
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Goblins

The cave swallowed the four knights as they plunged into the blackness of the mountain. As they walked through the twisting paths only guided by a thin beam of light from their torches. the blackness consuming all light. They travelled deeper and deeper through the caverns for about twenty minutes all light from the outside had disappeared. Then suddenly through the blackness came a light bright and fierce. "NO! It's been twenty Goddamn minutes since we entered this cave. How have we been turned around." exasperated Aleard. "Shut up for a second that does not look like the light of the Sun." Replied Reny as she crept slower to the origin of the light. As the rest of them followed they all peered from behind a rock they saw a town. it was not as big and Guilerant and sparsely lit. They could see a wide empty cave filled with wooden huts and houses built into the side of the caves. They see small green people scurrying around building swords like the towns of Dedeford Instantly recognising them three of the knights walk down to the town. Aleard, Badurad and Hiro.

Aleard walked in front of the others with steadfast resolve. "Listen up you unholy swine I the great knight Aleard have come to slay you and save the town of Guilurant! Now step forward and receive divine punishment through me and accept your death!" Aleard was met by a series of snickers from the goblins as one charged towards him with a thin amount of wooden plates on him and tattoos covering his green skin. Aleard responded by dropping his blade with immense force bringing it down on the goblins head. Triumphantly he smiled as the goblins head opened up splitting the entire goblin in two pulverising it's head. However this victory was short lived as three more goblins charged at Aleard and again he raised his sword but this time he was impaled by the three daggers. Aleard screamed out in pain dropping his sword. "How dare you, you insolent dog I am a noble of the augustice line I am of the most powerful line how could you pierce my skin." Ranted Aleard desperately but no sooner than he had gotten the words out he was jumped on by another six goblins climbing on him and stabbing him until he screamed out praying, pleading for help. The other two sprung into action awakened from being stunned by the horrors they had witnessed. They both ran forward Aleard was now covered in Goblins being scratched and stabbed by an endless voley of green flesh. The two knights leaped to Aleard's side, hacking at the pile of goblins. They spilled Gallons of blood until the beady yellow eyes fixed on them, the Goblins flung themselves at the two knights climbing over each other like a wave crashing on beaches, all of them scrambling and clawing at the two knights. Hiro and Badurad fended them of with a series of strikes. However it was futile the wall of goblins never ceased and in that moment a goblin broke free and lunged at Badurad and as it seemed all was over and arrow flew right by his head launching it backwards. However the onslaught did not stop for this all three of them did their best to hold off the Goblins swinging and thrashing at the indomitable wall of enemies.

It had been an hour or so and the pile of goblins almost covered the cane. Blood was covering each of them; they were drenched in guts and scratched all over. "Careful monster blood carries disease and anguish. We must clean it up." Remy said in a matrenly tone. They found a stream on the side of the cave. They washed their bodies and armour and bandaged up any scratches and wounds. They burned all the goblin corpses to prevent necromancy. They did all this in silence, not even looking at each other. Then in solemn silence they all peered over Aleard's mangled and scratched corpse. It was torn apart and barely recognizable. They constructed a pire out of the houses in the cave and gave him a proper burial collecting his ashes for his family. They then set off again further into the cave.

The next opening was only half an hour away and had a slightly bigger village with more shops and had more goblins. they dispatched them more easily than before using range and shadows to their advantage. then again in the same fashion they cleaned themselves and their armour burning the goblins as they went. they had not yet spoken in roughly an hour. Reny was the first to break the silence. "This is horrible there is so much blood I need to rest and pray please allow me to re adjust myself." The other two nodded silently and they all sat down on a rock. They opened their bags and ate lunch again in silence as rivers of blood flowed through the village. Then after a short break they moved onto the third village. This one was considerably larger with a fully constructed town and a hall which was big and made of stone. There were no paths out of the cave; they knew this was the last part of the cavern. They walked into the village killing as many as they could but they knew that to end this they had to kill the leader. " Badurad go on ahead we will deal with the goblins you go ahead and end this." Badurad nodded and charged forward with his sword flung out to his side like a wing. he ran through fields of goblins but no longer hesitated and cut them down without mercy slashing and cleaving his way through goblin after goblin until he reached the gates of the hall. He looked back to his comrades to check that they were okay and as they promised they were holding off the goblin onslaught. Without further consideration Badurad pushed the giant doors and pressed forwards into the hall.