
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Your mother and father... Who are they?

As Qing Lian and Tian Jing continued their intimate session, an uproar erupted among cultivators across the world. The announcement of the Grand Martial Tournament had just been made, introducing drastic changes to the age and cultivation restrictions. The age limit was reduced from 16 to 12, allowing anyone between the ages of 12 and 25 to participate. Furthermore, the cultivation base restriction was lowered to the Spirit Origin realm, and the participation fee was completely removed.

These new rules left many cultivators puzzled, as they seemed designed to encourage as many participants as possible. Some believed these changes wouldn't affect the outcome, while others thought they could bring about unexpected results. Seeking experience and the opportunity to witness the prowess of other cultivators, even those with lower cultivation levels or ordinary cultivation bases at the upper end of the age limit decided to join.

People from all corners of the world began flocking to the imperial city, Liang City, eager to witness and partake in the renowned tournament. Excitement and anticipation grew as the date of the tournament approached, promising a grand event for all who attended.

A little over one month passed, and Tian Jing and Qing Lian helped each other through another session. With just one week left until the start of the Grand Martial Tournament, Tian Jing was still cultivating in his room, sending shockwaves through the area. Qing Lian, startled by the vibrations, opened her eyes and smiled as she realized what was happening. She quietly stepped out of her room and sat down outside Tian Jing's door, not wanting to disturb him without permission.

The shockwaves and intense energy continued as Tian Jing approached a breakthrough. He opened his eyes and murmured, "1st level of the Spirit Lord Realm." Sensing Qing Lian waiting for him, he smiled softly. He had already developed some affection, not just because of their intimate sessions but also because of the time when she listened and learned and they chatted a little whenever he taught her cultivation skills. He had taught her several movement and combat techniques, including the Veil of Shadow.

As he opened the door, Qing Lian knelt down and greeted, "Master..." Tian Jing nodded to her and gestured for her to follow him. They were leaving the building, which puzzled Qing Lian. "Master, isn't the tournament still a week away?" she asked.

Tian Jing replied, glancing at her excited violet eyes, "Yes, but normally, people should have arrived one week ago. We are actually late, which is not a problem though." As he took out his flying treasure from the storage ring, a woman quickly descended from the sky. It was Lin Mei, with grateful eyes, who immediately knelt down. This action surprised Qing Lian, but Tian Jing nonchalantly replied without looking at her as he prepared the flying boat, "Get up. I didn't give you that cultivation technique to gain your admiration or gratitude. Just continue what you are doing."

Finishing his sentence, he boarded the flying treasure and glanced at Qing Lian. She immediately jumped on, and the two left. Lin Mei remained kneeling, muttering, "I know... but thank you."

As they flew towards Liang City, Qing Lian curiously looked at Tian Jing. He was too mysterious for her. She wanted to ask something about his past. He had casually killed more than twenty cultivators while his cultivation was one or two major realms lower than theirs. She knew that he was also a demon from the techniques he taught her. He had mentioned that these techniques were too precious, having been created by the greatest demon. 'Greatest Demon?' She didn't know but was really curious about whom he was referring to and how he obtained them.

"M-Master, may I ask a question that might overstep my boundaries?" she asked timidly, stuttering a little. Tian Jing glanced at her as he continued to control the flying treasure. He saw the curiosity and a little worry in her eyes. He sighed and nodded.

"Master... your father and mother... who are they..?" she asked the question she had wanted to ask all the time. She wanted to know where he came from, how he was so powerful and knowledgeable, how he knew about the upper heavens and her race, and why he was in the lowest heaven.

Tian Jing froze at the question, which Qing Lian noticed, trembling a little at his unusual reaction. "I... I—" She tried to retract her question, but Tian Jing gestured for her to stop. His hair waved in the wind from their speed as he looked towards the horizon and sighed deeply.

Calming a little, he began. At first, he wanted to just say they were mortals, which was true of his second parents, but she wouldn't believe him since she knew he was a demon. Honestly, she didn't. no, she couldn't try to understand how he was a demon. She knew they were extinct five million years ago.

He replied, "A Dragon and A Demon." He didn't turn back while he spoke those words. His expression was full of dignity and pride, his eyes leaking with authority and power. Hearing those words, Qing Lian froze, trying to process them. 'A Dragon... A Demon...?' Memories began to resurface.


"Mom? You said dragons don't have an emperor. They are ruled by several kings. Why is that?" Qing Lian asked, her tails gently swishing behind her.

"Because their emperor died a long time ago," her mother replied, her ears twitching slightly.

"Hmm? How?" she asked with curiosity, her eyes wide.

Her mother froze at the question, she struggled to reply. "Sweetie, this is a sensitive topic, and most dragons don't even know," she said, her voice tinged with hesitation.

"Mom, I won't tell anyone. How can I? I don't have anyone else, just you," Qing Lian insisted, her ears perked up with earnestness.

Her mother sighed, her ears drooping slightly as she decided she could tell her. "He died trying to save his wife... The Demon Goddess. They were.."


As the memories flashed and finished, she widened her eyes while trembling. His techniques... the ones he taught her and how he turned her into a demon. 'M-Master is so-'

She couldn't finish her thoughts as she felt immense pressure on her spine. She knelt down involuntarily. The title of the child of the dragon god and demon goddess was too heavy. Her eyes looked at his back while trembling. "Master..." she weakly said, her tone full of admiration.

He withdrew his expression while turning back, seeing the alluring fox trembling while trying hard to lift her head to look at him. He smiled gently. Bending down slowly while moving close to her, their faces were really close. Seeing his soft gaze and unchanged behavior, Qing Lian's trembling softened. She started to blush, looking at his handsome face and beautiful purple eyes. Tian Jing patted her head, feeling her soft ears and hair, then lifted her chin a little forcefully.

"Be proud. You don't have to kneel down to anyone other than me, don't have to obey anyone other than me, and don't need to be scared of anyone other than me. You are my servant, Qing Lian. you are mine." He said the last words with possessiveness. He knew what he implied. A master calling his servant by his name meant only one thing. He wasn't seeing her just as an obeying machine but as having an attachment and feelings for her. It was his first time saying her name and also the possessiveness struck Qing Lian deeply. She couldn't control her composure. Her body heated up while her face completely reddened.

Removing his hand from her chin, he turned back as they were close to the city. Qing Lian dropped to the wooden boat's floor with a thud as Tian Jing removed his hand. She was breathing heavily while looking at his back, trying to process the words. Her body jolted. 'He said my name. And also...' She trembled. 'I-I am H-His' Her body jolted again. She began recalling all the memories she had with him. Calming down a little, she looked at his back, and she whispered full of love, "Master.." After saying that, She closed her eyes, a little exhausted by the sudden events.


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