
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

So-So Big! (R18)

Tian Jing nodded at her, moving his legs and relaxing his body. Seeing his permission, Qing Lian crawled closer to his crotch area, gulping nervously as she approached her master's tent. "E-Excuse me," she said, a little embarrassed, as she moved her hands to the robe sash around Tian Jing's waist and proceeded to untie it.

While she undressed the lower part of his robes, Tian Jing's eyes were drawn to her juicy buttocks, accentuated by her tight clothing and the way her tail peeked out, making her rear even more inviting. When she untied the robe enough, Tian Jing felt a sudden jolt of pressure as his huge member was freed, flinching up with lightning speed as if it had been waiting for this moment. Qing Lian caught off guard, let out a surprised, cute yell, closing her eyes instinctively as his heavy rod slapped her face suddenly.

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw his member right in front of her face, covering her vision. "So-So Big!" she involuntarily blurted and gulped, which made Tian Jing chuckle inwardly. Instinctively, she slowly raised her slender hands, wanting to touch it, her gaze completely locked on his majestic rod. She gently lifted it from her face, moving a little back while both hands now gently grabbed it as if afraid it could harm him. She lifted her reddened head up, looking at her master. He nodded at her, signaling she could start.

Not knowing exactly what to do but eager to please, Qing Lian began stroking it gently with her tiny delicate hands, her body starting to heat up with the intimate act. Her movements were hesitant at first, but she gradually grew bolder, feeling the heat and firmness of his member in her grasp. 

Tian Jing watched her as she continued faster. He could see her dedication and determination to please him

A few minutes passed as Qing Lian continued to stroke him with both hands, her movements becoming more confident. She didn't realize, as she was focused on her task, but her love juices had already started to drip.

Being already aroused and lustful from the yang Qi overflow, Tian Jing's precious, thick, and hot yang Qi, a Primordial Dragon's yang Qi, started to come out. Even though it was a small amount for now, the scent was too strong. Qing Lian's strong sense of smell instantly picked up on it. 'What is this...' Her hand movements slowed as she felt a strange feeling deep within her body. 'I... want to' Her body instinctively moved while her hands left his manhood.

As a special Yin Qi producer, Qing Lian was sensitive to Yang Qi and Tian Jing's primordial dragon physique; his yang Qi attracted her greatly. She instinctively opened her tiny mouth and took his tip inside.

"Mmnmn..." Qing Lian made a soft sound as she tasted the tip of his precious rod, licking his white, thick preliquid. Her eyes widened in surprise at the suddenly pleasant taste. She glanced up at Tian Jing, noticing his pleased expression. She decided to keep it in her mouth. Determined, she opened her mouth wider, struggling with the huge size, but she continued, her desire to pleasure him driving her forward.

As the end of it touched the back of her mouth, she waited a few seconds to get used to it. Looking once more at her master's face, she saw he was smiling at her. She felt happy and started to move her head back and front passionately.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

Her passionate sounds echoed through the room while her lower area kept wetting the floor. At first, she didn't move her soft pink tongue, but wanting to do something more, she began to roll her tongue all over him. She moved faster and eagerly as she felt his master's face getting distorted from pleasure and more of his preliquid coming out. With his liquid and her saliva all over the huge member, the sound of her sucking grew louder and louder.


She locked her beautiful eyes onto him and kept her head moving back and forth while her soft tongue surrendered to his member. Seeing his pleased face, she wanted more. She wanted to please him even further. Slowly, she raised her hands to grab his heavenly rod while keeping it inside. She liked its hardness, grabbing it passionately.

Suddenly, she sensed she was completely wet. She had been too focused on him and didn't realize how aroused she was. She felt her pink entrance was slowly moving, wanting a little attention, but she didn't want to stop pleasing her master. So, she decided to endure her lust.

Tian Jing was getting closer, truly aroused, his breathing becoming heavy as he experienced a heavenly treatment. He looked at the alluring fox, eagerly sucking him, she was completely aroused yet not stopping even for a moment, continuing passionately. He felt warm and patted her head, this time not pulling back, enjoying the feel of her cute ears and alluring hair.

The sudden touch jolted Qing Lian's body, but she didn't stop her movements. The touch on her sensitive, vulnerable ears made her entrance even more desperate for touch. She tried to control herself with great effort as her body began to tremble, desperate to satisfy herself. Seeing her desperate state, Tian Jing said. "Touch yourself."

Hearing his voice, her eyebrows twitched. He said 'Touch yourself' not, 'You can touch' so even though she wanted to give her all to him, she obeyed. Slowly moved one of her slender hands to her pink flower. As it touched her entrance, she jolted but controlled herself, continuing to move her head. She inserted her white finger into her pink, completely wet cave. While she continued pleasing Tian Jing, she started to move her finger inside herself.

Qing Lian started moaning softly while his shaft was bathing in her saliva. "Mmmhm" *SLURP* "Mmmhm" *SLURP* Her love juices and his preliquid were coming more and more. Seeing Tian Jing's expression, she felt both of them were close. She began sucking harder, moving faster with both her head and finger. Her body started to tremble and heat up even more; she understood she was close but didn't want to finish before her master. Wanting to please him more, she pondered quickly, 'C-Could it-' But Suddenly sensing she was very close, she stopped thinking and decided to do it.

She removed her other hand and grabbed him tightly. Tian Jing raised his eyebrows at her sudden move but then groaned in pleasure. "Ugh" Qing Lian had moved her head further and was trying to go even deeper . her throat was warm and squezed him tightly. The sudden immense pleasure was overwhelming, and Tian Jing couldn't withstand it any longer. He instinctively helped her by grabbing her head. 



Qing Lian's eyes rolled back, her legs moved involuntarily, and she moaned and gagged at the same time. She was squirting her love juices while gulping, again and again, the precious white liquid, which continued for a while. As they both finished their climax, she slowly withdrew, and a loud 'pop' sound was heard as she took him out. Her saliva still drooled from her lips, creating a vivid connection between them. After calming down a little, she immediately asked him with a little worried tone. 

"W-Was it good, master?" 

He chuckled inwardly at her question, finding it cute. "Yes..." he replied gently.

hearing him, her eyes brightened with joy. She felt happy that she had done a proper job. She wanted to look at him in this state a little more, but her gaze was interrupted by a familiar presence. Seeing his member hardened again quickly, she widened her eyes in surprise. Smiling at his master, she slowly grabbed it with her delicate fingers, surrounding it.

"I-I am continuing, Master..."


Hi please write a cmment about wheter you liked this chapter or not. I want to know where ı should improve myself.

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