
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


The forest was bright and vibrant as Remy stepped onto the island. After leaving the land of magic she chose to expand her capabilities with the bow and headed to the land of elves and high magic. Nixland. She stepped onto the island, her bow clutched in her hands. Twigs and leaves crunched under her boot as she wandered onto the strange island. Deeper into the forest she walked, the sea behind her disappearing.

Further into the woods, deeper into the island. She walked for hours but there was no sign of civilization. Eventually she walked into a shrine, a small stone building with stairs retreating into the darkness. She grabbed a torch from her pocket and lit it, the yellow fire tumbling over itself a bright glow shining out as it hit the stone walls, Her steps echoed out into the pitch black. When she reached the bottom the entire room blazed with a brilliant light, it was huge. The room reached off into the distance thousands upon thousands of stone beds lining the walls. Remy gasped holding her hand to her mouth as the torch clattered to the floor. The wall glowed with a plain golden light.

"What troubles you girl? What brings you to the land of death? What brings you to the end of our noble species?"

A tall man with golden hair stepped out, he was encased in a golden light and had long pointed ears. His eyes were a beautiful green as they stared down at her.

"What are you?"

"A high elf of course, but you seem to be not of our line so I must ask you again why do you come to our sanctuary?"

"My name's Remy, I'm an archer and I came here to get better to become more powerful."

"Ah yes power the pursuit of all. So my dear, what were you hoping to learn from the dead?"

More ghosts walked out of their graves, a crowd of golden haired people staring at her.

"I… I don't know, when I was younger my brother spoke of the elves as mystic beings who controlled the woods and their bows with perfection, so something like that I suppose."

"The woods? Oh my dear you haven't worked it out by now? We don't control the woods, or our bows, the high elves hold dominion over the dead."

The first man dipped his head to look eye level with Remy, a smile creeping across his face.

"So my dear, what do you say? Would you like to learn necromancy?"

Horror struck Remy's face, her eyes widening as she looked at them. Then a single thought crossed her mind, a single rhythmic sound. The scent, the sight, the taste. Everything came back to her in excruciating detail. Her face returned to normal and she corrected her posture standing tall and she nodded determination in her eyes.

The next year was spent learning magic, learning to imbue her arrows with a dark power, the power to reanimate corpses as ghouls and zombies, to take the ones you kill and turn them to your undying servants. But every time she thought of giving up she had the same thought, memory, nightmare, the view as a hand stabbed through hiro's chest. As she lied helplessly, his blood flowing everywhere.

After that year was done she was sent into a den of wolves, hungry blood thirsty wolves that crowded around her every movement watching her every step. In three days she walked out, covered in blood. And one hundred wolves followed. All covered in the same black and purple magic, their movements controlled by their magic. Their corpses rotting in their homes, their souls held by Remy.

"Well done my dear, you pick this up very quickly indeed. What would you like to learn next, we have thousands of ghosts here and each one has a speciality. I'm sure we could find one that suits your tastes."

"You have an archer?"

"Well, slightly. We have a conjurer and he sometimes uses arrows and bows."

For the next year she was taught the art of conjuring, the ability to call forth an arrow at any moment, no need for quivers or to make arrows. She studied hard each day spending all her time listening to spirits. Spending all her time with ghosts in a grave. After a year and a half she talked to the leader, the chief. Equinal.

"Why are you all dead? If you don't mind me asking, I got the impression that you were all still living."

"It's the same tale of all the magical races, we are different, immortal, sinister and so the church and the humans fought us off leaving us to a small island and eventually came to finish the job killing every last one of the elves, only us the high elves remain, since we are the dead now we may continue living as spirits. We are supposed to live on with our ancestors and pass on when all our knowledge has been taught, that's why secrets in elven society are completely prohibited. Murder of any kind is pointless. We had an idyllic land looking back. But alas we couldn't hold up to the holy knight James and his armies. But anyway we shall live on until we have taught you everything and then, we shall finally pass on and live in peace."

Remy's eyes welled with tears as she looked at her new friends.

"Why? Why do you want to leave?"

"Because we've lived for hundreds of years. We are all bored and want to die permanently."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she uttered her final words to them.


A dark purple light creeped up their legs consuming each and every one of them. The chief was the last to go, his face encased in blackness and purple light, his golden hair turning a bright purple.

"Why? What are you doing? Remy? Please? Don't hold us from our rest any longer. Please? Re…."

His face turned black his eyes glowing a bright purple as his glowing hair flowed down to his shoulders like a neon waterfall.

She walked out of the cript tears rolling down her cheeks and falling to the stone stepps as she was followed by an army of thousands of elves. They all disappeared, being swallowed into her as they walked onto the boat.