
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


His fist slammed into the wall. He gritted his teeth as he bowed his head. The sight of his hero lying half dead in a hospital bed flashing in front of him, the view of Badurad's arm crawling with a purple, disease consuming him, the view from the sidelines. Agan!

Koto's fist slammed into the wall repeatedly as he stared down at his knives, the delegated silver bouncing the light into his brown eyes. Tears dripped onto the steel falling onto the floor. He looked upwards and always he saw them, the geniuses and the powerful. The people who did everything whilst he just stood there with his daggers. Staring as others risked their lives to save his, just like that day, like that day where he was saved by Badurad where he almost dies pushing himself to the limits breaking everything for no other reason but to save him.

Koto shouted out screaming at the top of his lungs as he gripped his knives. He stared down at himself cursing his weakness. He smashed the knives into the floor, the blades bouncing off the floor.

"Bad day?"

He looked up to see a woman, she stood above him wearing armour and smiling.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Rin, But right now I'm more concerned with the boy sobbing in the middle of the streets."

He turned away brushing off the tears and grabbed his daggers walking off up the street. Up to Badurad's house, where he lived. He walked further up the streets and up the floors until he arrived at the large house. He opened the door and stomped up the stairs holding back tears.

At the top of the stairs was a girl. She was wearing a long dress and folded her arms as she saw Koto.

"Where is he? Where is my brother? Is he dead?"


Koto pushed past her walking to his door and turned around to see her hand flying towards his face as she slapped him. The smack echoing through the house.

"That's all you have to say?!?! No. Where is he? What happened? Is he going to be alright?"

"He's fine, we just all decided to wait two years to get more powerful."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, ok!! I'm too weak, I can't get any stronger! There's nothing I can do but stand back from the sidelines and watch as he throws himself at enemies over and over to protect us!"

Koto ran into his room and slammed the door. He jumped onto his bed and cursed himself. He cursed his very existence.

The next day he walked up to the knight floor. He walked into the plea room and searched for the most difficult. But as he was looking a familiar and annoying voice rang out.

"Well look who it is."

Koto spinned his head around and stared at the woman, she was resting her head on her hands leaning on her sword as a table and smiling at him.

"Well, kid want to do a plea with me?"

Koto ended up giving in and whent to clear a bandit camp with her,

"So wanna tell me why you ran off yesterday?"


"Hahahahaha ok"

"Why did you come with me?"

"Honestly? I'm intrigued, not many run away from me and even less don't know who I am."

"You're someone I should know?"

"Hahahaha maybe not, we're coming up on the camp now, watch and I'll show you why People know me."

She walked forward and unsheathed her sword, the scabbard falling in the dirt. A group of bandits walked out, jeering and cheering at the sight of her.

She ran forward her thin sword stabbing into the the closest bandit, a small golden flower bud bloomed at her back slowly unfolding with every kill. She darted across the battlefield killing them with expert precision. The flower on her back grew and grew vines peeling out from the sides and smacking at the bandits until an entire garden had bloomed from her back attacking the entire camp slaughtering them all. She walked back over covered in blood and the flower shrunk back inside her body.

"That was a miracle right?"

"Yeah so I take it you know who I am now."

"Not really, it's a cool miracle though."

Koto walked forward and finished off some of the scavengers and took an item as proof



"You just saw one of the most powerful techniques known to man and it doesn't phase you? What kind of people do you usually fight with?"

"Ever heard of the blue eyed butcher?"

"Aaaah Badurad? This makes much more sense, I saw him in his fight against the little eriasmund, very impressive, so where is he now, dead? Did he drop you? Was that why you were crying?"

"No I was crying if you really must know, because I'm weak. He got hurt really badly and I could do nothing."

"Well now we can always do things about that."

Over the next few years Koto trained with holy knight Rin, they studied where to slice and stab to kill instantly. Rin also gave Shlok authority to teach Koto magic. He learned beastal transformation magic and enhancement magic, he learnt to run faster, kill faster. He learnt to become a beast, a monster. A wild animal. And in his last year he completed hundreds of quests and plea's he raided dozens of bandu=it camps and killed thousands of monsters. Shlok gave him an encyclopedic knowledge of all the monsters known to man and an encyclopedia of transformations, forms, and battle styles to take on. Libraries worth of knowledge to draw on in every battle. And also during the three years he drew closer with Lily, Badurad's sister. They became close friends as he grew more and more powerful, and as they grew up together.

Then the day came for him to go back to lignostad, the time came for him to reunite with his friends, older, stronger and ready to fight for himself.