
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


The small boat docked on the dark moors, the fog encapsulating the island in a sinister energy. The entire island seemed to float over the seas covered in a black mist.

Hiro walked onto the island, the grey dirt crunching under his boots. His new red eyes wavering on this new plain. He hadn't smiled since his transformation, only a somber look of distance.

He walked in on the island pushing past dead plants and abandoned homes. Until finally he reached what he sealed, a small town on the island of blood, Vampirehaven. The one place safe from monster hunters and civilisation, the island of vampires and eternal night.

"HEY! You stay away!"

Hiro was wearing a black cloak that covered his face, he drew the hood back looking up at the vampire with his red eyes.

"Oh, you're one of us. I'm sorry kid and welcome to Vampirehaven."

Hiro walked into the settlement dragging his hood over his face once more. He walked through the streets, they were abandoned and run down, the whole place reeked of desperation and sadness. He walked up to the biggest building he could find and knocked.


A weary man walked out of the door. He had white hair and red eyes and fangs poked out of his pale mouth.

"Are you the vampire king?"

"Well hardly king of much anymore but yes and who are you?"

"My name's Hiro and I fought Abneal he stabbed me through the heart with his hand but when it was cut off the blood fell into my body and now I'm a vampire, I came here in search of power."

"Ah Abneal that bastard I exiled him a while ago, But Hiro if you were fighting him then I suppose you can't be too bad. But I have but one question for you, also we noble vampires have heightened senses so I'll know if you're lying. My question, young Hiro is, what do you desire power for? "

"I am a knight with my friends, we have a household but the man who leads it is much more powerful than any of us, I have to see him time and time again fight risking his life and sanity pushing himself to the limits and I can do nothing, I don't particularly want to be a vampire but if it'll help me fight by his side again then I'll do whatever it takes."

"A knight eh? Well I've had bad experiences with those but if being hunted by the whole world has taught me anything it's that you shouldn't judge somebody by something as petty as knights and vampires, so Hiry I will teach you the blood arts but be warned it's a painful and hellish process."

"That's great but um, Hiry?"

"A nickname of sorts."

He laughed and pushed the door open, the hinges creaking as it flew open.

Hiro spent the next year learning blood magic, he learnt all sorts of manipulation. The vampiric arts are very diverse, spreading from conjuring swords to trapping someone in an infinite nightmare. He learnt noble sword play and magic.

"King? What happened to this place, I heard it was a huge city with thousands of vampires."

"It was Hiry, it was. But sadly one hundred years ago the eastern federation launched a war against vampires and wiped out half our population, then in outrage the vampires split into two factors, the first a war and blood hungry people who wanted to over take a nation and feast becoming the regal being we are supposed to be. And the peaceful people who wanted to lie low and study magic furthering our culture and wisdom. We took part in a bloody civil war with two enemy commanders. Me on the side of wisdom and Abneal on the side of war. Our royal family was attacked and slaughtered by Abneal. We eventually triumphed but ninety percent of our original population was dead. I stripped abneal of most of his powers exiling him to live in the north and claimed the throne. People say the newborn son escaped the slaughter so at this point I am sitting on the throne of an empty kingdom waiting for the true ruler to return. A vampire's life is a truly sad and pathetic existence. Its entirely possible that we can live forever. I've live for eons and seen thousands of kings come and fall, I've seen humans turn on me and people have thrown me out of every village I called home, after milenia of wandering this bleak and empty world I found this island with my king, he opened his home and heart to me, and in return I will guard what is left of his domain with my life and await the one who survived. I am sorry Hiry, being a vampire is a life of solitude, of loneliness. Even if you were to find a human that accepts you they would die in the blink of an eye."

With that the conversation ended, the reality of what he was set into Hiro.

A year later after months of endless study and practise the king eventually took Hiro out to a field, a lone ring where he challenged him.

"Well now my student, let's see what you've learnt."

They stepped into the ring and slit their wrists, the crimson liquid spilling out. Hiro pounced forward with a sword forming in his hand as he smashed it down into the King's shield. Hiro jumped backwards, resting his left hand behind his back and correcting his stance. He ran forward once more, his bloody blade shining in the moonlight. It crashed into the shield, the blood spilling onto the floor. Hiro clicked his fingers and several spikes darted up from the earth forcing the king to jump backwards, his stance was weakened as he landed, Hiro ran forward the blood sprawling back to his hand in the form of a hammer, he smashed it into the side of the king and it formed back into a sword, Hiro cut his left hand and blood spurted outwards forming extra arms grabbing the king. Hiro threw him into the air and the blood wrapped around his back making wings as he flew up into the air. His sword pointed up as he relentlessly chased the king. His eyes gleamed with a bright red.

"Heh I knew I recognised that sent. My king."

The king fell down to the earth, his blood draining from his body and making a giant claw that slammed Hiro back into the ground. The king walked over to Hiro who was lying in the ground, he crouched down to the ground and grabbed Hiro's wrist pulling it up to his mouth, the king's tongue covered the blood lapping it into his mouth.

"Ahhh these eyes and such pure blood, I should've known. So it was true, I'm so happy. It appears Hiry is the rightful king. I'm so glad i found you, This is your kingdom"

"What, Me? A king? That can't be right."

"Oh I'd know that taste anywhere, but it seems there are other problems. Child please leave this island and continue your adventures and studies and in say a hundred years come back and rule, take over this country and turn it into the thriving nation it once was. It's been a while since I've had hope so please my student live your human life and then claim your rightful position as vampire king."

As promised Hiro set aboard his boat again, he set off from the island and back to the main continent, after three years he was finally going back.