all around. The vampire was flying into the distance but Badurad grabbed his ankle and pulled him down to his eye level. The demon's red eyes peered into the vampire's soul. Abneal wriggled and writhed trying to get free from the demon's grasp. But he was thrown into the floor, smashing the ground. The vampire tried to crawl away but the Demon fell to the floor and picked him up by his hair and kicked him in the stomach. His whole leg extended, pushing the body into the sky breaking through clouds. Badurad once again lifted into the sky and chased after the vampire who was falling down. Badurad punched the flailing man in the back, making him smash into the ground. Badurad stood above him and pulled his broken face up, punching it back down, repeatedly pounding the skull until it was flat. The vampire's brains were strewn across the shattered stones and his blood flowing into the cracks filling the land. Badurad stood up, walking away. But then a familiar drone of footsteps charged towards Badurad the horde of Vampire vassels. "You didn't think I'd be that easy to kill did you?" The Vampire said, standing up, his face reforming. "You bastard that hurt. Now die. You have any idea how many souls I've obtained? I have walked this land for centuries. You'd have to kill me millions of times to be able to kill me." Badurad turned to the monsters that were charging towards him. He simply waved his hand flames sweeping across the ground like a tidal wave.Burning the monsters until they couldn't move. Then he walked back over to the vampire who was in shock at the complete annihilation. Badurad grabbed the Vampire by his face, blasting him with fire. The vampire's face was incinerated, and then reformed then incinerated. The vampire screamed for hours as his lives were used up. The flames burning through him, he died over and over. The flames consumed his flesh as soon as it reformed. After ten minutes it was dead. Badurad walked away, tears streaming down his face. Hiro Hiro Hiro HIRO!! I need to save him. I must protect him Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HIRO!!! He focused on nothing else. "Badurad are you ok?" shouted Koto but Badurad ignored him, walking past to Hiro's corpse. He pulled the hand out of his limp body. Hiro didn't have a pulse. Badurad pulled him close to himself, hugging him tight and pulling him away from Remy who was still lying on the ground covered in Hiro's blood. She grabbed out at Hiro as he was pulled away from her. Badurad was crying tears streaming down his blank face as he walked away from the group and fell to his knees on the pile of corpses. He had no rage left, only sadness. He felt empty and his spirit left him. The wings folded back into his back and his horns retreated into his head. And his eyes returned to normal. And then passed out holding Badurad close to his chest. Badurad lay still. He was half dead. The world was spinning and everything was red. Blood covered every inch of his body. He could no longer tell whose blood it was. He lay lifeless upon a pile of monsters. The moon covered his vision. His pupils white with the reflection. Until Hiro stirred, his chest reforming in a swirl of blood and flesh. "Badurad? How..... How am I alive?" Badurad looked at his undead friend. His eyes had turned from green to a dark red and fangs poked out from his mouth. Remy ran forward, tears streaming down her face. "Hiro you're ok thank goodness. I'm so happy and thank you for saving me!" She ran forward and tackled him to the ground, hugging him so tightly Hiro couldn't breathe. But he didn't resist the two embraced as the rest of them tended to Badurad's wounds wrapping him in bandages. But badurad was not bothered by any of his injuries. He was so happy he didn't stop crying for hours.