
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Blood Plague

The cathedral shone against the sky like a beacon guiding them home. Badurad couldn't walk anymore the curse had taken that much. Their wagon rolled into the city bumping across the stones and rattling up the streets. They arrived at a dusty old building on the second to last floor. Badurad was hauled in and out on a bed. His breathing was laboured and he couldn't move half his chest and his arm was completely purple, the plague spreading faster than imagined. The doctor started to chant, writing magic circles and placing them around the bed. Green light shone out from the doctor's hands spreading over Badurad's body. The purple bruises started moving slower and then stopped. The doctor sighed and lit a cigarette putting it to her mouth. "Shit, I can't do anything but slow down the spread. My healing magic isn't strong enough." she said, biting her cigarette, the ashes falling to the ground. She then raised her leg, stamping out the embers. "There must be something we can do!?" shouted hiro with distress in his voice.

"There must be something we can do!" Protested Remy

"Yeah Badurad is the strongest he can't die!" Koto shouted.

"Indeed he is strong but this is something you cannot kill with fire. Luckily for you though your friendly spirit is here to impart knowledge." said Shlok hovering above them on a ceiling holding a book, his slightly curled hair standing on end. "Firstly the blood plague is linked to magical power. So the fact that Badurad had such an outburst of magical power has really damaged him. Now there are a few options: Firstly we could seal his power away basically reverting him to a civilian stripping him of all his strength, Another option is to simply kill him and put him out of the misery although I feel you would be rather opposed to that plan, so the only remaining option would be to travel to the capital of the UMRS and find an arch mage there who will help Badurad." The group were devastated by the options. It was so unlikely to get an arc mage to help them that it seemed like the only options were to kill him or let him live as a peasant.

They all sat round a small wooden table in the middle of Badurad's house. Hiro was explaining the situation to Badurad's mother and his sister was weeping into Koto's arms. "I know my son…. He is stubborn just like his father. To him I know that living without his strength and losing his status as noble would be worse than death. He is kind and cares about us very much and I know he would never forgive any one of us if we let him lose his strength and I also know he'd still go on quests and adventures no matter how injured or weak he was. I know it's risky but the only option is to go to Lignostad even if it leads to his death. It breaks my heart to even suggest this as a mother but I know my son and I know this is what he would want." His sister, her face red with tears, nodded.

"Badurad? Are you still there? You can't die on me yet. So wake up!" Badurad's eyes shot open sitting up straight. He was lying in Nakoro. "Now now becoming a demon, not very noble of you. Don't you think? To think that a human could possess such power again I never thought I'd see something like that. I wish I could fight that demon you've been harbouring but I fear our clash could end up destroying everything and then I'd be bored so alas I shall not fight you yet my dear child." Before badurad was a smallish boy he was wearing a black hooded shirt. He was grinning, the kind of careless smile that comes with innocence or power.

"You, you are god?" he said, staring blankly at me.

"Wow, truly impressive although I feel it was slightly helped by that guy who i talked to the other day who was he?….. Oh yes, Zeldrick! Anyway onto more important matters. I have been watching for a while since being as powerful as me gets old really fast and The demon realm has been quiet for a few eons so no one worth fighting is there. Now to the real reason you are here."

The boy fell back into a chair that manifested instantly. It was a grand chair embroidered with gold and rich wood.

"Now kid what the hell do you think you're doing! You didn't hear the story from uum Zeldriclk. you know your line has to continue no matter what right? So what the hell do you think your doing turning into an A ranked demon why are humans so damn stupid. They were made to be food but somehow they became the ruling race. Why did this happen? Why do I have to deal with the fallout when one of you idiots decides to gain divine or demonic power and then goes and dies? This is such a pain. Oh well just as soon as you wake up from your disease learn to controll the fucking power instead of letting it consume you. Also Badurad If you die from this illness you will most certainly not rest in peace." and with that the conversation was over. Badurad saw only a white light and then opened his eyes.

He was lying down in the back of a wagon. The sun was shining overhead. ["So you met god huh? He's a scary guy right? Now don't move, the illness feeds off magical power so any movement will cause it to spread."] badurad's body was covered in purple. Half of his body had been covered in blotches as it spread up his veins and crawled through his body.

The sun stopped shining as they moved into the city of lignostad, they had entered a gate. as they moved through light burst through the gate welcoming them into the city. The scenery was beautiful, it was warm and kind.

It was magical

I will be taking a break for a few weeks but I will resume soon. I am sorry if this was a bit of a cliffhanger but I will resolve it soon. thank you everyone who has been reading and add the book to your library to be notified as soon as the next chapter is released

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